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1、职称英语必过备考资料 孙伟+王霞2023职称英语理工类B级考试重点文章汇总2023年理工B阅读理解新增文章 *第二十二篇 Real World Robots When you think of a robot, do you envision a shiny, metallic device having the same general shape as a human being, performing humanlike functions, and responding to your questions in a monotone voice accentuated by high-

2、pitched tones and beeps? This is the way many of us imagine a robot, but in the real world, a robot is not humanoid at all. Instead a robot often is a voiceless, box-shaped machine that efficiently carries out repetitive or dangerous functions usually performed by humans. Todays robot is more than a

3、n automatic machine that performs one task again and again. A modern robot is programmed with varying degrees of artificial intelligencethat is, a robot contains a computer program that tells it how to perform tasks associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, and lear

4、ning from past experience. A robot does not possess a human shape for the simple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remaining balanced. A robot does, however, move from place to place on wheels and axles that roll and rotate. A robot even has limbs that swivel and move in combinatio

5、n with joints and motors. To find its way in its surroundings1, a robot utilizes various built-in sensors. Antennae attached to the robots base detect anything they bump into. If the robot starts to teeter as it moves on an incline, a gyroscope or a pendulum inside it senses the vertical differentia

6、l. To determine its distance from an object and how quickly it will reach the object,the robot bounces beams of laser light and ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path2. These and other sensors constantly feed information to the computer, which then analyzes the information and corrects

7、or adjusts the robots actions. As science and technology advance, the robot too will progress in its functions and use of artificial-intelligence programs. 词汇: envisionv.想象,预想devicen.装置accentuatev.强调,重读artificial intelligencen.人工智能limbn.臂antennaen.天线inclinev. 倾斜pendulumn.钟摆ultrasonicadj.超声的metallica

8、dj.金属的monotonen.单调的humanoidadj.像人的axlen.轮轴rotatev.旋转swiveln.旋转teeterv.摇摆gyroscopen.陀螺仪,回转仪verticaln.直立的注释: 1To find its way in its surroundings.:为了在周边找到路 2the robot bounces beams of laser light and ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path:机器人发射激光束和超声波,反射到障碍物上(以此来探知途径)。 练习: 1Another good t

9、itle for this passage would be ARobots: Taking the Place of Humans.BArtificial Intelligence Programs.CTodays Robots and How They Function.DModern-Day Sensors.2Artificial intelligence is Athe unnatural way in which robots move.Ba voiceless, box-shaped machine that performs repetitive tasks.Csensors s

10、uch as antennae and a gyroscope.Da computer program that imitates human intellectual processes.3The last paragraph suggests that future robots will be Amore humanlike in behavior and actions.Bmore like automatic machines.Cbetter able to move on inclines.Dbetter equipped with laser light sensors.4The

11、 writer begins the passage by comparing Athe shape of a human being with a box.Ba modem robot with a fictional robot.Can imaginary machine with a human.Da computer program with artificial intelligence.5The word humanoid means Alacking human characteristics.Banything having the appearance of a humano

12、id.Cbeing void or vacant.Dhaving a human form or characteristics.答案与题解: 1C 从文中得知,文章重要介绍了机器人和它们的运营方式,因此选择C选项。 2D Artificial是“人工”的意思,intelligence是“智能”的意思。此外从文中得知,机器人使用artificial intelligence可以进行与人类类似的推理分析等活动,因此可知它是一种类似人类智能的计算机程序。 3A 最后一段讲机器人的发展方向是更加智能,可以自己判断并修正行为,而不仅仅是完毕反复性的工作。 4B 文章开头的时候作者让读者描述他们脑海中的

13、机器人概念,并随后介绍了实际的机器人是如何的,因此选择B选项。 5D 从humanoid的词根human可看出这个词是形容与人类有关的特性。此外根据文章对这个词的描述可以得出这个词是表达和人类类似的特性,不管是外形上,还是行为方式上。 理工B补全短文新增文章: 2023年理工B 补全短文新增文章 *第九篇 Lightening Strikes Three years ago a bolt of lightning all but destroyed Lyn Millers house in Aberdeenwith her two children inside. “There was a h

14、uge rainstorm,” she says, recalling the terrifying experience. “My brother and I were outside desperately working to stop floodwater from coming in the house. Suddenly I was thrown to the ground by an enormous bang. _1_ The door was blocked by rubble, but we forced our way in and found the children,

15、 thankfully unharmed. Later I was told to be struck by lightning is a chance in a million.” In fact, its calculated at one chance in 600,000. Even so, Dr Mark Keys of AER Technology, an organisation that monitors the effects of lightning, thinks you should be sensible. “I wouldnt go out in a stormbu

16、t then Im quite a careful person.” He advises anyone who is unlucky enough to be caught in a storm to get down on the ground and curl up into a ball, making yourself as small as possible. Lightning is one of natures most awesome displays of sheer power. _2_ 250 years ago, Benjamin Franklin, the American scientist a



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