Unit 2 Fit for life Section A 同步练习 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 Fit for life Section A 同步练习 1.单词拼写1. The _(化学家) has won worldwide recognition.2. How can we _(反驳) these rumours?3. One or two glasses of wine a day can be _ (有益的).4. He was _(咀嚼) on the meat as if he found it hard to swallow.5. It is _(不正常的) for a man to walk in his sleep.6. Your _(申请) for th

2、e job has been approved.7. The document will _(传阅) to all members.8. The department concerned has taken _ (有效的) measures.9. He showed his _(赞同) of the project by smiling.10. At that time I found him _(流血) badly.完成句子1. _(不仅他所拥有的一切被取消了), but also his American citizenship.2. It is cruel to _(在动物身上试药) b

3、ecause it is likely to kill them.3. _(如果你生意成功的话), everything would have been all right.4. _(让我吃惊的是), it was dark when I woke up.5. Theres a new restaurant _ (开业) in town.6. He regretted _(大量的时间) he wasted in school.7. _(是在他离开之前) I told him about the time of his flight.8. The new company is _(被他拥有).9

4、.一句多译 有规律的锻炼对你有益。 Regular exercise _ you. = Regular exercise _ you. = Regular exercise _ you.10.选词填空(possessions/take possession of/in possession of/in the possession of)My brother is _ all the business.The company is _ the young man.It is said that she wanted to _ her husbands _.11.他有潜力成为世界级的音乐家。 H

5、e has the potential _ a world-class musician.今年我们公司计划开拓潜在的市场。 Our company plans to open up the _ market this year.不存在中途放弃的可能。 There is no potential _ halfway.12.用astonish的适当形式填空He was _ to see his father there.How could these _ events have happened?I started in _ at the famous skyscraper.He hopes hi

6、s performance can _ the audience.13.用适当的介词或副词填空The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try _.Over twenty teachers came to try out _ the headmaster of our school.I have no courage to try _ my happiness!We will try _ the same idea _ chemistry.He got to try _ all the new softwares.14.用所给动词的适当形式填空A mas

7、s of water _(be) flowing out of the room.Masses of ice _(be) floating down the river.A mass of people _(have) already gathered in the theatre.15.用if的相关短语翻译句子我们即使有水也很少。 _他如果曾经有的话,也是很少在外面吃饭。 _如果不这样的话,你一旦遇到困难,别人将不会帮助你。 _16.对下列句子的画线部分进行强调He didnt come to the party because he was ill._ he didnt come to t

8、he party.You are to blame for the mistake.It _ you _ to blame for the mistake.单项填空1. (2012蚌埠高二检测) To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses. A. strengthsB. benefits C. techniquesD. values2. The uncertainty surrounding the US economy may _ h

9、ot money inflows into China. A. guaranteeB. supply C. recommendD. accelerate3. Not only _ polluted but _ crowded. A. was the city; were the streets B. the city was; were the streets C. was the city; the streets were D. the city was; the streets were4. As our product is coming out soon, were thinking

10、 about ways to have it _ in Paris or New York market. A. handed outB. tried out C. turned outD. kept out5. (2012台州高二检测) That such a great number of families are still so badly off greatly _ the researchers. A. puzzleB. confuse C. disturbedD. astonishes6. Although this area is very poor at present, i

11、ts _ wealth is great. A. fundamentalB. potential C. previousD. widespread7. (2012北京高二检测)Does Susan often come late to school? Seldom, _. A. if everB. if any C. if necessaryD. if possible8. The first snow didnt fall until February in our province this year, _ was unexpected. A. asB. whichC. thatD. wh

12、at9. (2012巢湖高二检测) If Becky hadnt missed the bus, she _ late for the lecture. A. would have beenB. wouldnt have been C. had beenD. wasnt10. I just dont understand _ that is wrong with our present way of doing things. A. why it doesB. what it does C. what it isD. why it is11. (2012台州高二检测) These fairy tales are as popular as before in that they _ the common sense of justice and equality. A. circulateB. look up C. satisfyD. deliver12. More and more foreigners want to _ their companies in Zhejiang. A. clean up


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