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1、1. commercialThe downtown area is zoned for commercial use.Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.We must promote commerce with neighboring countries.2. consumerHis old car consumed much gasoline.I saw the flames consuming the whole building.We need more feedback f

2、rom the consumer in order to improve our goods.My father asked me to see the customer to the door.3. estimateYour estimate was rejected by the seller.I estimate it will take three months to build the bridge.4. typicalId like to try a typical dish of this country.It was typical of her to forget.The c

3、limate here is typically continental.5. identity withI identified with the heroine of the novel.One cannot identify happiness with wealth.He had to make his identity public.6. advertiserWe can advertise on the Internet.Howd the meeting with the advertiser go?The wall was covered with advertisements.

4、7. educatorIt is not easy to educate teenagers.That educator published many articles in these magazines.Education develops potential abilities.8. materialisticThe workshop has shut down for lack of raw material.Material wealth doesnt equal spiritual wealth.He failed to materialize yesterday.We are l

5、iving in materialistic times.9. surveyAfter much delay, the results of the survey were published.They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm.10. possessionsThe police asked me if I possessed a gun.He was found in possession of dangerous drugs.11. banThe government has banned the use of chemical

6、weapons.There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.12. with reference toYou can refer to a dictionary if necessary.This book is for reference only.We are going to arrange an interview with reference to your job application.13. illegalPrince Charles is the legal heir of the crown.He admitted that he wa

7、s an illegal immigrant.14. furthermoreHe lost his way. Furthermore, his car broke down.15. associationDont associate with bad companions.I benefited a lot from my association with him.Have you joined the teachers association?16. sponsorA wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.So

8、me big department stores sponsor art exhibitions.17. secondaryHer age is of secondary interest.In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge.18. handleMay I know what line of business you handle?The thief had left his prints on the handle.19. savingsIm saving up for a refrigerator.Saving

9、 the childs life was a heroic act.The hospital bills made a big hole in her savings.20. managementHow on earth did they manage to rob the bank?I am studying personnel management.21. budgetA family on a budget cant afford meat every day.It is essential to balance ones budget.22. householdThere are ma

10、ny household appliances in this shop.Adequate water is supplied to every household.23. expensesAll the expenses of the trip fell on us.24. investEveryone should invest some time in community service.My nephew is a cautious investor.Investment is turning up sharply.25. interestHe showed not a spark of interest in the plan.Things of that nature do not interest me.How much interest do they charge on loans?


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