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1、关于整容人们都会赞同有生理缺陷的人整容或纯粹医学性质的整容,但是人们对当今社会上很多正常人特别是年轻人的整容颇有争议,请你就正常人做整容手术(face-lifting)的话题,结合下面的内容要点和要求写一则英语短文。内容要点: 有些人赞同正常人做整容手术 有些人反对正常人做整容手术 你的具体建议 When it comes to ordinary people having a face-lifting, different people will offer different opinions. Some people approve of it. In their opinion, th

2、e love of beauty is an essential part of all human nature, and a face-lifting can help ordinary people become more beautiful. Besides, promoting ones appearance means offering more chances to success.However, others tend to believe that it is better not to have a face-lifting for ordinary people. Th

3、ey argue that any face-lifting has a risk of failure and thus people have to bear the risk of an unsuccessful face-lifting which will be a life-long pain. In addition, for some young people, a face-lifting costs much, which will put a heavy burden on their parents.As for my suggestions, firstly, peo

4、ple should know that a face-lifting may not change ones fate; improving ones inner qualities is the right approach to success. Secondly, before having a face-lifting it is wise for ordinary people to attach great importance to the risk of it.关于堵车中国目前已经成为世界第一汽车产销国,这是我国居民生活水平提高的表现。同时,城市道路拥堵问题也已经十分突出,如

5、何解决城市道路拥堵的问题呢?请你就这个问题按如下提纲和要求以“On Traffic Jam”为题为某英文杂志写一篇英文稿件。提纲: 目前城市道路拥堵问题突出并简要说明原因。 你对解决城市道路拥堵问题的具体建议范文On traffic JamNowadays traffic in cities is becoming increasingly heavier. In my opinion, there are at least two reasons accounting for this phenomenon. First of all, with the improvement of liv

6、ing standards, more and more families have their own cars, which results in a sea of cars in all corners of the city. Whats more, aging roads and road construction should be an important factor. In addition, quite a few peoples not following traffic rules can also lead to a traffic jam.As for my sug

7、gestions, firstly, our government should speed up road construction and make a more reasonable transport network setting. Secondly, it is advisable for everyone to obey traffic rules. Thirdly, some drivers should not only establish safety awareness but also better their driving skills.自我介绍(自荐信)假设你是山

8、西中学的王琳,英国某中学的学生组织在网上发帖寻找在山西上学的同龄中学生作为今年暑假山西旅游的导游,请你按如下内容要点和要求用英文写一封自荐信回贴。内容要点: 个人情况(包括年龄,性别,学历) 个人特点(如英语好,喜欢交友,熟悉山西的旅游景点和山西历史文化等) 你的目的或希望 范文Hi,My name is Wang Lin, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Shanxi high school. I think I am a proper guide you are looking for.Now let me introduce myself t

9、o you. Firstly, Im fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing. Secondly, I am familiar with places of tour attraction in Shanxi and have much knowledge in the history and culture of Shanxi.Thirdly, I would like to make friends with people and Im easy to get along with.Im looking forwar

10、d to having this chance to make friends with a friend from a different country and a different culture to introduce my hometown to my foreign friends.Im looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.Sincerely yours,Wang Lin- 对产品质量的投诉假如你是王林,你刚买了一部Mp4, 两天后却发现它有质量问题,于是你向销售该Mp4的商店经理写了一封投诉信。信的主要内容如下:

11、 2007年3月15日购买该Mp4 购买两天以后,发现该Mp4不能正常关机 希望商店退款 提出一条合理的建议范文Dear Manager,Im writing this letter to make some complaint about the Mp4 I bought in your store on March 15, 2007. There is something wrong with it, which makes me extremely angry.The Mp4 couldnt be properly shut down when I correctly clicked t

12、he shutdown button according to the directions on March 17, which just happened two days later after I had thought it in your store.A qualified Mp4 cant be like the one I bought. I think your store should take full responsibility for selling me the defective product. According to the rules, I do wan

13、t you to give back my money as soon as possible. And it is advisable for you to carefully check the quality of your goods before selling them, which will make your store enjoy a good fame and thus attract more customers in the future. I am looking forward to a satisfactory reply as soon as possible.

14、 Thank you for your consideration.Yours,Wang Lin(2005湖北)你堂兄建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否回国工作征求你的意见。请根据下列提示回信: 建议他回国 你的理由是:学有所用,就业容易,照顾父母Dear Jianhua,Im very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. You have asked me for my advice with regard to the problem whether you should

15、come back to our motherland after your graduation. In my view, working in China is a much better choice than working abroad. On one hand, what you are studying is badly needed nowadays in China and you can find a good job with no difficulty. On the other hand, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents as they are getting old, in which case you will enjoy a happy family time. Therefore, I believe its a good idea for you to return.Im sure you can make a wise decision.Please inform


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