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1、听力教学设计单元标题Module 7 ComputersUnit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?教学目标1 知识目标:掌握 keyboard 等15个单词及短语,学习做一件事的流程,理解对话。2 能力目标:训练学生听懂学习活动中连续的指令和问题,并做出适当的反应。能用所给信息描述在电脑上做作业的过程。3 情感态度及价值观:通过本课的学习,学生学会如何使用电脑,健康使用网络。学情分析本课面对的是七年级的学生,经过小学的英语学习,已具有一定的听说基础。而computers这一模块内容又与学生生活紧密相连,能引起学生的学习兴趣。因此,我以激

2、趣为切入点,安排听、说、读、写的活动。教学流程Step1:Warming-upStep2:pre-listening Step3:While-listening Step4: post-listeningStep5: Summary and homework活动步骤Step 1: Warming up Talk about the computers that the students know about.Step 2: pre-listeningLearn new words according to the pictures.then listen and number the word

3、s as you hear them.Step 3: while-listening1.Listen and number the instructions as you hear them.2.Play the recording while the students listen. Let students check their answers with a partner.Step 4: post-listeninglisten then answer the questions 1.Play the recording again,students read 2.Students d

4、o part 5 anser the questions3.Check the answers in pairsStep 5: Pratice complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box Step 6: Summary and homework 教师活动Step1:Warming-upStep 1: Warming up Talk about the computers that the students know about.Step 2: pre-listeningSs learn new w

5、ords according to the pictures and practice.Step 3: while-listening1. listen to the tape.2.Play the recording while the students listen. Step 4: post-listeninglisten then answer the questions 1.Play the recording again,students read 2.Ask ss to do part 5 answer the questionsStep 5:Ask ssto pratice t

6、he dialogue. Step 6: Summary and homework学生活动Step 1: Warming up Ss talk about the computers.Step 2: pre-listeningLearn new words according to the pictures.then listen and number the words as you hear them.Step 3: while-listening1.Listen and number the instructions as you hear them.2.Play the recordi

7、ng while the students listen. Let students check their answers with a partner.Step 4: post-listening1.listen then answer the questions 2.Students do part 5 anser the questions3.Check the answers in pairsStep 5: Pratice complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box 设计意图本节课的重点内容是Activity4的听力活动,指导学生听辨关键词 ,训练学生捕捉有用信息的能力。在Activity 1、2 、3的基础上,进一步巩固学习How do I write my homework on the computer? 通过本课的学习,目的是让学生学会用英语表达一件完整的事件。作业设计作业的布置上,一部分是基础的单词的巩固练习 ;另一部分把课内的听说实践转化为写的落实,依据learning to learn ,要求学生写一篇有关使用电脑的小短文,为Unit 2 的学习奠定基础。


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