Unit 2 Months of a Year Lesson 1 教案.doc

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1、Unit 2 Months of a Year Lesson 1教案【教学目标】1. 知识目标:(1)能听说读写关于12个月份的新单词: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.(2)能掌握句型并能在具体的语境中运用。-When is the school trip?-Its in September.-Whats in June?-There is a table tennis game.2. 能力目标:(1)明白四季中月份的划分并且掌握一

2、些节日的日期。(2)引导学生积极参与教学活动,实现完成认知目标任务,培养合作探究、自主学习、活学活用的能力。【教学重点】1.要求学生在学习过程中能结合所给句型替换January, February, March, April, May等单词,并逐步学会听说读写。2.能正确掌握所学句型来表达一些活动的举办时间。【教学难点】1.掌握所学新单词。2.运用所学句型询问并能回答学校中一些活动的举办月份。-When is the Music Festival?- Its in April.-Whats in June?-There is a table tennis game.【教学过程】Step 1 W

3、arming up1. 询问同学们一年中有多少个月份,并学习12个月份的单词。2. 教授儿歌Months and SeasonsFebruary, March, and April, spring comes with flowers.May, June and July,summer comes with sunshine.August, September and October,autumn comes with harvest.November, December and January,winter comes with snow and New Year.通过这样的方式引导学生进入

4、新课的学习,既与实际相结合学习了新单词,了解了四季的概念,又大大提高了学习兴趣。Step 2 Presentation1. Look, listen and sayT:(拿出九月份的日历,要求学生阅读上面的单词)Please read this for me.S1: OK. In September, theres a school trip.T: Uh-huh, go on.S1: In October, theres a sports meet and an art festival.T: A sports meet in September.S1: Oh no. The sports m

5、eet is in October.T: When is the school trip, Pat?S2: Its in September.2. Lets practice(1)看Lets practice的教学内容,浏览,了解大意和要求。(2)两人一组,仿照图片内容进行对话练习。 -When is the Art show? -It is in May. -Whats in December? -There is a New Year Festival. - When is the English Festival?- It is in January.- Whats in November?- There is a football game.Step 3 Practice1. 完成Look and choose部分的练习。如题一:T: Look, there are five festivals. Please choose the right month.1) Christmas is always in December/January.参考答案:December2. 学生展示汇报,并及时纠正所存在的问题。Step 4 Homework1. 抄写本单元新学的单词。2. 运用所学句型表达学校活动的举办日期,并且去网上查找西方文化中月份名称的来历,加深对月份的了解。


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