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1、【考点一】抽象名词具体化1具有某种特性、状态、特点、情感、情绪的人或事,表示变化了的词义时,这一抽象名词可作为可数名词。(1)difficulty 困难;a difficulty 一件难事(2)experience 经验;an experience 一次经历(3)failure 失败;a failure 一位失败者,一件失败的事(4)knowledge 知识;a good knowledge 对精通/熟知(5)success 成功;a success 一位成功者,一件成功的事(6)surprise 惊奇;a surprise 一件令人吃惊的事(7)honour 荣誉;an honour 一位(

2、件)带来荣誉的人或事Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。The party last night was a success.We sang and danced until it came to an end.昨晚的晚会很成功,我们唱啊跳啊直到晚会结束。Losing the game was a difficult experience for her.对她来说,输掉比赛是一种痛苦的经历。2有些物质名词可个体化为可数名词Would you like some coffee?你想喝点咖啡吗?I would like a coffee and two

3、 beers.我想要一杯咖啡和两杯啤酒。【经典考题】1.We all hold the belief that _2012 London Olympic Games will be _success.A/;a Bthe;/Cthe;a Da;a解析: 第一空为特指,应用定冠词the;第二空success 为抽象名词具体化,“一个成功的人或事”,应用不定冠词a,类似的词还有failure,pleasure 等。答案: C2Its_good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them_pleasure.A

4、/;a Ba;/Cthe;a Da;the解析: 句意为:上海世博会给人们带来了欢乐,欣赏世博会是一种美好的感受。有些不可数名词,如knowledge,command,feeling等,前面有“a/an形容词”修饰时,表示一件具体的事情或一个的人。pleasure意为“愉快,快乐”,为不可数名词,故不加冠词。答案: B【考点二】名词词 义解析1accident,incident,affair,event(1)accident “意外事件,偶发事件”,一般指(不幸的)事故,如车祸、天灾之类。(2)incident 多指较小的事件、小插曲或人生中所碰到的虽小但留下较深印象的平凡事情,也可以指外交、

5、政治方面的重大事件。(3)affair “事物,要事”,头绪繁多的事;恋爱事件。(4)e vent “大事”,也可指比赛项目。One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers.七分之一的交通事故是司机困倦造成的。Three people were arrested in connection with the rock?throwing incident.3个人因与扔石头事件有关而被捕。The Prime Minister is busy with affairs of state.首相忙于政务。A daughters marriage is

6、 quite an event for a father.女儿的婚姻对父亲而言确实是件大事。2quantity,personality,quality,character(1)quantity 表示“数量”。(2)quality 既可以表示事物的“品质”,还可以表示人的“品德,素质”。(3)character 泛指性格,无所谓好坏,还可以表示“角色,文字,字母”。(4)personality 意为“个性”。Its often less expensive to buy goods in quantity,but youd better exam the quality before buyin

7、g them.大量购物便宜,但是在购买之前你最好检测质量。(2009?湖北卷)Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for character.独自徒步旅行可能会很有趣并且有益于健康。或许对意志的磨炼也有好处。3condition,situation,state,position(1)condition 意为“条件,情况,状况”,其单数形式指人或物所处的状况,这时与state 意义相近,常可互换,但condition 还常指由于一定原因或条件造成的状态,如人的健康状况、物的完好程度、设备的可用性

8、等。复数形式多指一般、笼统的情况。(2)situation 指某一时间由各种情况造成的“处境”“形势”。(3)state 指人或事物所处的状态或状况,常和condition 换用,此外,state 还常表示思想、感情、心理等状态。(4)position 指人或事物所处的位置,地位。(2009?陕西卷)From their position on the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a better view of the city.从他们在电视塔顶的位置,游客们可以更好地看到这个城市。School children must be taught

9、how to deal with dangerous situations.学生们必须接受如何应付危险情况的教育。Ive had no exercise for ages,and Im really out of condition.我好久不运动,身体欠佳。They were silent for a long time,in a state of painful hesitation and doubt.他们处于一种痛苦的踌躇与疑虑状态中,长时间相对无言。4power,strength,force,energy(1)power 主要指做事所依靠的能力、功能,也可指人或机器等事物潜在的或发挥出

10、来的力量,还可以指职权或政权。(2)strength 指固有的潜力。说人时,指“力气”;说物时,指“强度”。(3)force 主要指自然界的力量;暴力、势力以及法律、道德或感情的力量;军事力量等。(4)energy 主要指人的精力或自然界中的能量。Its not within my power to help you.我是爱莫能助啊。A washing machine is a saver of time and strength.洗衣机省时又省力。The UN tries to limit the use of force in conflicts.联合国尽力禁止使用暴力。Youll nee

11、d to apply all your energy to this job.你需要把全部精力投入到这项工作中去。【经典考题】1. The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct_.Asolution BtargetCmeasure Dfunction解析: 句意为:学校顾问会帮你梳理一下你的问题,但是他们不会给你任何直接的解决办法。本题考查名词辨析。solution 解决问题的办法;target目标,靶子;measure措施;function功能,作用。根据句意

12、选A。答案: A2Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000,a(n)_of 40,000 per year.Aaverage BnumberCamount Dquantity解析: 句意为:去年毕业时就有驾照的学生数量已达到20万,平均每年4万。本题考查名词辨析。average 平均,平均数;a number of 许多,大量,修饰可数名词;an amount of 许多,大量,与不可数名词连用;a quantity of 许多,大量的,修饰可数和不可数名词。根据句

13、意,选A。答案: A3 If youre looking for a _,you can make it when it is on sale.Aprice BbargainCcost Dbill解析: 考查名词词义辨析。on sale 表示“廉价出售”,因此应用bargain (特价商品)与之呼应。句意为:如果你在寻找特价商品,减价出售时你就可以买到。答案: B4 An experienced doctor usually judges a patients illness according to the various_.Asigns BsymptomsCsignals Dappeara

14、nces解析: 考查名词辨析。sign意思是“标记,迹象,记号”;symptom意思是“症状”;signal意思是“信号”;appearance意思是“外观,外表”。显然只有B项符合题意,即医生根据病人的症状判断病情。答案: B【2011江苏卷,27】Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _.Aconsequence Bindependence Ccompetence Dintelligence【答案】C【考点】考查名词的辨义。【解析】句意为 “教师要

15、不断地更新他们的知识以便保持专业上的称职。”consequence后果,结果;independence独立;competence能力,胜任,称职;intelligence智力, 智慧; 理解力。根据句意选C。【2011福建卷,26】The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major_of global climate change.A.result B.cause C.warning D.reflection【答案】B【考点】考查名词的辨义。【解析】句意为“公众缺乏对生态环境友好的习惯被认为是全球气候变化的主要原因。”res


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