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1、七年级英语导学设计 执笔人: 日期:课题李靖Unit 8 Section A课型2012-12-20-11-19 000 -11-4New lesson学习目标1. To practice and get more familiar with the 12 months and ordinal number.2.To drill the sentence pattern: -When is your birthday?-My birthday is Oct. 4th.3. To train students spoken English skill: talk about birthday a

2、nd age with friends. 。重点To drill the sentence pattern: -When is your birthday?-My birthday is Oct. 4th.难点To train students spoken English skill: talk about birthday and age with friends. 教学用具班班通,白板,录音机,学研测导学活动流程Step 1 PresentationWarming up 1. Teacher says : Now class! Look at the picture. Do you li

3、ke it? Do you know the man in red? Yes, Father Christmas. It is Christmas Day. When is Christmas Day? Its December 25th. People can say Merry Christmas. Christmas Day is coming. Dont forget. 2. Teacher s how another picture and say: Its February 14th. Its Valentines Day. Valentine is a young mans na

4、me. It is a love story. If you want to know more. Do it after class. 3. Teacher s how another picture. January 1st. Its a picture of New Years Day .When is New Years Day? On that day people say Happy New Year! 4. Teacher says :These days are important days. Can you say out other important days? Work

5、 in groups and write down the other important days. 学生们看着美丽的圣诞老人图画,欣赏着美妙的音乐,很快地进入了英语的学习氛围中将学生引入对所学日期的复习巩固之中。完成学研测一、自学感知:A:你能写出十二个月份吗?B:你能写出下列节日所在的月份吗?还缺少哪些?并把它们写出来。C:预习1b,补全句子。Step 2 Revision 正当学生还沉浸在对节日的眷恋之中时,教师适时地将他们引入了另一个让他们津津乐道的话题-生日,继续复习日期。 Teacher: I think birthday is also very important. Plea

6、se look at the chart and talk about your familys birthday. Please ask and answer, fill in the chart. Name Birthday I My mother My father (设计说明:让学生完成家庭生日表格,一方面复习了日期,另一方面培养了学生关爱父母的情感。)完成学研测二、重点研讨:(Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。) A:写出下列各组基数词的序数词形式。1.ten,four,six,fourteen,thirteen2.one,two,three,nine,eigh

7、t3.five,twelve 4.twenty,forty,thirty5.twentyone,fortyfive,hirtynineB:你会用英语表达下面的日期吗? 10月3日,9 月21日,11月23日对研讨内容及时检测,完成三巩固训练:(Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。)1.Therere twelve m_ in a year. The first month of a year is _ and the last month is _. The _ month of a year is September.2.May is the_month in a year

8、. 3.The _ (12) month of a year is December .4. When is _ (your brother ) birthday ?5.Miss Green is our new teacher. This is her_(one) lesson. Step 3 Presentation 1. Teacher: My birthday is October 1st. When is your birthday? S: My birthday is T: Im thirty-six. How old are you? S: Im fourteen. 2. Wor

9、k in pairs. Then check some pairs.Write the following on Bb. -When is your birthday? -My birthday is -How old are you? -Im . 完成学研测四延伸迁移Step 4 Practise Say A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is A: When is his/her birthday. C: His/Her birthday is Now work in three. (设计说明:通过“热身”与“复习”,为下一步新语言材料How

10、 old are you?的学习打下了坚实的基础Step 5 Presentation(3a) 1. Teacher: We have three people here. Look at their names. Can you read? Read after me. Explain: Whats your age? = How old are you? Date of birth = birthday Name Date of birth Age John Miller William Brown Tina Johnson 2.OK. Whats Johns date of birth?

11、 Whats Johns age? Do you know? Please open your books 3a . P lease read the three ID cards and fill in the chart. 3.Check: T asks. Ss answer like this: Whats Johns birthday? = Whats his age? 4.Can you talk about the chart? Work in pairs. (设计说明:通过教师的引入导入本节课新的学习内容How old are you? I m )Step 6 Practise

12、(3b) 为了让学生更深一步地掌握所学的新内容,张老师又设计了下面的表格,让学生四人一小组进行课堂调查。再利用得到的信息进行说和写的训练。1. Now work in groups of four. Ask your groupsbirthday ad ages. Fill in the chart. Name Date of birth Age 2. T: when is your bi rthday? S: My birthday is T: how old are you? Check some pairs.完成学研测五.达标检测作业设计:结合本节课重难点要求学生会表达十二个月份及日期表达法,自己结合十二个月份写日期。并掌握住如何询问别人的生日。用本节课句型自己组建对话。板书设计: Unit 8 Section AJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December 第 页


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