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1、散装包完美搭建 wamp (windows+Apache+MySQL+php+phpmyadmin,附有L2-1片)网上有很多在windows上搭建wamp的文章,但其中糟粕居多,并相互抄袭,有很多错误, 与过时的方式。这里,我提供一种原创的最简单的方式来实现一个php网站的所需软件的安装,配置与一 些建议。注意:我提供的是wamp(windows+Apache+MySQL+php)散装包的搭建。至于AppSer v那种集成包快速搭建的方式就不讨论了。那很简单,对读者来说没有太大难度,当然其配 置部分也可以参照本文。至于Linux下lamp的搭建与配置方法可以参看我的另一篇原创 文章“搭建并配

2、置 lamp(Linux+Apache+MySQL+php+phpmyadmin ”有不足之处,希望大家能指正与交流。第一部分:环境介绍与软件下载首先,说明一下我试验的环境与软件操作系统:win dows2003软件:apache_2.2.11-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi (http:/httpd.apache.org/download.cgi)mysql-5.0.22-win32.zip ( http:/ (http:/ in-3.2.4-all-la nguages.zip(http:/ 是.msi)。因为在.msi版本中有个bug导致该版本的php不能与Apache很好的兼

3、容,在 php官网上还报告了很多bug,以至于出现一些莫名其妙的错误。不信,你可以试试。第二部分:安装软件首先在c盘根目录建一个文件夹wamp。用于后面软件的安装。(你想安装在其它路径也 可以)再在c盘根目录建一个文件夹web。用于存放网站的网页。(Apache默认的C:wampapachehtdocs 也可以)下面正式开始安装:I. Apache安装路径选择为c:wampapache注意Apache安装时,会让你选择0、服务还是“8080端口、手动”等。建议选择第一种, 即使你的操作系统上已经有IIS之类的占用了80端口,也没关系。这样可以简化后面Apache 的启动配置,至于端口冲突问题可

4、以在Apache的httpd.conf文件中进行纠正。这将在第三 部分讲解。至于第二种手动方式的配置,可以参考http:/ nu al/apache/platform/wi ndows.html2.MySQL安装路径选择为c:wampmysqlCustom Setup5elect the program features you want installed.匚lick on an icon in the list below to change how a feature is installed.MySQL ServerFeature Description Components used

5、 by developers.E“(=JTClient ProgramsTMySQL Instance Manager_J T E- _JDocumentation1 Developer ComporientsThis feature requires OKEi on your hard drive. It has 3 of 3 subfeatures seled:ed. The subfeatures require 27MB on your hard drive.Install to: 匚:wampmysqlChange.Help|匚 ancelcoolwiixiing.bloq. 接着就

6、简单配置MySQL匚日ncelcoorindhig.blogMySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard2JMySQL Server Instance ConFigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.0 server instance.Please sele匚t the database usage.( MultiFunctional Database:.General purpose databases. This will optimize the server for the use of the fast tr

7、ansactional InnoDB storage engine and the high speed MyI5AM storage engine.Transactional Database OnlyMySQL Server Instance ConFigurationPlease select a server type. This will influenee memory disk and CPU usage.Developer MachineThis is a development machinej and many other applications will be run

8、on it. MySQL Server should only use a minimal amount of memory.(* Server MachineSeveral server appli匚aticins will be running on this m日匚hine. Choose this option for web/application servers. MySQL will have medium memory usage.Dedicated MySQL Server MachineThis machine is dedicated to run the MySQL D

9、atabase Server. No other serversj such as a web or mail server will be run. MySQL will utilize up to all available memory.Optimized for application servers and transa匚tion日I web applications. This will make InnoDB the main storage engine. Note that the MyI5AM engine can still be used.C Mon-Transacti

10、onal Database Only Suited For simple web applications monitoring or logging applicationsas well as analysis programs. Only the non-transactional MyI5AM storage engine will be activated.MySQL Server Instance ConfigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.0 server instance.Please select the drive for the I

11、nnoDB datafile if you do not want to use the default settings.InnoDB Tablespace SettingsPlease 匚hoose the drive and directory where the InnoDB tablespace should be placed.|ln5tallation PathMySQL Server Instance Configuration WizardxJMySQL Server Instance ConfigurationConfigure the MySQL Server 5.0 s

12、erver instanee.Please set the approximate number of concurrenct connections to the server.Decision Support (DSS)/OLAPSelect this option for database applications that will not require a high number of concurrent connections. A number oF 20 connections will be assumed.金 Online Transaction Processing

13、(OLTP)Choose this option for highly 匚oncurrent appli匚日tions that may have at any one time up to 500 active connections such as heavily loaded web servers.Manual SettingPlease enter the approximate number of nri匚urrent connections.Concurrent connections:CancelcccrPlease set the networkjng options.两 E

14、nable TCP/IP NetworkingEnable this to allow TCP/IP connections. When dis日bledonly local connections through named pipes are allowed.Port Number:三|Please set the server 5QL mode.雨 Enable Strict ModeThis option foiTES the server to behave more like a traditional database server. It is re匚ommended to enable t



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