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1、Check out 结账退房脱口而出Can I pay my bill here, please?我可以在这儿付账吗?Would you please go to the Cashier Desk to pay your bill?请您去收款台付账,好吗?Ive to check out now. I was in room 305.我现在得结账离开旅馆了。我在305房间。Did you make any phone calls from your room?您在房间里打过电话吗?Is there any problem with the bill?账单有问题吗?Would you like

2、to check it?请您核对一下,好吗?The service charge is included in the bill.这个账单包括服务费。Whats your way of payment, please?您想怎么付账?I hope youve enjoyed your stay here.希望您在本店住得愉快。对答如流 精彩对话Dialogue OneIs there anything I can do for you?有什么能为您效劳的?Im leaving tomorrow morning. When do I have to settle my bill?我明天早晨要离店,

3、我得什么时候结账?Is it all right for you to pay the bill this evening?今天晚上结账好吗?That will do. Where shall I go to pay the money?行。我得去哪儿交钱呢?At the Cashiers Counter of our hotel, tight in the lobby downstairs.在我们宾馆收款处,就在楼下的大堂里。Would you please get the bill ready before supper?请你在晚饭前把账单准备好,行吗?Would you tell me

4、the number of your room?你能告诉我您的房间号吗?Yes, my room number is 702.可以,我的房间号是702.Thank you. I see.谢谢,我知道了。Dialogue TwoCould I have the bill, please?请把账单给我,好吗?Yes. Here you are.好的,给您。How much is it?多少钱?Its six hundred and eighty yuan altogether.总共680元。Could I pay by credit card?我能用信用卡付账吗?Im sorry, we only

5、 accept cash.很抱歉,我们只收现金。Thats all right. Heres seven hundred yuan. And keep the change.没关系。这是700元,剩下的给你当小费。Thank you.谢谢。Dialogue ThreeCan I help you, madam?女士,我能帮您什么忙吗?Id like to check out.我要退房。Your name and room number, please?请问您的姓名和房间号是多少?Cheng Jingwen, Room 502.程静雯,502房间。Just a minute, 520 yuan.

6、 Please check if the amount is correct.请等一下,总共520元。请核对一下。Let me see. Yes, thats correct.我看一下。对,没错。Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?您想用现金还是信用卡付账?By cash, here you are.现金,给你。Here is the receipt.这是收据。Thanks a lot.多谢了。With pleasure. Welcome to come again.不客气,欢迎再来。Dialogue FourCan I help you?

7、要我帮忙吗?Yes, Id like to settle my bill, please. Can you show it to me?我想结账。把账单给我看一下行吗?OK. Ill just get it.好的,我这就给您拿。Thank you.谢谢。Here you are, sir.给您,先生。OK. Thanks.好的,谢谢。How are you paying, sir?您怎么付款,先生?Will you accept travelers cheques?你们收旅行支票吗?Of course.当然收。Good. Here you are.好的。给你。出口成章“实在”的服务员As a

8、man paid his hotel bill, the departing guest turned and yelled to the bellboy: “Quick, boy, run up to room 402 and see if I left my mobile phone there. Hurry up, because Ive just got few minutes to catch my train.”A moment later the bellboy was back to report to the guest, all out of breath, “Yes, sir, they are up there.”一个人付了旅馆费用,就要离开旅馆时,回头对服务员喊道:“赶快,小伙子,跑步到房间看一看,我的手机是否忘在那里了。要快,因为我离上火车只有几分钟了。”片刻过后服务员返回,上气不接下气地报告给客人:“是的,先生,它们都在那里。”



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