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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 商务信函的写作特征 姓 名 : 000000000 班级、学号 : 000000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000000 开题时间: 2009-04-10 完成时间: 2009-11-08 2009 年 11 月 08日19目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-21答辩委员会表决意见22答辩过程记录表23课 题 商务英语的写作特征 一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1.语言特征1.1词汇特征1.1.1用词规范正式1.1.2表意准确、专业性强1.1.3用词朴素、淡于修饰1

2、.2缩略语使用较多1.3语气特点2. 衔接手段特征3. 语篇结构特征3.1句式特征3.1.1句式结构特点3.2用陈述句表示委婉的祈使语气3.2用陈述句表示委婉的祈使语气3.3大量使用套语4.内容特征4.1礼貌和体谅4.2完整,具体和正确4.3清楚和简洁 4.4真诚 ,语言朴实4.5针对性,标题结束语二、内容摘要商务英语信函是国际贸易双方进行书面商务信息沟通的重要手段,其撰写的成功与否对企业的业务有着极其重要的影响。商务英语信函的写作是有规律可循的,首先,要注意写作技巧,遵循四部式的信函结构,并善于使用商务英语信函中的套语和特殊表达法. 其次要坚持礼貌、体谅、完整、清楚、简洁、具体与正确性等写作

3、特征,从整体结构和内容方面使信函表达更完善。三、 参考文献1Tan Fang Zhu Huiping,English Correspondence for Foreign TradeSMind Shaping English 20062陈冬纯:商务英语信函的体裁分析与撰写策略J.国外外语教学, 2003 (2)3戚云方:新编外经贸英语写作与套语M.杭州:浙江大学出版社, 20024张亦辉:点石成金英语商函写作实务M.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 20035 杨廷治. 对外经贸英语函电M . 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2000.On the Features of Business Eng

4、lish Correspondence Writing000000Abstract:Business English Letter Writing between the two sides in international trade is an important means of business communication, its written on the companys business success has an extremely important implications.And also English Business Letter writing is the

5、re a pattern, first of all,we must pay attention to writing skills .secondly, we should insist on courtesy,consideration,completeness,clarity,conciseness,concreteness and correctness of writing features to express it more perect from the aspect of the overall structure and the content .Keywords: lin

6、guistic features; cohesion features; discourse structure features ; content features0.IntroductionBusiness English letters is an indispensable tool in the modern business activities,and also it is a very important means of expression and methods of communication. English business letter has its own

7、unique characteristics and requirements of the language, so English business letter writing are very particular about the form and method, a decent standard of business English letters can meet the specific business environment and can successfully achieve the business purposes. Business letter writ

8、ing does not require you to use beautiful words beautiful. All you need to do is, using simple language and simple, accurate and to express their meaning, so that the other party can be very clear understanding of what you are trying to say. Only the other side in order to understand what you mean t

9、o respond to your request, so that business letters to play its due role in it.1.Linguistic features1.1 Vocabulary featuresVocabulary features have three parts,they are formal specification terms,expression accurate and profession strong,and simple words, short on the modification.1.1.1 Expression a

10、ccurate and profession strongThe first ,business letter colloquial English, though the trend, but it is after all a formal correspondence style, so a formal business letter in English words, based on vocabulary and informal vocabulary co-exist, but the official vocabulary, neutral words are used tha

11、n the informal Spoken vocabulary, fully embody the norms of formal, business-like features. Letters are often meaning the same or similar to replace the written words of basic vocabulary and spoken words, such as: inform or advise instead of tell ;dispatch instead of send; otherwise replace or , the

12、refore replace so; to prepositional phrase instead of a simple preposition and conjunction, as in the so far, in respect to, in connection with, and with regarding to replace about and so on.1.1.2 Simple wordsThe second ,this feature mainly for the use of a large number of specialized terminology, j

13、argon, foreign borrowed words, acronyms, and general terms in the business context of the special use words, such as insurance policy, coverage, premium , underwriter, establishment counter - off, bid, proforma invoice irrevocable letter of credit, CIF, POB, TPND, etc., these professional terms at a

14、ll stages of business activity in the frequent emergence of a specific connotation of these terms, which means clear, in the process of translation can not be too literally, coined Business English letters that do not comply with the meaning come.1.1.3 Short on the modification.The third,English Business Letter Writing is characterized by: simple, and clear, direct, so when the transmission of information, in addition to the use technical terms accurately express their intentions, in general, the rhetoric does not


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