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1、Unit 1 My Name Is Gina.执笔人:陈向珍 审核人:黄锦康 贺敏芳本单元目标:1、学会如何做自我介绍(Introduce yourself)2、学会问候他人(Greet people) 3、学会询问和回答电话号码(Ask for and give telephone numbers).学习目标类别语言项目单词词组my, name, clock, I, am, nice, to, meet, you, what, your, hello, his, and, her, first(given) name名字, last(family) name姓氏 ,telephone, nu

2、mber, phone, telephone number, phone number , ID card,日常交际用语1. Whats your name? 2. My name is Li Ping 3. Nice to meet you. 4. Whats your telephone number? My telephone/phone number is5. Whats her family name?语 法1. 以what引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问是什么;What +be+名词?例如:Whats his telephone number?2. 动词be的一般现在时形式am, is,

3、 和are. 当主语是第一人称I时,动词be用am;当主语是第三人称she, he, it, Mary, my mother等时,动词be用is;当主语是第二人称you和第一、三人称复数时,动词be用are;例如:1)Im Cindy. 2)The clock is yellow. 3)Kim and Gina are good friends.3. 形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her. 例如:my book, your teacher, his classmate, her name.Section A第一课时一、课前预习:认读单词。(根据中文从Unit 1中找出相对应的单

4、词。)1)写出下列各词的英语形式。我 名字 我的 女孩 它 你的 他的 她的 什么 男孩 他的姓 我的书包 你的名字 她的学校 认识你很高兴 吉姆的足球 翻译句子:你好!你叫什么名字? 我的名字叫迈克。 二、课堂词汇学习:(独立完成,小组讨论答案)2)完成下列对话,每空一词。 1. Hello. your name? names Jenny. Im Tony. Nice to meet ,Tony.2. Whats his name? His name Tony. Whats her name? names Jenny.3. Whats your number, Bill? 278-2397,

5、 thanks. 278-2397, thanks.4. Excuse me, are you Gina? Yes, I . Bob. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, .2. 课堂学习任务:1. 检查课前预习情况。2. 小组讨论学习,介绍自己(Introduce myself to the the Ss)。可以用下列交际用语:A: Hi, my name is .Whats your name?B: .A: Nice to meet you.B: .3. 听录音,完成课文p1 1b, p2 2a, 2b.且填空,分角色进行对话练习。Teacher: Go

6、od , boys and girls,My Linda. your name?Jim: My names Jim. Teacher: And whats your Name? Mary: My names .4. 知识讲解 I. 外国人名与中国人名的区别:(1)外国人的名字是先名后姓,书写时两者要分开,名和姓的首字母分别要大写。如:David Smith,其中David是名字,Smith是姓氏。(2)中国人的名字是先姓后名,用英语拼写时也是如此,要用汉语拼音拼出每一个字,姓和名分开写,姓和名的首字母分别要大写。要注意中国人姓名中复姓和复名的拼写。如:Li Lei (李雷),Wang Xiao

7、lin (王晓林),Ouyang Hai (欧阳海),Shangguan Yunlong (上官云龙)。(3)放在人名前的头衔、职称、称呼的首字母都要大写。如:This is Mr Wang. That is Miss Brown.(4)表达询问对方姓名的常见句型:Whats your name, please? May I ask / have your name?Your name, please. Would you(please)tell me your name?Would you let me know your name?II. 问候语的用法(1)hello和hi都是熟人、朋友见

8、面时的问候语,回答也用hello和hi.意思是“你好”。(2)Good morning.用于从黎明至中午12点这段时间的问候。回答也用Good morning. Good afternoon.用于从午后至日落这段时间的问候,回答也用Good afternoon. 它们比hello和hi 较为正式。请选出适当的答句:1. Nice to meet you.A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you, too. C. You are good.2. How are you?A. Hello! B. How are you? C. Im fine, thanks.3. G

9、ood morning!A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C . Good evening!4. Hi, Dave, this is Gina.A. Excuse me. B. OK. C. Hello, Gina. Nice to meet you.5. See you later!A. Hello! B. See you! C. Sorry!将下列单词组成句子1. Linda, name, my, is .2. name, what, is, please, your ?3. your, what, number, is, telephone ?4.

10、first, my, is, name, Gina .5. thirteen, I, now, old, am , years .第二课时检查课前预习情况:一、词汇过关书 - 课本 - 笔记本 - 电话号码 -钟表 - 锁 - 门 - 窗户 - 鱼 - 纸 - 一张纸 - 尺子 -篮球 - 棒球 - 书包 - 手提包 - 钥匙 -二、译为中文或英文:我姓李。她姓张。他的名字是超凡。Whats the boys first(given)name? Whats the girls last(family)name? 三、句型转换:(小组讨论完成)1. to, meet, you, nice(连词成

11、句) 2. His name is Tom King.(对画线部分提问) 3. My name is Lucy Smith.(写出同义句) 4. is, name, I, your, what, am, Tony (连词成句) 四、小组活动:以小组为单位,听写前一课时学到的单词。组长检查,汇报听写情况。1.课本第2页2c ,两人一组操练对话。 2.课本第2页2d, 学生两人一组分角色表演对话。请几组上台演示。3.听录音,完成课文. p3,3 a4.课本第3页3b, 学生补全对话并且与同伴练习。 知识讲解:形容词性物主代词的用法形容词性物主代词起形容词作用,在句中只能作定语,也就是说它后面必须跟一个名词。如:This is my bike. 这是我的自行车。Miss Gao is our English teacher. 高



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