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1、Teaching plan of Chapter twoCartoonsChapter topic overview:This chapter is about cartoons. The main passage is an introduction of the history of Tom and Jerry cartoons.The listening task is to complete some notes and then use that information to solve a problem. The Language section introduces diffe

2、rent uses of adjectives and two sentence patterns for adjectives with infinitives. The Speaking section has an exercise in which students must learn to describe the expression on cartoon faces. Finally, the Writing section presents a new comic strip and requires students to write the words for the s

3、trip.Period One1Chapter 2 Oxford English 8BTeaching target1. To learn to describe different facial expressions. Encourage students to tell the features of different personalities.2. To answer some general questions aboutthe article and predict the content of the article.3. To learn some key words an

4、d expressionsabout the reading passage.Preparation1 Students Book 8B-Chapter Two2 Powerpoints about it.Cartoon talk1 Give students some time to look at the cartoon on SB 8B, page 15. Tell them to read the sentences carefully.2. Meaning of the cartoon: The cartoon draws our attention to the chapter t

5、opic, comic strips and cartoon characters. The character Lo is vainly watching himself in a mirror.Teaching courses:a. Warm-up (Part A)Ask Ss some questions dealing with comic books.1. Do you like comic books? Why or why not?2. How many comic books have you read? What are they?3. Who are your favori

6、te characters in comic books or cartoon films?b. Look at the expressions of the cartoon characters below. Say out what expressions are on their facesPleasedsatisfied BoredworriedconfusedPuzzled Sad /sorrowfulSorry/depressed Happy/glad/joyful/cheerfulFrightenedscared Surprised/astonishedannoyedc. Loo

7、k and think Before you read the passage on the next page, look at the title, the picture and the first and last paragraphs of the article on the next page. Then do the exercises on page 16.d. Vocabulary Box.a. Learn some new words and expressionsabout the reading passage.1. together : with each othe

8、r2. getinto trouble: cause a problem3. show: make sth. available for the public to see.4. success: a thing or person that has been successful.5. a number of: many; a lot of6. instead: in place of someone or sth.7. around: round8. though: in spite of the fact that; although9. in total: altogether10.

9、be in trouble with: having a serious problem with.e. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. He has written a number of books on Chinese literature.2. If I dont tell the truth, I will get my friend into trouble.3. Bob was sick so I went instead.4. In total, the artist drew 120 paintings in his

10、life.5. Ill be in trouble with my boss if I dont finish the work in time.6. The soap opera is shown every other day.7. The new film has turned out to be a big success.8. Though he is over 60, he is active and energetic.9. The boys go home together after school.10. The earth moves around the sun.f. C

11、onclusiong. Assignments. 1. Recite the new words and expressions.(from tough to plastic) 2. Make up sentences with the ten words and expressions studied in class. 3. Listen to the tape about the reading passage three times.Period TwoTeaching target1. To listen for the reading passage and say “T” or

12、“F” to each sentence about it.2. To scan the reading passage and answer some questions about it.3. To read it further and conclude the meaning of each part.Teaching courses:a. Review the new words and expressions. Have a dictation. The words are: bad-tempered history together show success instead ar

13、ound though line churchb. while-readingl Listen to the tape carefully withoutlooking at your books, and say “T” or “F” to each sentence.1.Tom and Jerry cartoons were created only a short time ago.2. The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was very successful.3.Most Tom and Jerry cartoons are very long.4. Th

14、ere are a large number of dialogues between Tom and Jerry.5.Tom never succeeds in catching Jerry.6. We can still see Tom and Jerry cartoons on TV today.7. Hanna and Barbera both won a lot of awards thanks to characters. l Read through the text then answer thefollowing questions. 1. Who created Tom a

15、nd Jerry?2. How did they make the cartoons funny ?3. When was the first Tom and Jerry cartoon shown in cinema?4.Why did their boss tell Hanna and Barbera to make more Tom and Jerry cartoon films?5. How many Tom and Jerry cartoons were made by Hanna and Barbera in total?6. How long does every one last?7.Why is it easy to understand the cartoons?8.Why did Hanna and Barbera won a lot of awards.l Read the passage again and give synopsis:P1: Tom and Je


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