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1、湖南景点英语导游词湖南景点英语导游词 【篇一:岳麓山景区十个景点导游词介绍 (中英文)】和同学合作翻译的,时间紧促,难免有些错误,还请见谅!1.东方红广场 dongfanghong square 东方红广场于 1966 年修筑而成,当时湖南大学的学子们怀着对毛主席的热爱,修筑了这个广场,并由湖南大学美术系设计了这座毛主席塑像。我们从这儿能够看到,毛主席双手背在后边,右脚放前面,正深情地凝视着这片他年轻时熟习可是的土地。 dongfanghong square was built in 1966.out of their deep lovefor chair mao ,the students

2、of hunan university that time builtthe square .now ,we can see a statue of mao zedong .thebuilding design of the statue was completed by the studentsfrom the fine art academy of hunan university.let s walkercloser to have a better view of it .as you can see fromhere ,mao are gazing affectionately at

3、 the the piece of the landwhich he could t be more familiar with in his young age .hekept his hands behind his back, with his right foot in front ofthe left.东方红广场是湖南省全部大学里面独一的红色广场 ,自卑亭和东方红广场在这里重合,湖湘文化与现代文明在这里交汇,使湖湘文化的精神内涵在这里获取了酣畅淋漓的表达。 2008 年奥运火炬长沙站的传达就是从我们脚下的东方红广场开始的。 dongfanghong square is the onl

4、y red square among alluniversities in hunan province, with self-esteem kiosks anddongfanghong together. hunan culture and modern civilizationmeet here in many aspects. it won t be exaggerating to say thatthe spiritual content of hunan culture has been vividlyexpressed here. and i believe , all of us

5、 will have a glimpse ofhunan culture by visiting dongfanghong square .oh ,this isanother thing i want to mention,that is ,during the torch relayof beijing olympic games in 2008 ,dongfanghong square wasthe first station in changsha .2.岳麓山大门 the gate of yuelu mountain岳麓山景色名胜区系国家级要点景色名胜区,位于古城长沙湘江两岸,岳麓山

6、有很多有名的旅行景点,如爱晚亭、麓山寺、云麓宫、白鹤泉和飞来石等。这里又是很多老一辈无产阶级革命家从前从事革命活动的地方。 as a national important scenic region and a famous citymountain scenic area, the whole yuelu mountain scenic arealies in the west bank of xiang river in changsha. the wholeyuelumountain scenic area is well-known for its abundant scenicspo

7、ts, including aiwan pavilion, yuelu mount temple, yunlupalace, the white crane spring , the flying stone and so forth. inaddition, yuelu mountain is also an important site where manyrevolutionists ever met for the purpose of discussingimportant issues both at home and abroad.此刻我们到达了岳麓山大门。岳麓山景色名胜区东大门

8、被称为 “三湘第一门 ”。我们能够看到,四根直径为 1 米的钢筋混凝土外包花岗岩 柱子,像四根擎天柱,它与岳麓山景色名胜区东大门地区自然景观完好融为一体,像景区的一个窗口。 now ,we are arriving at the gate of yuelu mount,walkingthrough which we can visit the abundant spots in yuelumountain.the gate has been dubbed as “the first gate inhunan”.we can easily see four one -meter diameter

9、 reinforcedconcrete outsourcing granite pillars, just like four optimusprimet .do you agree with me?the four pillars are well mingledwith the gate of yuelu mount ,bearing the function of a scenicwindow of the area. 东大门北侧为社会车辆泊车场。旅客服务中心像一道景色,完满地将泊车场掩饰起来。明年春节此后,全部到岳麓山游乐的社会车辆, 通通都停靠在高达三层的泊车场内。 on the n

10、orth side of the gate is the parking lot which provideconvenience especially for those need to park theircars .tourist service center is itself a beautiful scenery,perfectly hiding the parking lot so that people will temporarilyforget the noise and chaos of urban life . after the next springfestival

11、, all the cars will be required to be parked in the parkinglot,which has three floors.3.岳麓书院 yuelu academy接下来,我们观光的是岳麓书院。尽人皆知,岳麓书院是中国最古老的书院之一 ,北宋开宝九年 (公元 976 年)创立,历经宋、元、明、清各个朝代,迨及晚清 (1903 年)改为湖南高等学堂,接踵改为湖南高等师范学校, 1926 年命名湖南大学,历史已逾千年。由古老的书院到湖南大学,一脉相承,弦歌不停,被当世学者誉为稀有的 “千年学府 ”。 now ,we will pay a visit

12、to yuelu academy.as is known to allthat yuelu academy is one of the four most prestigiousacademies over the last 1000 years in china.it has been afamous institution of higher learning as well as a centre ofacademic activities and cultures since it wasformally set up in the ninth year of the kai bao

13、reign of thenorthern song dynasty (976). yuelu academy, surviving thesong, yuan, ming and qing dynasties, was converted intohunan institute of higher learning in 1903, and hunan normalcollege, hunan public polytechnic school in succession, andwas finally named hunan university in 1926. the academy h

14、aswitnessed ahistory of more than one thousand years without a break, so it is called a “-othnoeusand-year- old academy ”.此刻,让我们走近一些。我们能够看到悬挂在书院门口的这幅春联。“惟楚有材,于斯为盛 ”,确实道出了岳麓书院人材济济的事实。 now,let s walk up to the gate to have a look .well,you may seethe couplet hanging on the two sides of the doorway .it

15、 reads“the kingdom of chu, the unique home of t alents; the academy of yuelu, the very cradle of all ”, a quotation whichacknowledges the greatness of yuelu academy, and points tothe historical fact that yuelu academy has been considered bymany the cradle of the great people of hunan province.4.爱晚亭

16、aiwan pavilion爱晚亭位于清风峡上,成立于公元 1792 年。爱晚亭原名为红枫亭,后代依据诗人杜牧的有名诗句将其更名为爱晚亭。这首诗预计大家都耳熟能详,此中最广为流传的一句是 “泊车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花 ”。 aiwan pavilion lies in qingfeng gorge and was built in a.d.1792.its original name 哇塞 red leaf pavilion and later according tothe poem written by du mu, it was changed to aiwan pavilion. iguess many of you are very familiar with the poem ,


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