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1、Unit 1 Women of achievement基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1. adj. 值得的 ; 值得做的2. vt. &n. 尊敬; 尊重; 敬意3. n. &vt. 支持; 拥护4. n. 仁慈; 好意5. vt. 递送; 生(小孩儿 ); 接生; 发表( 演说等 )6. adj. 谦虚的 ; 谦让的 ; 适度的7. vt. & vi. 举动;( 举止或行为 ) 表现8. vt. 观察; 观测; 遵守9. vt. 计划; 打算阅读词汇1.welfare n.2.project n.3.institute n.4.specialist n.5.campaign n. &vi

2、.6.shade n. &vt.7.nest n.8.bond n.9.childhood n.10.outspoken adj.11.entertainment n.12.crowd n. &vt.13.audience n.14.rate n.15.emergency n.16.generation n.拓展词汇1. n. 成就 ; 功绩 v. 完成 ; 达到2. n.连接 ; 关系 v.连接3. n.组织; 机构 ;团体 vt.组织4. vt. &vi.举动;(举止或行为) 表现 n. 行为;举止 ;习性5. vt.观察 ;观测; 遵守 n.观察 ;观测6. vt. &vi.讨论;辩论;

3、 争论 n. 争论; 争辩; 争吵7. vt. 鼓舞 ; 激发; 启示 adj. 品质优秀的 ; 能力卓越的 adj. 鼓舞人心的n. 鼓舞人心的人 ( 或事物 ); 灵感8. vi.谈到 ;查阅; 参考 n. 提及 ; 涉及 ; 参考 ;查阅9. n. 疾病 ;恶心 adj. 生病的10. vt.计划 ; 打算 n. 打算 ; 目的 ; 意图11. adj. 考虑周到的 v. 考虑;认为 n. 考虑; 体谅 prep. 考虑到二、高频短语1. 离开 ; 出发2.过着 的生活3. ( 想法、问题等 )涌上心头; 涌入脑海4. 蔑视; 瞧不起5.查阅; 参考 ;谈到26. 碰巧 ; 凑巧7. (

4、 偶然 ) 遇见; 碰见8.继续;坚持9. 献身于 ; 致力于 10. 解决 ;锻炼身体三、经典句型1.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months ( 她才得以开始自己的计划 ).2. (我一旦停下来 ), it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps inlaboratories.3. (我突然想起 )how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training atthat time.4.Furthe

5、r reading mademerealize that ( 是苦干、决心和善良的天性 )that got her intomedical school.5.There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, (劳累了一天之后 ), went lateat night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用( 一)词汇拼写 ( 注意单词或短语的形式变化 )1.Having a large family to ( 支撑 ; 养活 ), he to

6、ok up two part-time jobs in his spare time.2.He is such a great man that all of us have the greatest ( 尊敬 ) for him.3.Last week, I returned to the village where I grew up in my (童年 ).4.I m having some flowers (递送 ) for her birthday.5.There is a ( 一代 ) gap between my parents and me.6.Helping others i

7、n need is a (值得的 ) matter.7.The ( 听众 ) was of no less than five thousand.8.He drove the injured to the nearest hospital out of ( 好意 ).9.In time of success we remain (谦虚的 ), while in time of difficulty we keepstrong-minded.310.She tried to sleep, but too many thoughts ( 涌入脑海 )on her.11.Always check t

8、he oil and the water before you ( 起程).12.Mr. Garcia ( 蔑视; 瞧不起)anyone who doesn t work hard.13.I ( 遇见; 碰见 )this old photograph when looking for a Book yesterday.14.Youll have an accident if you ( 继续)driving like that.15. ( 专心于 )his research work, the scientist has little time to spend with hisfamily.

9、16.Your notes are excellent materials to ( 查阅; 参考)when you are studying for atest.( 二) 单句填空1.Do you believe that there s a (connect) between smoking and heart disease?2.I hold the firm belief that you are bound to your dream of being admitted to a keyuniversity, which will give you a wonderful sense

10、 of .(achieve)3.I became when I heard her speech. (inspire)4.He against smoking, and insisted that it was beyond that smoking was harmfulto health. At last, he us out of smoking. (argue)5.It is of you to take his illness into . (consider)6.The rich man went abroad with the of trying his fortune, whi

11、le the poor man tolearn some skills of earning money.(intend)7.Much to my surprise, he as if nothing had happened. In general, I was quite pleasedwith his .(behave)二、经典句型仿写1. 当消防队员正试图控制火势时 , 直升机飞向着火的大楼。 (while), helicopters flew to the burning building.2. 我们只有在着陆之后才看到飞机损坏的严重程度。 ( 部分倒装 )Only when we

12、landed .3. 一旦感情被伤害了 , 很难去恢复 , 不管你做出多少努力。 (once), it is difficult to recover, no matter how much effort you make.4. 我突然想到我把护照落在厨房的桌子上了。 (hit)4I had left my passport on the table in the kitche n.5. 前几天发生的汽车事故就是在这条街上。 ( 强调句 )the car accident happened the other day.6. 我回到了家 , 很疲劳但是很高兴。 ( 形容词作状语 )I retur

13、ned home, .答案精解精析基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1.worthwhile 2.respect 3.support 4.kindness 5.deliver 6.modest7.behave 8.observe 9.intend阅读词汇1. 福利; 福利事业 2. 项目; 工程; 规划 3. 学会 ; 学院; 协会 4. 专家; 专业工作者 5. 运动; 战役 ; 作战;参加运动 6. 荫; 阴凉处 ; 遮住光线 7. 巢; 窝 8. 联系; 关系; 结合; 纽带 9. 童年; 幼年时代 10. 直言的; 坦诚 11. 款待; 娱乐; 娱乐表演 12. 人群; 群众; 挤满;

14、 使拥挤 13. 观众; 听众; 读者 14. 比率; 速度15. 突发事件 ; 紧急情况 16. 一代; 一辈拓展词汇1.achievement;achieve 2.connection;connect 3.organization;organize4.behave;behaviour 5.observe;observation 6.argue;argument7.inspire;inspired;inspiring;inspiration 8.refer;reference 9.sickness;sick10.intend;intention 11.considerate;consider

15、;consideration;considering二、高频短语51.move off 2.lead/live a.life 3.crowd in 4.look down upon/on5.refer to 6.by chance e across 8.carry on 9.devote oneself to.10.work out三、经典句型1.was she allowed to begin her project 2.Once I stop3.Suddenly it hit me 4.it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature 5.tiredafter a day s work基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用( 一) 词汇拼写1.support 2.respect 3.childhood 4.delivered5.generation 6.worthwhile 7.audience 8.kindness 9.modest10.crowded


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