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1、 生活时尚英语口语900句-网上冲浪生活的趣味就在于生活丰富多彩。 1.Did you receive my E-mail? 你收到我的电子邮件了吗? 2.Do you know Yahoo Greetings, Edgar? 埃德加,你知道雅虎的greetings网站吗? 3.What”s your E-mail address? 你的电子邮件地址是什么? 4.A/S/L is tricky,which is often used at first encounter.It”s a three-word question : “ age/sex/location? A/S/L的意思比拟微妙;

2、常常在初次见面时使用,它是由三个单词组成的闯题“年龄,性别和地点?” 5.Predators sometimes lurk m chat rooms. 谈天室有时也隐蔽着心怀阴谋的人。 6.Don”t believe those gossip. 不要信任那些流言蜚语。 7.After you choose your chaf person, you may also be able fo select an image to represent you. 选择你的谈天窒身份后,你要选拿头像来代表你。 8.The user can change his face expression whde

3、talking,like happy, angry, impcdient, upset, shy and so on. 用户可以在谈天时转变表情,例如欢乐、生气、厌烦、不快乐、大方等。 9.BBS is a board where peopfe can freely put forward the opinions and ideas. BBS是人们可以自由发言和发表意见的地方。 10.I”m doing aweb search. 我正在网上查询。 11.This graphic file will take thirty minutes to downlood. 要花30分钟下载这图片文件。

4、 12.Many magazines are now online. 现在裔很多杂志已上网。 13.My modem doesn”t work. . 我的调制解调器不能工作了。 14.I like to surf the web. 我喜爱在网上漫游。 15.My user name is “neo“. 我的用户名是neo。 16.The homepage will guide you to where you want to go. 主页将指引你到你想去的地方。 17.I still have 75 E-mails that I hven”t read ,yet. 我还有75封电子邮件没有读。

5、 18.Send me an E-mail when you have time. 你有空发电子邮件给我。 19.Take a look at this new graphic file l pulted from the web. 看一看我在网上薪截取的图片文件吧。 20.I attached the contract to the E-mail. 我发的电子邮件附上了合同。 21.Choose the card which you tike best, and fill in the following blanks with both your and your friends name

6、s and e-mail addresses. 选一张你喜爱的贺卡,在下面的空白栏中,填入你和你朋友的名字和电邮地址。 22.BBS, an ontine sennce offers a wide vanety of online games, hles, one-on-one chat, message areas, private mail, and participatory forums. BBS是一种广泛供应在线嬉戏、文件、一对一谈天、留言区、个人信箱和参加性论坛的在线效劳。 23.ZZZZ means “sleepy or tired or bored” zzzz是“困了,累了,烦了”的意思。 24.H&K actuatly is an acronym for “hug and kiss“. H&K实际是“拥抱和接吻”的缩写。


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