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1、从太空看中国空气污染全景徐安琪2012年2月20日 美国科研人员通过卫星数据对中国十年间的PM2.5污染浓度进行了推算。科研团队成员徐安琪揭示了研究结果。“卫星空气质量监测能够弥补地面监测基站建设不足所造成空间断层及信息缺口。”相关文章北京“蓝天”不蓝,问题出在哪? 2011年12月12日 北京的“蓝天”掩不住健康风险 2011年12月5日 清理致命灰霾 2011年10月19日 从遥远的太空俯视地球,或许我们无法看清中国的长城,但是却可以将这个国家的空气污染尽收眼底。最近,我们在耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学和巴特尔研究所的研究团队根据卫星数据对中国各省的可吸入颗粒物浓度进行了研究。尽管这些卫星数据还





6、模型而言,其不确定性大约在25%之间。也就是说,误差在每立方米6.7毫克左右。当然,卫星测绘与地面数据之间也并非严丝合缝。地面实测数据更为准确。可是,卫星空气质量监测却能够弥补地面监测基站建设不足所造成空间断层及信息缺口。同时,卫星能够对空气质量进行持续稳定的监测,从而便于不同时期、不同地区之间进行比较。面对着高涨的舆情,这样的检测手段正是中国决策层所需要的。表三,中国各省市自治区(包括台湾) PM2.5年均浓度时间数据表(2001-2010)(点击看大图)徐安琪,耶鲁大学森林与环境研究学院博士生,2012年环境绩效指标项目负责人。Chasing data in Chinas province

7、sAngel HsuFebruary 21, 2012 The first independent review of provincial-level environmental data highlights a plethora of challenges to transparency in China, writes Angel Hsu, introducing the second of two new studies.“It proved difficult to assess the validity and reliability of official statistics

8、, giving us concerns about how much they reflect the reality of on-the-ground conditions.”Related articlesSeeing Chinas pollution from space February 20, 2012 Beijings hazardous blue sky December 05, 2011 Clearing the haze October 19, 2011 Chinas environmental data has created many international hea

9、dlines in recent months, particularly its controversial air-quality measurements. While Deng Xiaoping urged the Chinese citizenry to “seek truth from facts”, China is still a long way from providing the environmental data and information that allows for just that.My colleagues and I recently release

10、d a study that provides a detailed analysis of provincial-level environmental data in China. We introduced a model framework for environmental performance indicators to assist the Chinese government in tracking progress toward policy goals, as well as recommendations for how the Chinese government c

11、an apply more aggressive performance metrics to environmental decision-making.In total, we looked at 32 indicators in 12 environmental policy categories (among them air pollution, water quality, climate change, biodiversity, agriculture and forestry). The data we reviewed and used to construct these

12、 indicators were all derived from official Chinese statistics.We concluded that the lack of clear policy targets for many environmental metrics in China, as well as concerns over data sources and transparency, hamper the governments ability to effectively address pressing environmental issues at the

13、 provincial level. While the report elaborates these challenges in detail, a few of the main findings are summarised below.First, the existence of baseline environmental data is highly uneven. To develop performance indicators that evaluate the efficacy of environmental policies, baseline data are n

14、ecessary to benchmark performance. Less than half the indicators evaluated had this. Baseline data were most prevalent for economic sustainability indicators (68%) and least prevalent for ecosystem vitality indicators (20%), while environmental health indicators were in the middle (42%). This patter

15、n reflects the priorities of Chinese environmental policymaking in the past decade, which has emphasised pollution control and resource efficiency in the industrial sector.Second, difficulties in accessing raw data hinder data quality evaluation. Our report provides pilot indicators based on officia

16、l statistics; however, we did not have the ability to independently evaluate those statistics. We found that official statistics for most indicators lack detailed information on data collection methods and monitoring systems, and in no instance were we able to obtain raw data from monitoring stations. Nor were we able to obtain data from third parties tha


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