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1、England Swings英格兰的节奏England swings like a pendulum do,英格兰的节奏就像是钟摆在晃动Bobbies on bicycles, two by two,警察三三两两在街上骑着自行车Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Ben,威斯敏斯特教堂 国会大厦顶端的大钟The rosy red cheeks of the little children.孩子们都长着蔷薇色的脸颊Now, if you huff and puff and you finally save enoughMoney up to take your

2、family on a trip across the sea,现在 如果你吹嘘自己攒够了足够多的钱,足以让你的家庭做一次越洋旅行,Take a tip before you take your trip; let me tell you where to go,在你没走之前 让我告诉你去哪Go to Engeland, Oh;去英格兰England swings like a pendulum do,英格兰的节奏就像是钟摆在晃动Bobbies on bicycles, two by two,警察三三两两在街上骑着自行车Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Be

3、n,威斯敏斯特教堂 国会大厦顶端的大钟The rosy red cheeks of the little children.孩子们都长着蔷薇色的脸颊Mamas old pajamas and your papas mustache,妈妈的旧睡衣和老爹的大胡子Falling out the window sill, frolic in the grass,窗外传来的争吵声,在草地上嬉戏Tryin to mock the way they talk fun but all in vain,试着模仿当地人有趣的讲话方式,但这一切都是徒劳的Gaping at the dapper men with d

4、erby hats and canes戴着圆顶礼帽拄着手杖的绅士们正懒懒地打呵欠England swings like a pendulum do,英格兰的节奏就像是钟摆在晃动Bobbies on bicycles, two by two,警察三三两两在街上骑着自行车Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Ben,威斯敏斯特教堂 国会大厦顶端的大钟The rosy red cheeks of the little children.孩子们都长着蔷薇色的脸颊England swings like a pendulum do,英格兰的节奏就像是钟摆在晃动Bobbies on bicycles, two by two,警察三三两两在街上骑着自行车Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Ben,威斯敏斯特教堂 国会大厦顶端的大钟The rosy red cheeks of the little children.孩子们都长着蔷薇色的脸颊


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