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1、八年级英语上册Unit2MyFavouriteSchoolSubjectLesson12KarensHairStoodUp同步练习(B卷)(新版)冀教版Lesson 12Karens Hair Stood Up!.单项选择。1There are four _ and seven continents(大洲) in the world. Acountry BcountriesCocean Doceans2We agreed with each other after a long _.Alesson Bdiscussion Cexam Dadvice3Is that red scarf your

2、s?No, it may be Lucys. _ is blue.AHers BHer CMy DMine4I felt _ to meet my best friend Tom in Beijing.I thought he was in Tokyo.Asurprised BsurprisingCinteresting Dinterested5_ have you learned in this school?For two years.AHow soon BHow oftenCHow long DHow far.用方框内所给词语的正确形式填空。missfinalleafremindto o

3、nes surprise6_, he gave his favourite CD to me.7After a long walk, we_ got to the train station.8The old photo always _ me of the old days.9He cried because he _ his parents.10Can you see the _? They are red.连词成句。11like, you, reading, do, books_?12to be, I, a, want, writer, someday_.13job, is, an, t

4、hat, exciting_.14write stories, I, children, will, for_.15make friends with, hope, I, them, to_.根据首字母等提示填入所缺单词,完成短文。The students of Class 4 are talking about their favourite (16)s_ Linda likes English best.She thinks it is interesting and useful.Thomas enjoys (17)p_ basketball, so PE.is his favourit

5、e.He says that doing sports helps him keep (18)_(health) and strong.Helen tells us that her favourite is art.She loves drawing and she wants to be an (19)_(art) in the future.Tony is good at (20)_ (唱歌) and his favourite is music.答 案.1.D2.B3D点拨:句中用名词性物主代词mine代替my scarf。4A5C点拨:根据答语可知对时间长度进行提问,因此用how long。.6.To my surprise点拨:固定搭配to ones surprise意为“令某人吃惊的是”。7finally8.reminds9.missed10.leaves.11.Do you like reading books12I want to be a writer someday13That is an exciting job14I will write stories for children15I hope to make friends with them.16.subjects17.playing18.healthy19.artist20singing1


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