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1、一堂阅读课的课堂活动.Teaching Contents Module 7 Unit4 Sharing Reading: A Letter HomeII.Analysis of teaching material 本单元的话题是Sharing,本课设计的这篇课文是一个志愿者的一封家书,她在巴布亚新几内亚共和国的一个小山村教书。信中详细地描述了她所在学校的情况和她去一个学生家做客的经历。通过这封信,学生可以了解巴布亚新几内亚共和国各部落的生活状况和风俗习惯,同时能够更好地理解志愿者的工作,培养学生互助合作的精神和社会责任感。.Analysis of students1学生经过高中阶段必修1选修6

2、的学习,具备了一定的阅读技能,如查找细节信息,抓住段落要点和全文大意等,在阅读速度方面也有了较大的提高,这有助于学生较好地完成这个课时的课文阅读。2这个单元的话题是分享、帮助与合作。对于高二的学生而言,他们的价值观人生观已经基本形成,本课通过阅读志愿者的家书,了解一些志愿者的工作,小组讨论“如果你是志愿者你将做什么工作?为什么?”帮助学生认识这个世界,理解互助合作的意义,即在帮助他人的过程中实现自己的人生价值。3学生在这节课的学习过程中需要用到预习策略、搜集分析信息策略、归纳整理策略等。.Design of Teaching Objectives 1.Knowledge objectives

3、(1)学生能够正确读写及运用本课出现的单词。(2)学生掌握本课词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用。2.Ability objective(1)强化略读、查读等阅读技能,训练通过寻找关键词、主题句等方式更快速并准确地确定文章的段落大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络的技能。(2)增强阅读理解能力;发展借助图片、表格等非语言信息进行语言输出的能力。3.Affective objectives(1)帮助学生理解志愿者工作的意义,培养学生在日常生活中帮助他人、扶贫救困的爱心。(2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作精神与分享意识。.Teaching Important and Difficult Points

4、 1训练用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力;2. 理解作为志愿者 工作的意义,从而树立正确的价值观。. Teaching Methods 1. Task-based method to make students interested in what they will learn.2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage. 3. Careful reading to get some detailed information. Teaching AidsMultiple-media. Teaching pro

5、cedures and waysStep I Warming-up and lead in1. Enjoy a video and a song, then raise Qsa. What can you see from the video?(Ss are planting trees/helping the disabled/cleaning the street)b. What can you learn from the video ?(to devote our youthful power to the world.)c. What do you mean by “sharing”

6、?(Ss read the meanings together.)2. Show Ss the sign of volunteer, then talk about the meaning of the sign and “ volunteers”.a. Do you know what the sign stands for?( T:A Hand? Ss: Help. T:A Heart? Ss: Love. T: A Dove? Ss: Peace. T: A Letter “Y”? Ss: Youth.)b. Whats the meaning of “a volunteer”?(The

7、 people who are helping others in the video are called volunteers. Volunteers are not paid which means they are not given money, not because they are not worthless but because they are priceless, but because they cannot be measured by money.) c. What voluntary work can volunteers do? (Ss give their

8、answers according to the pictures.)设计说明 本环节主要是课文导入和热身环节,利用多媒体播放和本课主题相关的直观、生动的图片和音乐,创设轻松和谐的课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,自然进入本课话题,教师联系生活实际展开教学。 Step II. Pre-reading1. Look at the title and pictures and try to guess “Whats the authors work?”(a teacher and a volunteer)设计说明 通过看幻灯片呈现的题目和图片,让学生猜测本文作者的工作,激发学生探究问题的兴趣,有利于阅读活动

9、的展开。Step III. While-readingTask 1 Fast reading 1. Skim and scan the text quickly and try to get its main idea.(Ss skim and scan the text)( Then get one student to come to the blackboard to fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.)2. How many paragraphs in the text? Divide it into 4 parts and matc

10、h each part with its main idea.(get one student to do it. Then check the answers.)Part 1 (Para 1) The beginning of the letter and introduction to the topicPart2 (Para 2-3) The school and Jos work as a teacherPart 3 (Para 4-8) A visit to a local villagePart 4 (Para 9) The end of the letter设计说明 快速限时阅读

11、把阅读课文作为整体来处理,掌握主旨大意,这一任务过程中为了降低难度设空完成学生比较容易接受。在对课文表层理解的基础上,要求学生根据每段大意把文章进行划分部分。本环节难度不高,学生都能很好地完成任务,不仅训练和提高了学生略读、查读的阅读技能。而且,提高了学生阅读的积极性。Task 2 Detailed reading1. After knowing the general idea of the text, lead the Ss the customs and lives of people in Tombes village. Listen to the text and pay atten

12、tion to the pronunciation. Meanwhile, read after the listening and underline the detailed information in the text. (Ss listen to the text and read) 2. Look at the screen and fill in the blanks. And answer some questions.Jos high school Its a(n) _ school the classrooms are made from _ and the roofs f

13、rom grass. Theres no _ and we don t have any textbooks.Why do boys jump out of the windows in the science lesson?Why did Jo wonder how relevant chemistry was to the boys?The visit to Tombes homeDescription of the houseA low _ hut with grass _ of the roof No windows, very _doorway Family relationship

14、They have _ and extended familiesCooking methods_ are placed in an oil drum. Vegetables in the drum are covered with _.Sleeping arrangementsJenny and I sleep on _DietWe eat _, _ and greens.PossessionsI can only see a few _Agriculture No machinery Beliefs They believe in evil spirits. They think that

15、 the _ attracts evil spirits so they dry it out in a can over the fire.Answering questions Why did Tombes mother cried “ieee ieee” when she saw Jo?Why did Jo feel it was a privilege to have spent a day with Tombes family?(Ss read the answers) 3. Read aloud to find out some difficulties. (Ss read the text aloud)设计说明 本环节是对课后练习1和2的创造性改编。练习充分发挥多媒体优势教学。先让学生听录音的同时跟读来完成细节信息填空,这样不仅可以训练学生的听力,而且让学生了解了巴布亚新几内亚独立国部落的生活状况和风


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