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1、保持学习热情的10个建议(come from Andy Blog,thanks)下面的十条建议将会帮助你在整个学期都始终保持这种热情:1. Get your books earlyOne of the most hectictimes of each college school year is that crazy few days in the college bookstore before the semester starts. Who needs it. Get your books early. If your professors havent posted them onli

2、ne, call the bookstore and see if they have a list. If still no luck, give your professor a polite e-mail stating youd like to get your books early so you can prepare for the class. Ask which books you need to buy.1.准备好你的课本每学期开学之初都是学校书店最繁忙的时候。避开这个高峰期,我们只需早早地准备好自己的课本。如果你的教授还没有通知你这学期所需的课本,可以询问下书店,看他们是

3、否有你需要的课本清单。如果没有,那么礼貌地发一封Email给你的教授询问你需要为新学期购买那些课本。2. Skim and review before class startsReview is one of your best weapons against challenging exams. Since you have your books early, spend a few hours skimming and reviewing each one. Familiarize yourself with the table of contents, summaries, bolded

4、 text and sidebars. Get the edge.2.课前温习预习、复习是应对考试的最佳武器。当你提前拿到新学期的课本后,花几个小时浏览阅读一下他们。熟悉其中的表格、摘要、黑体字及边栏提示。争取先行的优势。3. Do not change your dietEating more or less can change your concentration, energy level and ability to stay alert. Presuming you are satisfied with your current mental chemistry, avoid ch

5、anging your diet.P.S. Studies show 75% of college freshmen put on 7lbs their first semester keep lean and mean.3.不要改变饮食习惯食量的增加或减少都会影响你注意力的集中、身体能量供应及应变能力。请放心地保持你的饮食习惯,不要改变他们。注:研究表明75%的大一新生在他们的第一学期一般会增重7英磅。4. Decide your main goalDo you want straight As, Bs?Before you can get anywhere you have to know

6、 where you are going beforehand. Choose before the semester starts what grades you want and write it down. By putting it in writing, you are setting an agreement with yourself - after that, all you need to do is not break that agreement.4.确定你的目标你是想获得A呢,还是B?行动之前明确目标会达到事半功倍的效果。在开学之初就确定并写下本学期你要达到哪个等级。写

7、下来是为了给自己定下一个承诺,接下来要做的就是履行这个承诺。5. Decide why you want to make As in your classesWhy do you want to be a good student? Write up a list of reasons and then hang them in a prominent location in your living quarters. When the going gets tough and you dont feel like studying or going to class, review this

8、 list. Add to it if you can. Reasons are what keep enthusiasm high.5.明确你为什么要获得你为什么想要成为一个好学生?列出原因并粘贴在你寝室的显眼位置。当你遇到困难、厌倦学习以及要去上课时,重新审视一下这个列表。这会使你能够始终保持学习的热情。6. Keep your exercise program goingHopefully, since you are reading this blog, you have adopted an exercise program. Going to class is no excuse

9、to stop. Stick with it for increased self-esteem, concentration and enthusiasm for learning.6.坚持体育锻炼希望你在看过这篇文章后能够为自己设定一个体育锻炼的计划。上课不是你停止体育锻炼的借口。坚持体育锻炼可以增强你的自信、注意力的集中及保持学习热情。7. Sit in the front rowStudies have shown sitting in the front row is an easy way to improve your grades. Why? You hear better,

10、you have more interaction with the professors and there is no possible way to doze if you are in the front row. So choose the front row and win.7.坐在前排研究表明坐在前排是获得学习进步最佳捷径。为什么呢?坐在前排听课会十分清楚,可以使你将注意力集中在教授那里,而且坐前排还能克制自己不去打瞌睡。所以,坐在前排迎接你学习的胜利吧!8. Reward yourself after small accomplishmentsWhen you get an a

11、ssignment or test deadline, right then and there, decide on a reward for completing it successfully. I am not saying you have to get an A. Instead a small reward for simply getting through. Some ideas: A new video game, a toy, tee shirt, DVD. Pick something just for you and do not buy it until you f

12、inish your assignment. The fun reward will carry you through to the finish line.8.奖励自己当你成功完成一项任务或测验顺利时就犒赏一下自己。不是说你必须得到后才能奖励自己,即使是前进中的一小步胜利也可以奖赏自己。这个奖励不要在还未完成任务前就买回来,一个有吸引力的奖品会不断激励你去完成任务达到目标。9. Make a habit of studying at the same time every dayHumans better at different times. When do you study the

13、best? Early morning, afternoon or evening? Work on finding that out and then make a pact that youll study at that time every day. This works because 1 youll be in your zone naturally and you will be developing a habit of high quality study at that time of day.9.形成自己的学习习惯每个人的各种机能在不同的时间体现出不同的效能。哪个时间段学

14、习更好些?早上,中午还是晚上?找出适合自己学习的最佳时间,然后每天坚持在这个时间学习。这有利于你形成适合自己的高效的学习习惯,并将自己的潜能得到最好的发挥。10. Get enough sleepStaying up late at night watching TV, goofing off or drinking might be fun at the time, but leads to excessive tiredness during classes. Its tough to be enthusiastic if you are dead tired. So pick a time your fun and serious side can agree on, then stick to it. Set a reminder on your cellphone or computer if you need to. Just get some sleep you look tired.10.充足的睡眠熬夜看电视或者酗酒这只能得一时之快,它们带来的只会是无尽的疲劳与困倦。如果过度疲劳的话,你将很难保持学习的热情。所以挑个时间放松休闲一下而不可以过度的放松,如果有必要就用电脑或手机设置一个提醒



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