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1、参赛内容:高中必修1第5单元第2课时荆州市荆州中学施玮工作简历:2003年7月至今工作于荆州中学现教班级:高二(14)班、高二(21)班教学质量自评:合格校办联系电话:07168495766个人联系电话:13872298543Lesson Plan of Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero(第2课时)一、教材内容分析覆盖内容:Discovering useful words and expressions教材分析:本课时教学内容是阅读与词汇教学相结合,在阅读材料的背景下学习本单元的重点词汇和短语。前面进行的课文阅读教学、单词和短语的中英文解释是本课时可利用的基

2、础。如何通过下定义、同义词对比、分析语境、重点单词的运用、常见前后缀归纳来学习掌握新的词汇项目是本课时的重点。二、教学目标By the end of this class, the students will be able tolGrasp the meanings of the new words and phrases especially their English explanations;lLearn to discover the slight differences of two or more synonyms from their English explanations

3、instead of just from Chinese translations;lComplete the passage with proper words from the context.lUse some certain prefix and suffix to form new words.三、教学过程Step 1 Exercise 1. (18 minutes)1. Ask the students to go through the English explanations in Exercise 1, and then see if they can think of an

4、y words to fill in the blanks without scanning the passage in the first place. (single work)During this step, the teacher should make sure the students are not going to scan the vocabulary list to find the Chinese explanations. 2. Ask the students to scan the passage to find the words that mean the

5、same as the explanations. If they find different words from the ones they fill in, ask them to compare the words to see what the difference between them is. (single work)3. Ask the students to check their answers in groups and collect other students different answers. (group work)4. Ask the students

6、 to look the words up in the dictionaries which contain English explanations and find the correct answer by themselves. Meanwhile, ask the students to find some differences between the words they collected. (group work)5. Teacher may help the students to distinguish some synonyms according to their

7、English explanations if they have difficulty doing so, especially the key words and phrases, such as out of work, devoted, etc. If they cannot accomplish the task in the limited time, ask them to continue after class by themselves as their homework.During this step, the teacher should approach each

8、group, pick out several groups who did well in collecting some key words in their work, and then ask some students to explain the differences between those words in English to the whole class.【设计说明:本环节主要是首先通过学生自主地分析单词或词组的英文解释,课文查阅及小组同学间的对比,找出意思相近或易混淆的词汇。接下来通过查阅词典,找出这些近义词或学生易错单词词组的英文解释进行对比,从而更好地理解和能根

9、据语境正确使用。但教师在此环节应把握好重点词汇与一般性词汇的区分,提高课堂效率。非重点词汇可鼓励学生在课外进行查阅。本设计的目的在于鼓励学生多查阅字典,并着重于词汇的英文解释而非简单的汉语翻译。从英文的解释中看待近义词或易混淆词汇的区别。最后可以通过整个过程中的联想、对比等方式掌握一个重点词汇群。】Step 2 Exercise 3. (12 minutes)1. Ask the students to go through the passage in the Exercise 3 for the first time. Give them the two tasks: (single wo

10、rk)1) Get the main idea of the whole passage.2) Try their best to fill in some of the blanks from the context without scanning the words offered in the chart above.After the step, the teacher may ask some students to tell the others what the main idea is in class to see if they get a general idea of

11、 the passage. If not, the teacher should give them some help on difficult sentence patterns or some other difficulties which prevent the students from getting a better understanding of the passage.2. Ask the students to scan the words in the chart and then read the passage again. This time the stude

12、nts should be required to complete all the blanks in the passage. And then read the completed passage again by themselves to check if there is any problem. (single work) During this step, the teacher may write some tips for doing this kind of exercise on the blackboard. For example:1) Pay attention

13、to the context.2) Pay attention to the words syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech.3) Pay attention to the verbs tense and voice.3. Check the answers in groups. If they have different answers, give their reasons to each other. If they used some syno

14、nyms instead of the words given above during the first step, they may need to look them up to find the differences. (group work)4. The teacher may check the answers in class this time. Explain some difficult expressions and sentences to the students if necessary. For example:1) Like Nelson Mandela I

15、 was a lawyer who believed that all mankind is created equal. (Attributive Clause)2) Nobody was allowed to talk to me3) got worse4) , many people remember me as one of the first 5. Encourage the students to look some key words up in groups, and ask them to read and understand their English explanati

16、ons. The key words should be like: equal, attack, quality, vote, active, etc. (group work and the teacher may help if necessary)【设计说明:本环节主要是要求学生通过语境在特定的语言环境中选择和应用最佳的词汇。然后通过学生间的对比找出易错词汇,进一步通过查阅词典英文解释巩固和理解单词含义。教师适当的从语法角度如词性,时态语态,难句结构的分析等帮助学生提高答题技巧。】Step 3. Practice and summary. (6 minutes)The teacher can give the students more descriptive senten


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