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1、5A Unit 2 教学方案第一部分 简要提示一、年级:五年级二、单元:第二单元:三、课题:A new house四、课型:新授课五、教学内容: 单元Part A 六、 教学目标:11. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话2能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:live, study, a bedroom, large, a door, a wall,a map of China3 能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:I live in a new house now. They like the very much.七、教学重点难点:能够使用表示方位的介词和句型来准确的描述场景设施,并

2、能正确理解、掌握和初步朗读对话内容。第二部分 教学过程第一步:重难点突破1. Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Unit 2, Part A.同学们,大家好。今天我们一起来学习第二单元的A部分。2 T: Today there are many visitors in our school, I will choose some students to be the tour guides. You should introduce our school to them. Ill give you s

3、ome pictures as a hint. 同学们,今天有外宾来参观我们学校,老师想要选几名学生做小导游,请大家用学过的句型介绍我们的学校,老师在屏幕上打出了一些图片给大家作提示。PPT32T: Just now you did a good job. OK, now lets look at the screen.刚刚大家说得都很好。下面我们一起来看屏幕。 There is a house in the picture. Who lives in it? Lets listen carefully.图中有幢房子,谁住在里面么?我们一起来听。PPT43T: Now look at the

4、screen, we have a new word here. Listen to me carefully. 屏幕上有个新单词,请大家认真听我读。 示范 parentsPPT5T: Now, please read after me. 请大家跟我读。 (领读三遍,中间稍停)T: Great, here is another new word, Please follow me.PPT6出示 live house (领读三遍,中间稍停)T: Good. Now here is a phrase. Can you read?现在这个词组你能试着读一读吗?(停顿几秒)T: Good.:Live

5、in a new house. 大家读得很好,能试一试这个句子吗?(停顿数秒)T: Now look at the picture, can you say something about it?现在看着这幅图,你能用我们刚学到的单词和句子来说一说吗?(停顿)PPT7T: 大家说得都很对。 4 T: Good, here is the picture of Yang Lings new house. Can you find where is Yang Lings bedroom?PPT8这是杨玲家的图片你能找到杨玲的卧室在哪里吗?4.T: Quite good. Lets go and ha

6、ve a look? PPT9你们都找到了吗?我们一起去看一看吧。 T: Look, this is Yang Lings bedroom. Its large and nice.看这就是杨玲的卧室,又大又漂亮。T: Now we have a new word here. Please listen carefully and read after me.PPT10T: (领读三遍,中间稍停)largeT: OK. How to read this new word?(领读三遍,中间稍停) Map.PPT11 同法出示world T: Heres a phrase for you, can

7、you try to read it? 你能试一试读出这个词组吗?T: Good. A map of the world.T: Heres another phrase. Who can read it?T: 对了。A map of China.T:Now, please read this new word after me.PPT12 (领读三遍,中间稍停)wall. Can you read this sentence?(停顿)第二步:课文学习1. PPT13 T: Now, look at the pictures and listen to the text carefully. 请

8、同学们看图仔细听课文。T: I have four questions for you, can you answer me?同学们,你能回答我的四个问题吗?PPT142. T: Now, lets check our answer. 看看你都答对了吗?PPT15-16第三步:巩固操练 T:Now, look at the picture of Yang Lings bedroom. Can you ask answer in pairs? Foe example you can say Where is the map? Its on the wall请大家用下面的句型针对这幅图问答一下吧。

9、PPY17T: Now, boys and girls please open your books and read the text after the tape.下面请同学们打开书,我们一起逐句来读一读课文吧。(总结:Today, we learned Unit 2 , Part A. We learned how to introduce our house and our room. And we also learned how to ask someone else whats in his or her room. Please ask your good friend wha

10、ts in his or her bedroom after class. And next lesson I will ask you.同学们,今天我们学了第二单元的A部分,我们学会了怎么介绍自己的住所和自己的房间。也学会了怎么询问别人的房间里有些什么。课后希望大家问一问你的好友,他的房间里有些什么,下一节课老师会问你这些情况,好了,今天就到这里吧,我们下次再见)第三部分 说明本课时的主要目标是让学生学习有关“家庭设施”方面的词汇以及There be句型,能够运用简单的句型来表述自己的家庭设施,并对其他人的家庭设施状况进行提问。由于There be 句型在4B教材中已经初步接触,所以在本课的复习阶段先用一个征导游的小游戏让学生运用已学过的句子来介绍自己的学校,由此再引入杨玲家的新居。然后在课文学习中,教师放慢速度,耐心教授新单词和词组,这样就分散了本课的难点,最后通过对课文的整体把握,再让学生巩固课文内容。这样的设计较有层次感,适合学生接受能力和水平,便于学生更好地掌握课文。


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