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1、-教育精选-六年级下册英语课本知识点总结第一单元单元课题:How tall are you?主要内容:(1) 三会单词(听说读)dinosaur, hall, metre, meter, than, both, kilogram, countryside, lower, shadow, smarter, become(2) 四会单词(听说读写)younger, older, taller, shorter, longer, thinner, heavier, bigger, smaller, stronger(3) 四会句型 Thats the + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + in the i

2、s/ are + 形容词比较级+ than how tall are you? Im metres. What size is/ are your How heavy are you? Its kilograms.(4) 重点语法点形容词的比较级的构成:a. 大部分直接在后面加er;b. 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只要一个辅音字母,双写末尾字母加er;c. 以辅音字母加y结尾, 把y改成i,再加er;d. 以不发音的e结尾的直接加r;f. 不规则变化。 比较级在句子中的运用。第二单元单元课题:Last weekend主要内容:(1) 三会单词(听说读)drank, show, magazine,

3、 better, faster, hotel, fixed, broken, lamp, loud, enjoy, stay(2) 四会单词(听说读写)cleaned, stayed, washed, watched, had, slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before(3) 四会短语had a cold(4) 四会句型 How was your? Its What did you do ? I Did you? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.(5) 重点语法点 动词的过去式的规则和不规则变化。 以what,how引导的一般过去时的

4、特殊疑问句。 以did引导的一般疑问句。第三单元单元课题:Where did you go?主要内容:(1) 三会单词(听说读)fell, off, mule, Turpan, could, till, beach, basket, part, licked, laughed(2) 四会单词(听说读写)went, camp, fish, rode, hurt, ate, took, bought, gift(3) 四会短语went climbing, went fishing, took pictures(4) 四会句型 What happened? Are you all right? Im

5、 OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a/ an Did you go to the? Yes, I/ we did. No, I/ we didnt. How did you go? I/ we went there by Sounds great!(5) 重点语法点: where引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句。 How引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句,询问交通方式。第四单元单元课题:Then and now主要内容:(1) 三会单词(听说读)star, easy, Internet, different, active, race, nothing, thought, felt, cheetah, trip, woke, dream(2) 四会单词(听说读写)grass, gym, ago, cycling, ice-skate, badminton(3) 四会短语dining hall, go cycling(4) 四会句型 There was/ were Tell me about, please. How do you know that? Before, I was Now, Im (5) 重点语法点:there be句型的一般过去时。可编辑



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