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1、2023学年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、- _ coming earlier, we can easily find a good seat in the theater.- You made a wise decision.AInstead of BThanks to CAs for DExcept f

2、or2、- Could you please tell me _ _ ? - Certainly.Awhat should I do to improve my English Bhow can I get to the reading roomCwhat she is looking for Dwhen shall we have a parents meeting3、Mr. Zhang _ maths in this school since he was 26.AteachesBis teachingChas taughtDwill teach4、What time do you exp

3、ect me to finish the task?_ two hours.ABeforeBAtCForDIn5、If you cant go to the party, you should turn down his invitation _.AwidelyBpolitelyClatelyDbadly6、Yu Guangzhong is a famous writer and poet_ wrote the well-known poem Nostalgia (乡愁) and passed away on December 14th, 2017.AwhoBwhichCwhatDwhose7

4、、_you please help me with my math problem?OK, after I finish mine, Ill help you.AMustBCouldCMayDMight8、Now, where is my schoolbag?_! We will be late for school.AJust a momentBTake it easyCDont worryDCome on9、This pair of glasses _ be Dianas. Shes the only student who wears glasses.AmightBneedCmustDc

5、ant10、- Look at the lovely dog. Guess_ at birth.- I think he might be 100 grams.Awhat could he doBwhat his weight wasCwhat was his weightDwhat he could do. 完形填空11、 Save the Wild TigerWhen people think of tigers, they think: strong and dangerous.But now, the big animal is calling for our help.There w

6、ere once eight kinds of in the world, but three died out during the 20th century. In the last 70 years, the of Siberian tigers (东北虎) has gone from as many as 300 to 22 somewhere. The Siberian tiger has been dying out completely. If the government doesnt make any efforts, its quite that there will be

7、 no more Siberian tigers in China in ten to twenty years.In order to double the number of wild tigers in the ten years, the World Wildlife Fund (世界自然基金会) has started a program recently. It save wild tigers and put an end to tiger hunting and killing. China, together with twelve other , has joined in

8、.Wild animals, such as red deer and wild pigs, are the main of the tigers. The hunting of these animals is the greatest threat (威胁) to tigers. So the most important thing is the animals that tigers eat. To protect the wild tigers, we need to call on more people to stop eating and hunting wild animal

9、s.1A pigs B tigers C deer2A name B kind C number3A less than B more than C bigger than4A in need of B in danger of C in front of5A possible B impossible C necessary6A last B next C past7A aims to B used to C refuses to8A cities B provinces C countries9A friends B food C members10A to sell B to kill

10、C to save. 语法填空12、五、用所给动词的正确形式填空。Mrs. Wilson is my neighbor (邻居). She 1(work) at a post office and she meets lots of people every day .She is friendly to everyone and likes 2(help) others . She is over fifty years old, but she looks very young(年轻). She always buys many beautiful clothes. She always

11、says, ”Old people still want3 (be) beautiful!” Yesterday she 4 (have) a trip . She went to a farm. She 5(see) many interesting things and she 6(take) some photos . Look, she7(show) her pictures to us now . 阅读理解A13、Before you cut off the tags(标签)and put on your newest clothing, you may want to make a

12、 stop at the washing machine. Although new clothing may look clean and fresh, it could actually be bad for your health.According to Donald Belstio, MD, a professor at Columbia University Medical Center, new clothes do cause some risks of health problems when they are worn without washing. For starte

13、rs, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Belstio explained that dyes(染料)found on new clothes can hurt the skin. Pre-washing of new clothes will prevent any dyes from doing bad to our skin or other things, like chairs, as New York City doctor Hilary Baldwin, MD, told Real Simple. But the

14、res more.Dr Belstio also warns that lice(虱子)can come to you from clothing tried on the store dressing room, and there are certain illnesses that can be passed along through clothing. Dr Baldwin advises people that its especially critical to pre-wash pieces like underpants and swimsuits. You may not want to imagine this, but maybe youre not the fir


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