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1、六年级英语导学案杨士岗九年一贯制学校:主备人: 梁翠 审核人: 梁翠 2013年 月 日课 题Module 1 Unit1 How long is the Great Wall?课 型new课 时2学习目标知识目标. 使学生能够听懂、会说本课的功能句:How long is the Great Wall?How old is it?能力目标. 学会使用特殊疑问词做简单的疑问句情感目标激发学生的积极情感,培养学生交流与合作的能力.学习重点单词:thousand kilometre might million place building功能句:How long学习难点功能句在真实情境中的用导 学

2、 流 程学习过程学习内容预习交流问题导学交流展示评价点播巩固延伸达标测试1.你还记得我们学过的描述下面天气情况的单词吗?根据图片说一说,写一写_ _2.你还知道哪些描述天气的词汇?小组讨论,写在下面,最好标注天气符号熟悉下列单词的汉语意思:thousand _ kilometre _ might _ million _ place _ building _ 你会预报明天的天气情况了吗?小组内试一试A: Whats the weather going to be like intomorrow?B:Its going to / Whats the weather going to be like

3、 in tomorrow?C:Its going to /Whats the weather going to be like intomorrow?D:Its going to/Whats the weather going to be like intomorrow?A:Its going to根据课文内容提出简单问题,了解课文大意:翻译句子1、Tell me about the Great Wall. _2、I want to go there. _3、You can. When you visit me in China, well go. _4、Its near to my home

4、. _5、Can we walk all of the Great Wall, Daming? _6、No. we cant all of it. Its too long! _7、Why? How long is it? Its ten thousand Li long. _8、How old is it? Its more than two thousand years old! _9、The moon is only two thousand years old? _10、The moon is millions of years old! _老师针对小组合作、展示过程中出现的问题进行适

5、当补充、纠正、点拨并指导学生如何在合适的语境中运用正确的语音语调进行交流语调优美的小组奖励5play a guessing game like this:A: Whats the weather going to be like intomorrow?B: Guess, please.A: Is it going to be?B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt作业设计Watch the weather forecast on CCTV1 and make a weather forecast of at least five main cities in China.教学

6、反思六年级英语导学案杨士岗九年一贯制学校:主备人: 梁翠 审核人: 梁翠 2013年 月 日课 题Module 1 Unit2 Its twenty metres tall课 型new课 时2学习目标知识目标. 使学生能够听懂、会说本课的功能句:Its twenty meters tallTell me more about this place能力目标. 学会使用特殊疑问词做简单的疑问句情感目标激发学生的积极情感,培养学生交流与合作的能力.学习重点单词:thousand kilometre might million place building功能句:How long学习难点功能句在真实情

7、境中的用导 学 流 程学习过程学习内容预习交流问题导学交流展示评价点播巩固延伸达标测试翻译地名和国名Sydney_ Australia_ Hong Kong_ China _ London_ England_San Francisco_ America_热身启动1.Greeting2.Have a free talk . A:_ B:_3.Review the words of past tenseT: Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents. We had a picnic. What did you do last weekend?is

8、/ am was are- were run- ran come- came dont- didnt say- said eat- ate(先让学生回答,然后让学生在小组中互相询问,了解同学暑假的活动)课文教学1. The students listen and circle the words of past tense2. Ask and answer.3. Listen and repeat.4. .Look and read the text one picture by one picturehave- had go-went take-took want-wanted is-was

9、 are-were start-started rain-rained eat-ateLets learn sth about the picture.任务拓展I had a very funny day . I took some photos. There was a big lake and rhere were lots of ducks1、 Practise the text in group.2、 Practise the sentence.3. Students make interesting sentences with the words given作业1. Summary

10、. _T: What did we learn this class?Listen and repeatLook at the pictures and write captions.重点句型操练2. Homework. _ _教学反思六年级英语导学案杨士岗九年一贯制学校:主备人: 梁翠 审核人: 梁翠 2013年 月 日课 题Module 2Unit1 There is a big Chinatown in New York课 型new课 时2学习目标知识目标. 1、There is a big Chinatown in New York2、I went to a library yesterday.能力目标. 通过不同国家的人们使用的物品进行文化对比情感目标激发学生的积极情感,培养学生交流与合作的能力.学习重点单词:surprise everywhere restaurant different dancing weekend学习难点动词过去式的使用导 学 流 程学习过程学习内容预习交流问题导学交流展示评价点播巩固延伸达标测试Warm up:Say the Eng


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