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1、新目标七年级下期中复习题1.We have two _jobs for you. They are _ interesting . A. kinds of ; kind of B. kinds of ; kinds of C. kind of ; kinds of D. kind of ; kind of 2.-Can you speak English ? - Yes, but only _ .A. a little B. a lot C. few D. little 3. Pandas like eating _ and elephants like eating _. A: leafs,

2、 grass B. leaves, grass C: leaf, grass D.leaves, grasses4.This is the _ of the tour. A. begin B. beginning C. begining D. begins5.His uncle works _ a restaurant _ a waiter. A. in, as B.at, of C. in, of D.on , as6.- Why do you like watching soccer games? - Because theyre _. A. boring B. interesting C

3、. dangerous D. interested 7. My mother wants me _ shopping with her. A. go B. to go C. go to D. goes8. He cant _French. So I _with him in English.A speak, talk B talk, speak C say, talk D speak, say9. You should look left and right when you go _the road. A. across B. through C. over D. past10.Next t

4、o the hotel is a small house_interesting garden. A. with a B.with an C. to a D.to an11.Welcome _our school.A.to B. in C at D./12.There _some bread on the table.A.is B.are C. have D.has13.The bank is _ the post office and the library.A.next to B. across from C. between D.in front of14. The girl is ne

5、w, so she _shy. A. looks like B. looks C. look D.likes15.Where _your pen pals _?A. is, from B. does, from C. are, come from D. are, from16.I dont have _brothers _sisters.A some, and B. any, or C.any, and D. some, or17. Simon likes_football, but he doesnt_it well.A play, plays B to play, plays C play

6、s, playing D playing, play18.Tom is a _ student,he speaks Chinese _Agood,well Bgood,good Cwell,well Dwell,good19.The pay phone is _Green Street and its across _the library.A. in, to B. on, from C. at, through D. by, of20.Hows it going? _, Im the first.A. Not bad B. Great C. Terrible D. Boring21.The

7、students often _ games after class.They _volleyball over there now.Aplay, playing Bare playing,play Cplay,are playing Dare playing,are playing22.There _ a bank and two pay phones near here.A. has B. be C. is D. are23.-Where does her grandmother_?She _ Tokyo.Alive,live in Blives,live Clive in ,lives

8、Dlive,lives in24.We live in _apartment._ apartment is not very big.Aa,The Bthe,The Can,The Dan,An25.What does your mother do ? -_.A.She is fine. B. She is from Shanghai.C.She likes watching TV. D. She is an actor.26.-Lets _to see the pandas first.That _ great.A. go, sound B. going, sounding C. goes,

9、 sounds D. go, sounds二. 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式完成句子1. Elephants are usually _(friend).2.He knows many _(story) about LeiFeng.3.People are really_(relax) in the _(relax) place.4.-Where is Bill? - He _(take) photos in the garden.5. Do you want (watch) TV?6. He enjoys (run).7. His father is busy _(read) the newspaper.8. I know some famous_(演员).9.Please _ (put) on your raincoat,its _ (rain) outside.10. Whos your uncle _(等待)for ?


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