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1、Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?第二课时: Section A 3a - 4学习目标:1. 继续巩固学习如何制作水果沙拉。2. 学会用first,then, next, finally, 来表示事情的先后顺序.课前准备练习: 预习课本p43,翻译下列短语:1. 打开_ 2.切碎 _ 3.把放入 _4.把加到 _ 5.混合 _ 6.两杯酸奶 _ 7.一碗米饭_语言点导学:1. first: (1).作名词,意为“最初,首先”。e.g: at first起初,最先, from first to last自始至终(2).作副词,意为“第一次,首先

2、,最初” e.g: When did you first meet him?你在什么时候初次遇见他的?next:(1)作形容词,“下. ”,常用来表示时间。 e.g: next Sunday, next summer 另外,还有“隔壁”的意思。 e.g: next door隔壁,邻居 next room隔壁(房间) (2)作介词,为“在旁”e.g: a seat next the fire. 炉子旁边的座位。 then: (1)作副词,意为“然后,其次“。 e.g: He went to England, and then to Japan. (3)作名词,“那时“。e.g: by then到

3、那时 from then on从那时以后 finally: 副词,“最后,终于“。通常位于句首,句末或实义动词前。同义词组:in the end, at last e.g: Finally they got to the village.2. Do you like lettuce in sandwiches?你喜欢在三明治中放生菜吗?lettuce为不可数名词, sandwich是可数名词,其复数在其后加es.3. a slice of bread意为“一片面包”,slice用作名词,意为 “薄片,切片”,a slice of用于不可数名词前,表示不可数名词的量,其中slice有单复数变化。

4、 e.g: I would like two slices of bread.A. Put in a teaspoon.B. Let me think.C. Do you like yogurt?D. Good idea.E. May I turn on the blender?F. 课堂练习:一 选择适当的句子补全对话。A: Lets make an apple milk shake.B: _ . What do we need?A: _ .Cut up two apples, pour two cups of milk into the blender. By the way, _B: Y

5、es, I like it very much.A: OK, add a cup of yogurt.B: What else do wo need?A: Well. If you like honey, _ Thats all.B: _A: Sure.We can drink it soon.二 用所给单词的适当形式填空。Finally, much, many, teaspoon, first, make, cup, thenA:How do you _ fruit salad?B:_, cut up some bananas.A:How _ bananas?B:Three. _ put t

6、he fruit in a bowl.A:What else do we need?B: I need three _ of honey and a little yogurt. _. Mix it all up.A:But how_ yogurt do you need?B:Just one _ of yogurt.A:Oh, I know. Thank you very much.课后练习 一 单项选择( ) 1.How _yogurt do you need? A.many B.a little C.much( ) 2 .I need_. A.two slice of bread B.t

7、wo slices bread C.two slices of bread( ) 3.How _ cups of milk do you drink every day? A.much B.many C.a little( ) 4.-How much honey does your mother need? -She needs_. A.two teaspoons of honey B.two honey C.two teaspoons of honeys( ) 5.Its easy_a banana milk shake. Let me help you. A.do B.to do C.to

8、 make二:完形填空 Milk is said to be the best of all foods because it has _1_ of the things - fat, sugar and others that the _2_ needs. People use milk to _3_ many different foods - cakes, sweets, yogurt and so _4_ .Many British and American people like to drink tea or coffe _5_ milk in it .Doctors say most people will be healthier if they drink more milk .( )1.A . some B.most C few D little ( )2.A. people B.head C.body D.health ( )3.A .have B.do C.eat D.make ( )4.A on B. so C.much D.that ( )5.A .in B.with C. without D.after 3



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