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1、人教版pep小学六上Unit4 I have a pen pal 单元测试读音标,写单词,并注明汉语意思。(12分) 1 _( ) 2_( ) 3 _( )4_( )你能用括号内单词的适当形式填空吗?(10分) 1How _ (do) he go to school? 2He _ (live) in the city 3What does he _ (like)? 4I _ (have) a pen pal 5There _ (be) a stamp show on Sunday 6Can he _ (go) with us? 7I like _ (play) football 8My mot

2、her is a teacherShe _ (teach) math 9Alice and her sister _ (be) twins 10Every morning Alice _ (go) to school by bike从栏中找出与栏相对应的答语。(10分) ( )1Whats your hobby? AShe is Toms sister ( )2Does he go to school by bus?BSure! ( )3Does she live in the country?CYes,he does ( )4Who is she? DSwimming ( )5Can he

3、go with us? ENo,she doesntShe lives in me city你能找出正确的选项吗?(15分) 1Alice usually plays at the park _ Saturdays Ain Bat Cthis Don 2I write _ e-mail to Alice every week Aa Ban Cthe D 3Alice says she _ China soon Ais going to Bare going to Cam going to Dbe going to 4They look the same _ they are very diff

4、erent Aand Bso Cbecause Dbut 5Does she teach you math? _ AYes,she does BYes,she do CYes,he is DYes,he does 6Whats your hobby? A优点 B缺点C爱好D特长 7I like playing chessA踢足球B拉小提琴C玩拼图D下国际象棋 8Look! This is my pen pal in Canada A同学B邻居C笔友 D笔袋 9Does he live in the country? A城市B乡村C加拿大D故乡 10There is a stamp show o

5、n SundayA展览B表演C商店D指出 11I live in AustraliaA澳大利亚B澳大利亚人C奥地利D奥地利人 12Alice likes diving A游泳B唱歌C跳水D画画 13I live in China A居住 B喜欢 C热爱 D出生 14My mum is a singerA画家 B歌唱家 C舞蹈家 D记者 15He likes playing the violinA小提琴B钢琴C吉他D二胡根据图画提示完成对话。(15分)A:What does he like?B:_ A:Does she go to school by bus?B:_ A:Does he like

6、 swimming?B:_A:When does he go home?B:_A:What does he do after lunch?B:_小小翻译家。(10分)1她喜欢拉小提琴。 _2We look the same,but we dont like the same things_3Lets take care of him_4你的笔友住在上海吗?是的。 _你能根据短文的内容判断正(T)误(F)吗?(1O分) From Monday to Friday the Chen family are very busy Mr Chen is an engineer in a company(公

7、司)He works from 8:00 am to 5 pmHe goes to work in a company car with three other(另外的)men Mrs Chen works in a library in a townShe drives the car to workOn the way to work,she leaves(留下)her little son with a baby-sitter(看护婴儿的人)Her daughter goes to school in a school bus to and from schoolShe gets hom

8、e at 4:30At 4 Mrs Chen comes home from work The Chen family usually eat dinner at 6:30After dinner,the girl does her homework and Mrs Chen washes the dishesMr Chen sometimes works at home10:30 is bedtime for the Chen family ( )1The Chen family are busy every day ( )2Mr Chen is a worker ( )3Mr Chen g

9、oes to work by taxi ( )4Mrs Chen is an engineer ( )5Mrs Chen can drive a car ( )6Mrs Chen has only a child ( )7Mrs Chen comes home with her son ( )8Their daughter does her homework after dinner ( )9Mr Chen never(从不)works at home( )10The Chen family go to bed at 10:30参考答案lhobby,爱好 2dive,跳水 3fun,乐趣 4w

10、atch,看1does 2lives 3like 4have 5is 6go7playing 8teaches 9are 10goes1D 2C 3E 4A 5B1D 2B 3A 4D 5A 6C 7D 8C 9B10A 11A 12C 13A 14B 15A1He likes making a kite 2No,she doesnt3No,he doesnt 4He goes home at five oclock 5He reads newspapers after lunch1She likes playing the violin2我们看上去一样,但我们不喜欢相同的事情。3让我们来照顾他。4Does Your pen pal live in Shanghai? Yes,She does1F 2F 3F 4F 5T 6F 7F 8T 9F l0T



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