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1、Unit 2 I think that moon cakes are deliciousTopicFestivalFun cti ons能表达自己的态度或做出回应 (Give a perso nal reactionGrammar1. 能正确使用由that, if/whether引导的宾语从句。I thi nk the moon cakes are delicious.I know that the Water Festival is fun.I wonder if they ItHnavaces again next year.2. 能正确使用感叹句。What fun the water F

2、estival is!How fan tastic the drago n boat teams were!Words and expressi ons1. 能正确使用下列词汇Strange, relative, pound, dessert, garden, tie, treat,Christmas, no vel, bus in ess, prese nt, warmth, steal, lay admire, lie, puni sh, warn, spread, dead.2. 能正确使用下列常用表达:Put on, lay out, end up3. 能认读下列词汇moon cake

3、, la ntern, folk, goddess, whoever, traditi on, haun ted, ghost, trick, spider, evestrategies1. 能根据故事情节的发展将相关事件进行排序2. 能在理解故事内容的基础上,对情节发展和人物性格 做出合理的推论Culture了解中外部分重要节日的由来和习俗【课时安排及教学内容】第一课时:Sectio n A: 1a 2c第二课时:Sectio n A: 3a 3c第三课时:Sectio n A:2d, Grammar focus & 4a- 4c第四课时:Sectio n B 1a-2e第五课时:Secti

4、o n B: 3a-3b & Self Check第一课时 SectionA(1a-2c)一次备课二次备课Stepl. Greeti ngs and Revisi onStep2. Leadi ng in1. Free talk:T: We had a Mid-Autu mn Festival holiday last Mon day.What did you do to celebrate the festival?What do you like best about it?2. What other festival do you know?(show pictures to prese

5、 nt the festivals)3. Talk: 1). What do people do to celebrate it?2)What do you like best about it?(Ilove ,I think that )Step3.Liste ning1. Finish 1a, Match the pictures with the descriptio n2.Listen and finish 1b.3.Liste n and finish 2a,2b.1) T: Bill and Mary are talking about the dragon Boat Festiv

6、al,While Wu Ming is talk ing with Harry about his vacatio n.Liste n carefully and pay atte nti on to fun activities and dow nsides.2) Liste n to 2a and circle words in the senten ces.3) Play the recorder again and have them fill in the chart.Step4. Role-play 2c.Practice in pairs, role play conversat

7、ions between Wu Ming andHarry. Use the information in 2a and 2b.Step5. Role- play the con versati on. 2d1. Show the pictures in 2d and say Clara and Ben are talk ing about thewater festival in Thaila nd. It is the most popular festival in Thaila nd.How much do you know about Water Festival?2. Ss rea

8、d through and an swer the questi ons.1) When is the Water Festival?2) How do people celebrate it?3) What s the meaning behind it?3. Liste n and repeat4. Role-play the con versati on.教后记:第二课时 Section A(3a -3一次备课二次备课Stepl Warming upLook at the picture. What festival do you think of?What do you know ab

9、out the festival?Step 2 Read ing1. 3a Read the passage about Mid-Autu mn Festival and an swer the questi ons.How do people celebrate the Middle-Autu mn Festival?What story is the passage about?2. 3b Read the passage aga in. Put the eve nts in the correct order.3. 3c Without look ing at the passage,

10、try to complete the sentenceswith the correct words.Step 3 Lan guages pointsDeal with the key words and senten ces.1. They carry people s wishes to the fattiepsove and miss.2. However, most people think that the story of Chang is the most touch ing.3. Whoever drank this could live forever.4. Hou Yi

11、was so sad that he called out her n ame to the moon every ni ght.5. He quickly laid out her favourite fruits and desserts in the garde n.6. How he wished that Chang e could comebackStep 4 SummarySummarize what we lear ned today and the key phrases.celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry t

12、o , shoot dow n,pla n to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth.,fly up,so that ,call out, lay out,start the tradition ofStep 5 Homework1. Lear n the new words and expressi ons by heart.2. Retell the story of Cha ng e.教后记:第三课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-4c)一次备课二次备课Step 1 Revisio nStep 2 Grammar focu

13、s1. Pay atte ntio n to these objective clauses.1.1 know that the Water Festival is really fun.2. I wonder if they II have the races again next year.3. I won der whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.4. I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.2. Pay atte ntio n to these exclama

14、tory stateme nts.1. What fun the Water Festival is!2. How fan tastic the drago n boat teams were!3. How pretty the drago n boats were!4. How delicious the food is in Hong Kong!Step 3 Grammar& PracticeAn alyze the sentences above and con clude what they have in com mon.1.4a Write sentences using the

15、words give n.eg. think/ Lantern Festival/ beautifulI think that the Lantern Festival is beautiful.Step 4 Read ing1. 4b Read the passage below and underline the objective clauses. If possible, write your own sentences about Mother Day and Father Day using objective clause.Step 5 Speak ing1.4c Which festival do you like best? Ask your group and report to the class.e.g. In our group, David s favorite festival isHe thStep 6 Homeworkslinks that


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