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1、小学英语教学案例设计 清泉小学:张伟学情分析:我校六年级两个班,从上学期他们的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,基础知识不牢固,灵活性差,两极分化比较严重,这对六年级的写作造成很大影响。所以本学期在写作方面必须大力加强。当然也有一部分学生的能力确实很强,能独立认真的完成个知识点涉及的任务。可让他们去帮助那些学习能力较弱的同学,起到“小老师”做用。同时也要进一步利用互助小组的成功经验,让学生全面提高。教情分析:话题:Writing课题说明:自编的一篇写作学生情况说明:本案例适合小学六年级学生1、全面提高学生学习写作的主动性和积极性;2、使学生转变观念,认识到写作事实上就是平时知识的积累和运用。认真学

2、习,发展智力,陶冶情操;3、让学生树立起学习的信心和勇气,克服遇文则惧的心理;4、在学生中形成“赶、帮、超”浓厚的学习氛围,使每个学生学有所长、学有所用。5、让互助小组起到连、帮、带的作用。Teaching plan一The teaching goals:1. 通过对动词和动词短语的复习,让学生了解和掌握基础知识在写作上的具体运用较之以往四、五年级有着不同的形式。2. 让学生树立攻坚不怕难的思想,运用上虽然有所不同,但事实上就是对基础知识的检查,只是检查的方式更趋于全面。包括单词、短语、句型等的综合运用。这些都是打开写作大门的几把钥匙。 二Teaching important points:在

3、运用动词和动词短语进行正确的写作上,所学的单词必须有一定的基础和使用能力。包括句子、句型的重点之处。三Teaching difficult points: 在写作中正确的使用be动词以及动词的时态变化。即怎样加“ing”。四Teaching aids:Courseware, The tape recorder and tape. The card and single operation.五The teaching process:Step 1: Greeting each other. 1. Hello everyone! 2. What day is today? 3. Do you li

4、ke sport? and so on.Step 2: I say you do. 对所学的旧的动词或动词短语进行热身复习。Run ,play basketball,swim,fly,dance, and so on.After read name and verbs or phrase.Simon, Mary , Lisa , John 、Mike and Smith, Sun Yang. And so on.Step3.Find out the missing letters. Eg: c_k, sw_m, pl_,r_n,t_ll, m_ke, and so on. 进行有针对性的进入动

5、词和动词短语的复习。包括cook、run 、swim、make the tea and so on. Step4.look and guess. 出现人物,让学生根据显示的遮挡的图片猜测:What is he doing?and so on. Cooking ,making the tea and so on. Then read together.教师用对话进入下一个环节。(Sorry! I not remember “How add ing”.Who can help me.) Step 5. How add “ing”. Play- come- swim- and so on. Fini

6、shed and read togther.Step6.Ask and answer.Watch vedio.并对视屏所出现的动词或动词短语进行问答。Exmaple: “What is Simon doing”? He iscooking. And so on.Thinking .Fill in the blanks.He_ reading a book. They _ running. And so on.Step7. Corret copy and memory.Simon is cook.( )Mary is makeing the tea.( )John, Mike,Smith is

7、playing basketball.( )Sun Yang is swim.( )Lisa and her friend is running.( )I is singing.( )Step8.Memory and fill in the blanks. Eg: Siomn is cooking. And so on.Step9.拓展性板书的呈现。根据单词、短语、句子、句型以及每一个环节进行写作。并在展示台点评学生的写作。Step10.出示写作要求。提醒学生必须按要求去完成.否则就会出现像刚才的同学一样或类似的错误和失误。Step11.Show the significance of Edu

8、cation: Every one of us is a member of the class. Everyone has his own thing to do.We must Love learning, love life!(我们都是班级里的一员,每个人都有自己的事情要做,我们应该热爱学习,热爱生活!) Teaching design: Today is Sunday. It is fine. Jake _ _in the kitchen. Lisa _ _ in the living room. John and Mike _ _ _ the playground. Luo Yang is _ in the swimming pool.I _ singing in the music room.Liu Ming stay at home.Because he doesnt _ play with your friends.


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