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1、M6U3 Understanding each otherGrammar and Usage Unreal conditionals 执教者:如皋市搬经中学jindongdongLearning aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to:1. know what are unreal conditionals;2. use unreal conditionals of the present, past and future time;3. improve the ability of using unreal co

2、nditionals.Learning procedures:Step 1 Lead-in(PPT3-4)1. Translate the following sentence .如果我是一只小鸟,我就能飞了。_2. Find out the unreal conditional sentences mentioned in reading . _Step 2 Presentation (PPT5-15).The three different tenses in which unreal conditionals can be used.1. to state a present condi

3、tion or situation that is not real or is imaginary. E.g. 1)If I were you, I would ask my parents for help. 2)If I had the chance, I might want to be a doctor. the Pattern we use in unreal conditionals to state a present condition or situation.If were/did , would/could/might/should do Practice: 1) 假如

4、我有更多的时间,我就学习汉语了。_2) 要不是她这么忙,她就会出席今天下午的会议了。_ TIPS: 1) Would, could and might are often interchangeable, but with some difference in meaning.Would intention; planCould ability; possibilityMight probability 2) In written English or in formal situation, we usually use were in If-clauses in place of was.

5、 However, in everyday conversation, was is often used.2. to refer to an imaginary past action.E.g. If the man had pointed with his first finger while he was in Brunei, everyone would have thought that he was very rude.We form unreal past conditionals like this:If had been/done , would/could/might/sh

6、ould have done Practice: 1) 如果他快一点的话,他就能赶上那趟火车。_2) 如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议。_3. to talk about imaginary future situations. E.g. 1) If I had time tomorrow, I would certainly help you.2) If I were to fail my English test, I would have to take it again at the end of the term.3) If he should come tomorrow, I w

7、ould talk to him about it.The pattern of the unreal future conditionals :If were/did/should/were to , would/should/might/could do.Practice: 1) 假如我要出国,我就会去中国。_2) 万一明天下雨,我们的运动会就推迟。_Conclusion:表示与事实情况相反条件从句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式 条件句中虚拟语气的倒装 We can also put should, were and had at the beginning of an unreal condi

8、tional sentence. In this case, if is not needed any more. E.g. 1) If you should make a mistake, you should not be embarrassed._you _a mistake, you should not be embarrassed.2) If you had told me earlier, I would not have this problem now._ you _ me earlier, I would not have this problem now.3) If yo

9、u were to take the train, you would be there much sooner._ you _ _ the train, you would be there much sooner.Tip: 如果省略的条件句中的谓语动词是否定形式时,不能用动词的缩略形式.我们可以说: Were it not for the expense, I would go abroad now. 但不说: Werent it for Have a try:_ she _ yesterday, she would have met the famous singer . A. Hadn

10、t; left B. Had; not left C. If; didnt leave D. Didnt; leave Step 3. Practice(PPT16-25). Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in their proper forms.1. You didnt let me drive. If we _ (drive) in turn, you _ (not get) so tired.2. _ it _ (not be) for your help, I couldnt have made any

11、 progress.3. _ it _ (rain) tomorrow, the match would be called off.4. Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she_ (get) a job, she probably wouldnt be able to see her friends very often.5. Much labor would have been saved if electronic computer _ (invent) before.6. Well done,

12、 Jack!Thanks. But given more time, I _ (do) it better. Choose the right answer.1. Everything if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade.A. will be destroyed B. will have been destroyed C. would be destroyed D. would have been destroyed 2. The business is risky. But , we would be rich.A. should we succe

13、ed B. we should succeed C. might we succeed D. would we succeed3. What would have happened, _, as far as the river bank?A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther4. _the exam, he would have attended a college.A. If he passed B. Had he passedC. Were he passed D. I



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