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1、 妇产科一周新文献 - Lancet中国专辑 上周的Lancet刊发了大量中国人和外国人写的有关中国医疗体制改革、医疗相关问题的文章,可谓中国问题的特辑。现将题目翻译如下,全文参见附件。其中提到的两个人,Shen Xiaoming和Wang Yu,并不熟悉。在中国心脏死亡后器官捐献的流程1。黄杰夫领衔写的,有为中国正名的意思。中国控制HIV/AIDS的挑战和际遇2。中国对投稿的呼唤3。中国食品引起的疾病所造成的看不见的负担4。中国国家性心理健康法案:26年努力的进步5。中国巨大复杂的卫生改革的早期评估6。大地震后急救的成果:2008汶川地震的教训7。进入龙年:中国慢性肾病的流行?8现代中国的道

2、德悖论9。中国慢性肾病的流行:横断面研究10。Shen Xiaoming,用证据为中国卫生辩护11。中国的烟草控制:迈向大步的一小步12。2003年至2011年在中国获得卫生保健的方式及经济保障:横断面研究13。中国改革的趋势:罗生门效应14。(黑泽明电影,看过否?)中国的城市化和健康15。Wang Yu,保护中国的健康16。从中国卫生系统中能学到什么?17引用文献1 Huang J, Millis JM, Mao Y, et al. A pilot programme of organ donation after cardiac death in China. The Lancet. 20

3、12;379(9818):862-865.2 Shao Y, Jia Z. Challenges and opportunities for HIV/AIDS control in China. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):804.3 Chan F, Tang JL, Griffiths S, et al. Chinaa call for papers. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):787.4 Alcorn T, Ouyang Y. Chinas invisible burden of foodborne illness. The Lance

4、t. 2012;379(9818):789-790.5 Xiang Y-T, Yu X, Ungvari GS, et al. Chinas National Mental Health Law: a 26-year work in progress. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):780-782.6 Yip WC-M, Hsiao WC, Chen W, et al. Early appraisal of Chinas huge and complex health-care reforms. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):833-842.7

5、Zhang L, Liu X, Li Y, et al. Emergency medical rescue efforts after a major earthquake: lessons from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):853-861.8 Kovesdy CP, Kalantar-Zadeh K. Enter the dragon: a Chinese epidemic of chronic kidney disease? The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):783-785.9 C

6、harles S. Moral ambivalence in modern China. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):793.10 Zhang L, Wang F, Wang L, et al. Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in China: a cross-sectional survey. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):815-822.11 Stephen P. Shen Xiaoming: linking evidence to advocacy for health in China. Th

7、e Lancet. 2012;379(9818):795.12 Zhu C, Young-soo S, Beaglehole R. Tobacco control in China: small steps towards a giant leap. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):779-780.13 Meng Q, Xu L, Zhang Y, et al. Trends in access to health services and financial protection in China between 2003 and 2011: a cross-secti

8、onal study. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):805-814.14 Chen L, Xu D. Trends in Chinas reforms: the Rashomon effect. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):782-783.15 Gong P, Liang S, Carlton EJ, et al. Urbanisation and health in China. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):843-852.16 David H. Wang Yu: protecting Chinas health. The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):794.17 The L. What can be learned from Chinas health system? The Lancet. 2012;379(9818):777.


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