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1、Remarks to the Caijing Annual Conference财经年会致词JW Marriott Hotel, Beijing北京JW万豪酒店December 15, 20112011年12月15日 Thank you, Mr. Yang, for the very kind introduction. Its always been a pleasure working with you, when I was a governor, for those interviews and also, as you indicated, at the grand opening

2、of the United Family Hospital. Thank you, also, to Caijing Magazine Editor-in-Chief Wang Boming and Boyuan Foundation Chairman Qin Xiao for the invitation to speak here today. This annual conference offers a very important venue for participants from China and abroad to share their perspectives on C

3、hinas future.谢谢杨先生非常客气的介绍。一直很高兴与你在我还是州长时的那些采访合作,还有如你所说的,在和睦家医院开幕典礼上的合作。还要感谢“财经”杂志主编王波明和博源基金会主席秦晓邀请我今天在这里发言。这个年会提供了一个非常重要场所,让来自中国和国外的与会者分享他们对中国未来的观点。Indeed, there may be few topics more widely or hotly discussed than Chinas future. And, some would argue, the future of the U.S.-China relationship is a

4、mong the most important globally of any bilateral relationship. 事实上,可能没有几个比中国的未来更被广泛或热烈议论的话题。并且,有人会说,美中关系的未来是全球任何双边关系中最重要的。China Growth Sparked by Opening and Reform改革开放所引发的中国经济增长As we consider the future of U.S.-China relations and Chinas place in the global economy, its important to figure out how

5、 exactly Chinas economic transformation happened. Because just a quarter century ago Chinas economic success was hardly a sure thing. 当我们考虑美中关系的未来和中国在全球经济中的地位时,弄清楚中国经济转型究竟是怎样发生的很重要。因为,仅仅四分之一个世纪前,中国的经济成功还是一件非常不确定的事。How did China grow so fast? And why did this growth occur when it did? Why these last

6、30 years, starting in 1979, and not the 30 years before that, starting in 1949?中国是如何发展得这么快的?为什么这种增长在那时发生?为什么是在1979年之后的30年,而不是这之前的30年,于1949年开始?The first answer to these questions I think is rather simple. China prospered because it unleashed the drive, the ingenuity and the talent of its people. Chin

7、as economic growth was sparked by its unprecedented economic and cultural opening up to the world.我认为对这些问题的初始回答很简单。中国蓬勃发展是因为它让其人民的能动性、聪明才智得以释放。中国的经济增长是由其前所未有面向世界的经济和文化开放所引发的。The explosive growth along Chinas eastern coast, and increasingly in inland provinces, has lifted hundreds of millions of peop

8、le out of poverty and into a thriving middle class. What China has done is an unprecedented economic transformation, and the citizens and the government leaders of this country have every right to be proud of what theyve accomplished.中国东部沿海以及越来越多内陆省份的爆炸式增长,已经让数以百万计的人民摆脱贫困,成为欣欣向荣的中产阶级。中国已完成的是前所未有的经济转

9、型,并且这个国家的公民和政府领导人完全有权利为他们所取得的成就感到自豪。A Strong China is Good for the U.S. and the World一个强大的中国对美国和世界有利The United States unequivocally welcomes this transformation. America remains committed to building a positive, cooperative, comprehensive relationship with China. As President Obama affirmed to Presi

10、dent Hu at the recent APEC summit in Hawaii, and to Premier Wen at the East Asia Summit in Bali, the United States very much welcomes a thriving and prosperous China that plays a greater role in world affairs because its good for the people of China. Its good for the people in the region. Its good f

11、or the people of the United States. And its good for the global economy. 美国明确地欢迎这一转型。美国继续致力于与中国建设一个积极合作全面的关系。正如欧巴马总统最近在哈瓦伊APEC峰会上向胡主席以及在巴厘岛东亚峰会上向温总理所明确的,美国非常欢迎一个在世界事务中发挥更大作用的繁荣昌盛的中国,因为它对中国人民有益。它对该地区人民有益。它对美国人民有益。并且,它对全球经济有益。America has a stake in Chinas continued economic growth and China has a stak

12、e in a quick and strong U.S. economic recovery. Simply put, a strong U.S. economy means more jobs for the people of China. And a strong Chinese economy with growing prosperity among its people means more jobs for Americans. 美国与中国经济的持续增长利益攸关,而且,中国与美国经济快速和强劲的复苏利益攸关。简而言之,一个强劲的美国经济意味着中国人民有更多的就业机会。一个强劲的、

13、其人民日益繁荣的中国经济意味着美国人有更多的就业机会。China Must Do More and Open Further中国需要继续努力并进一步开放Chinas own recent history proves that when it opens itself there is nothing that its people cannot accomplish. Beginning with the economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping in 1979 and continuing through China joining the WTO in 2

14、001, China has made its economy fairer, freer and more open to international competition.中国自己的近代史证明,当它开放自己时,没有什么事情是其人民完成不了的。从1979年邓小平领导下的经济改革开始,一直到2001年中国加入世贸组织,中国已经使其经济更公平、更自由和更加对国际竞争开放。The reforms are far from complete, but the trends are clear. The more China has opened up, the more it has benefi

15、ted from the rules-based international trading system established in the post-World War II era. 这些改革还远没有完成,但趋势是明确的。中国越开放,就越从后二战时代所建立的以规则为基础的国际贸易制度中受益。At the same time, China has acknowledged that the growth model it has relied on for the last 30 years - one based on low-cost exports to the rest of t

16、he world and investment in resource-intensive heavy manufacturing - cannot serve it as well over the next 30 years. 与此同时,中国意识到,它过去30年所一直依赖的增长模式 - 一个以向世界其他地方进行低成本出口和以资源密集的重型制造业投资为基础的增长模式 - 不能在未来30年很好地为其服务。Premier Wen Jiabao observed that Chinas over-reliance on low-cost exports is - and these are his words now - quote, “unsustainable,


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