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1、【第二课时教学设计】一 教学目标知识目标:1 读说词汇school,classroom,toilet,office,library ,playground和句型There is ./ There are .2 正确朗读文章“Welcome to our school”能力目标:1 学生能用词汇和句型来描述自己的学校。2 学生能够正确朗读课文,并理解句型There is ./There are .情感目标:让学生热爱学校,懂得爱护学校设施。同时树立自信心,懂得关心和鼓励他人。二 教学重难点1 正确理解朗读文章及句型“There is./There are .”2 正确运用所学句型描述自己的学校。

2、3 难点 :注意busy及many的发音。 注意 There is./There are .句型中be动词的用法。三 教学过程Step1 Warm-up1 Greetings(简单交流,欣赏歌曲Our school will shine.)Step2 leading-in1 出示学校的照片,引出photo。语音学习O的发音,This is a photo of our school.设计意图:通过歌曲的欣赏,拉近师生交流,感知字母O 的发音。为下节课语音的学习热身。同时引出a photo of school.并谈论Whats in our school?Step3 Presentation1

3、出示学校的照片和学生说说Whats in our school?2 Watch the video and answer the question.“Whats in Alices school?”设计意图:让学生带着问题整体感知文章。3分段学习:(1) Picture 2 listen and answer the question.“Is she busy?/Are you busy?”学习busy. (2) Picture 3 listen and learn “computer”直观图片学习。并学习句型“There is .和 There are many.”(3) Picture4

4、and 5 listen and filling the blanks.This is our _. There are many_in it.Theres a big playground in our school.We can _and _there.设计意图:通过有意义的问题设置,推动文本学习。在解答问题的同时学习难点词汇和重点句型。并让学生感受学校的变化,热爱学校。懂得爱护学校的一草一木。 Step3 Practice 1 listening and read together.2 Acting: You are Alice.3 小组合作:评选读书小能手。4 Filling in t

5、he blanks.5 Talk about “Our school”。This is _. There is /There are many_. I can _. I like_.6 Reading the passage.“Our school”设计意图:大量的读和说,让学生对本节课所学的知识进行巩固。选择有趣的活动,激发学生的学习动力。让学生在小组学习中懂得合作,懂得鼓励,关心他人。Step4 Consolidation1 朗读本节课的重点句型:What s in our school?Theres a playground in our school.Theres a toilet i

6、n our school.Theres an office in our school.There are two computer rooms in our school.2 欣赏并跟唱歌曲“Our school will shine today”Step5 Homework1 Reading “Listen and say” loudly.2 Talking about “Our school” to your friend. ( 说说)3 Try to write: Our school (可以模仿listen and say 的文章写)板书M3 Unit7 At school Peri

7、od2What s in our school?Theres an office in our school. There are many computers in the computer room.增添文本Our schoolThis is our school. There is a big playground .We can run and play there. There is a library in our school. Its clean.It has many books in it. We can read books. There are eighteen cla

8、ssrooms. There are many trees and flowers in our school. Its beautiful. We like our school.反思将抽象的教学内容转化为有趣的、有意义的内容更能增添孩子们学习英语的积极性。这个单元学习our school.通过歌曲的引入,让孩子们高兴地进入课堂学习。这是我们所熟悉的场所。让孩子将自己感兴趣的场所用英语表达,并能够描述。这会让孩子更愿意去学,说。比如在“Talk about our school”这个环节中,学生用以前所学过的词和句型来表达。Its nice./Its beautiful./Its cute./I can.等等。



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