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1、B1/1 post (BrE) 信函,包裹=mail(AmE) reception 接待处 receptionist 接待员head of administration 行政主管B1/2 Marketing Department 营销部门 In-tray 公文夹 stationery cupboard 文具柜 help yourself to what you need 您请自便 photocopier 复印机 fax machine 传真机B1/3 Marketing Executive营销专员 Head of sales 销售主管 company structure公司架构 A repor

2、t to B A向B报告(B是A的上级) R&D workshop 研发车间(R&D=research and development)B1/4 prototype 原型,雏形 product range 产品范围B1/5 intelligent 聪明的 intelligence 智慧 well qualified 资历好的B1/6 Available有空的;可获得的 direct line直线电话 confidential保密的 confidence机密B1/7 Put you through 帮你接通电话 take the message 记下口信 ring sb on his mobil

3、e phone打他手机B1/8 Represent v.代表 product specification产品技术规格说明B1/9 Extension分机号码 put you back to the switchboard 帮你转回总机 hang on=hold the line=hold on不要挂电话B1/10 I dont think so.恐怕不行B1/11 Sales report销售报告 figure 数据 presentation 报告会,演示会,介绍会B1/12 switchboard电话总机,电话交换台B1/13 sb is on the line 某人在等你讲电话 Im ca

4、lling about 我打电话来是为了什么什么事B1/14 voice activated 声控的 catalogue产品目录B2/1 sharp整点 could you possibly do sth(非常有礼貌的语气)您是否有可能帮忙做某事B2/2 Arrange for sb to do 安排某人做某事 ring up (BrE)打电话 set up a meeting 安排会议 itinerary 旅游行程B2/3 Launch产品发布 on schedule 按时间表地,准时地 meet the deadline 按时完工B2/4 B2/5 Problem with the sch

5、edule 行程中的问题 What am I to do? 我该怎么办 dinner engagement 晚餐预约 jetlagged 有时差反应的 diary日历记事本 Thats going to be a long day. 那将是漫长的一天(这一天将会日程很满很辛苦) tycoon 商业巨头,大亨B2/6 Slide 幻灯片 monitor 计算机显示器B2/7 Thank you very much for collecting me. 谢谢你来接我 Its pleasure. Dont mention it.不客气 Thank you for sparing the time 感

6、谢你抽出时间B2/8 Brief sb v.向某人介绍基本情况 display unit 显示装置设计 unit 机件装置 rough design 设计初稿 make an impact 形成冲击力,产生影响B2/9 Receive sb 接某人 full-time 全职员工 part-time 兼职员工 casual staff=temp 临时员工 take on 雇佣 have a look around到处走走参观 senior manager 高层管理人员 briefcase男式公文包 after you您先请 Youll be seeing Don at the presentat

7、ion this afternoon.将来进行时语气比将来时更婉转B2/10 The packaging meeting外包装会议 I was delayed. 我迟到了 get down to business言归正传,办正经事B2/11 Show sb around 带某人到处走走参观 present A to B 向B正式介绍A Please make yourself at home. 您请自便 chip芯片 How are you fixed for lunch? 你晚饭怎么安排?B2/12 Confirm the reservation 确认预约 cancel the reserv

8、ation 取消预约B2/13 Run-through 排练,预演 company growth 公司发展史 staffing level 公司员工编制情况表 return on investment(ROI)投资回报率 turnover 营业额,职工流动率 pre-tax profit税前利润 broad 宽泛的 specific 详细点的 Major strategy 主要战略 rehearse v.排练 rehearsal n. company profile 公司概况B2/14 Remind sb of sth提醒某人某事 letter 字母B2/15 Ambitious 志向远大的,

9、雄心壮志的(_俺必胜) market share 市场份额 grow at a steady rate 稳步增长B2/16 Slogan 广告标语 copy 准备排印的书面材料(广告词) accessory n.配饰,配件 status n.地位,状态 alternative n.可供选择的事物B2/17 Mechanism 机械装置 diagram 图表B2/18 Audio-visual aid 视听辅助设备total net income 全部净收入accessories and add-ons 配件、附加装置low volume product 低额产品niche market pro

10、duct 特殊定向产品low margin product 低利产品 category 种类 sharp decrease 急剧下降 dotted line 虚线seasonal factor 季节因素product life circle 产品生命周期B2/19 Operation 运转,经营 best seller 畅销物 specialize in 专营 manufacture v.生产 computerized game hi-tech executive toy 高科技智力玩具 the market respond well to sth 市场对某物的反应良好B3/1 Make th

11、e deadline 顺利按时完工 launch v.发布产品 distributor 分销商 fire away 说吧 I want to be on the market Big Boss说:我想上市!B3/2 Im scheduled to do 我预先安排了要做某事B3/3 Closing the meeting 结束会议 lettering 字体 order a taxi 订出租车 Chelsea 切尔西 Canary Wharf 金丝雀码头B3/4 I have an inquiry about sth 我想询问一下某事 inquire about 询问某事business cla

12、ss 公务舱first class 头等舱economy class 经济舱 a direct flight 直达航班reserve me a seat 帮我保留座位pack a bag 整理行装B3/5 Get on with 相处,处理 art work 艺术作品B3/6 Check in 酒店入住,飞机登记 terminal 机场航站楼 upgrade v.机舱升级 at no extra charge 免费 Stopover(飞机)中途停留 a leg of journey 一段行程 return to your hospitality 回报您的盛情款待B3/7 Courtesy bu

13、s 免费汽车 hire a car 租车 four door saloon 四门轿车 collision waiver 碰撞免责保险 mileage 里程数 how are you paying? / how will you be paying?你打算以何种方式支付 corporate charge card 公司信用卡,公司赊账卡B3/8 Under the name of sth 用什么的名字 in the name of 以什么的名义 suite (发音同sweet) 套房 complete the form 填表 registration number 注册号 Herald Trib

14、une 国际先驱论坛报 bell hop 行李员 see to 照看,照料B3/9 JK Toys has a strong presence in Europe 该公司在欧洲有很强的市场地位 News travels fast 消息传播得很快 advanced technology 先进科技 innovative product 创新产品 the launch date 产品发布日期B3/10 Tone 电子设备发出的音调 dial tone 拨号音 busy tone 忙音 fax me a copy of the contract传真给我一份合同B3/11 Maam=madam 女士 Ca



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