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1、Unit 4 Lesson 3 They are having lots of fun. 城东中心学校 郑文辉 一、教材分析上一课我们学习了社区的设施,本课主要讨论社区里人们的生活,通过用现在进行时的陈述句形式描述人们正在进行的活动,让学生感受社区生活的丰富多彩,从而享受生活。另外,本课是一篇阅读教学,应从培养学生的语篇阅读能力和思维能力入手。二、学生分析五年级的学生,有一定的语言学习基础,他们词汇量加大,学习了一定语法知识,有了语篇阅读的经验,因此,本课应给学生创造语言实践机会,进一步指导学生学会阅读。三、教学目标1知识目标(1)能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:people, women。

2、能听懂、会说、认读单词: taijiquan, follow, lots of, enjoy themselves, come over, 并能结合句型灵活掌握。(2)能听懂、会说并认读句子“Some women are singing Beijing Opera near the lake. Some old men are doing Taijiquan under the tree.”2能力目标能用现在进行时的陈述句形式描述他人正在进行的活动。3情感目标感受社区生活的丰富多彩,热爱生活。四、教学重难点重点:能掌握所学单词,并能运用所学语言知识描述他人正在进行的活动。难点:现在进行时的正确

3、运用。五、教学准备:单词卡片,PPT,光盘,点读笔六、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Sing and do the actions:What are you doing?课件播放动画,让学生边唱边做动作。活跃了课堂气氛,复习了现在进行时的用法,为新课做了准备。Step 2 Lead-in1.T:Do you have fun ? Ss:T:I have fun too, I also have fun in the neighbourhood, look, where is it? Ss:its Boshan park. T:yes, I went

4、 to boshan park on Sunday,there are many people in the park. They are enjoying themselves. (学习单词people,出示图片进行操练) Now, lets have a look,what are they doing ? Ss:(通过让学生描述社区活动,复习旧知,为新知识的学习做好铺垫。)2.T:ok,children, our friend Li Ming shows Andy around the new neighbourhood. lets listen: Are they having lot

5、s of fun? (学习单词lots of,出示图片进行操练)Ss:yes, they are.用单词卡出示句子:They are having lots of fun.T:Here are many people.Read the text quickly and find out where are the people? Are they happy?Step 3 text study1 Read and match:Ok,we know they are having lots of fun,what are they doing in the park?now, lets read

6、 the text by yourselves. And match the pictures and sentences.2Read and discussLook at the first picture, listen and fill in the blanks. (学习enjoying themselves.用图片练习)让学生读句子。Read the second paragragh carefully and underliner the questions.(学习women ,用图片练习)(练习Beijing opera,并观看京剧视频)(学习follow,并用图片练习)让学生读

7、句子。Read the third paragragh carefully and tell T or F.仔细读第三段,判断正(T)误(F)。(让学生观看太极拳视频)Read the fourth paragragh carefully and put the sentences in the right order.排序。(让学生观看中国功夫视频)学生读句子,对学生进行情感教育T:Beijing Opera,taijiquan and kung fu are our traditional cultures. So we should inherit and carry forward t

8、he fine traditional cultures .3Listen and read4Read in groups5Show time学生根据提示复述课文。Step 4 Practice1Lets say and write. 1) 教师展示。2)学生根据提示,完成小短文。 (写一写,说一说你的社区生活吧。)Hello !This is my neighhourhood. There is a park here.Look! Some men are .Some women are .Some children are .We are having lots of fun. I hav

9、e a happy neighbourhood.1) 给学生时间自己完成2) 小组交流。再选出优秀成员全班展示。3情感渗透T:I think you have a happy neighbourhood. A good neighbourhood is good for us.So love and try to protect it.Step 5 SummaryStep 6 HomeworkPolish(润色) your writing (you can stick your photos on it) and show us next class. 教学反思:成功之处:由于本节课是一节阅读

10、课,因此我把教学设计分为三个部分:Pre-reading 阅读前 、While-reading 阅读中 、Post-reading阅读后 。阅读前设计了三个活动:活动一、Free talk , 先和学生进行简单的问候:T: Im Miss Zheng, Im you new teacher today ,Im very happy to have class with you, are you happy ? 通过简单的问候可以帮助学生适应英语语感,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。活动二、Sing and dance: 播放动画What are you doing?,学生边唱边做动作,(播放)

11、活跃了课堂气氛,营造主题氛围,激活学生与话题有关的已有知识储备,为While-reading做好准备。活动完之后师生have lots of fun,引出短语lots of,出示图片an apple 和 lots of apples,让学生在对比中更加直观的学习lots of。活动三、用have lots of fun 引出教师在博山公园的社区生活I also have lots of fun in my neighbourhood.此环节利用学生身边的社区生活引出本节课的主题They are having lots of fun.更利于学生的理解,能使学生迅速地进入文本的学习。此处学习单词p

12、eople,让学生用there be 句型描述三幅图片There are many people in the supermarket.既复习了旧知there be,又在语境中帮助学生理解people的意思并有效运用。 接下来是阅读中活动,也就是课文的学习,这里分为速读和精读两部分,Step1fast reading(速读) :这里设计了read and match的活动,通过让学生快速阅读完成图片和文字的匹配,初步来感知文本的信息。培养学生从图中获取信息的思维能力,从而训练学生通过快速阅读获取目标信息的阅读策略。Step2:careful reading(精读)在这里设计了四个活动:1.细读

13、课文第一段,完成填空。学生带着任务细读课文更有目的性。此处学习enjoy themselves. 通过让学生来描述图片:They are enjoying themselves.来练习enjoy themselves做到了词不离句,增强了趣味性。2.细读课文第二段,回答问题。What are the women doing under the tree?回答问题之前,先在图片的提示下让学生找出women的具体位置:They are under the tree.把图片women贴到黑板的图画中的正确位置,为下面回答问题做好铺垫,紧接着细读课文找出问题What are the women doi

14、ng under the tree?的答案:Some women are singing Beijing Opera under the tree. Beijing Opera是我国的国粹让学生观看京剧视频加深学生对京剧的了解。(播放)然后出示三幅图They are singing Beijing Opera. HeShe is singing Beijing Opera.练习Beijing Opera现在进行时的用法。3.找出men 的具体位置,They are near the lake.并让学生把men 贴到黑板图画中的正确位置,为下一步回答问题做好铺垫。细读第三段找出What are

15、the men doing near the lake?的答案:Some people are doing taijiuan near the lake. 4.细读课文第四段,找出What is Danny doing? 学生经过细读课文之后找出答案:Danny is doing kungfu. 让学生观看中国功夫的视频,从而进一步了解中国功夫,加深学生对民族精神的理解。(播放)观看完视频后及时对学生进行情感教育,练习中国功夫可以强身健体,而且功夫、太极拳、京剧都是我们优秀的传统文化我们应该继承发扬优秀传统文化!阅读中的四个活动都是以图文结合的形式再现文本内容,让学生在充分自主阅读的基础上以不同的形式完成阅读任务,有助于学生捕捉文本细节,深层次理解文本,通过反复阅读,引领学生明晰语篇的脉络,实现知识积累和情感升华。 接下来是阅读后活动,在这里设计了四个活动。1. listen and imitate.跟读课文能让学生更好地把握语音语调,紧接着复述课



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