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1、 8A(1-4)复习重点知识梳理 Unit1重点单词1. tell vt. 通过观察发现;辨别;告诉(常和can连用)tell sb. to do sth2. ambition n. 志向,雄心,抱负 ambitious a. 有雄心的,野心勃勃的 3. enjoy (doing) sth vt. 享受的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱重点短语1.【辨析】work as 担任 work at 从事;钻研work for 为工作;为做事2. write to (sb) 写信给 hear from (sb.) 收到的来信3. keen on: 形容词词组=very interested inbe keen on:

2、 动词词组=really like4. have been to 去过(人已离开那里)have gone to 去了(人不在这里)have been in 呆在,逗留5. at all 强调否定句:根本(不) notat all 一点也不 in all 总共重点句型My favourite hobby is playing computer games.My ambition is to be an engineer.重点语法1. 区分动名词和现在分词2. 反身代词myself, yourself等:句子的主语和宾语或句中介词宾语是同一个人时,宾语要用反身代词3. “I have ever e

3、aten”等现在完成时的句子,提示一个最高级的句子结构4. 一些特殊疑问词的用法5. 不定冠词(a/an的用法)Unit2重点单词1. achieve v. 达到, 获得【词形变化】 achievement n.2. attend v. 出席,参加3. manager n. 经理【词形变化】 manage n. management n.4. responsible a. 有责任的【词形变化】 irresponsible a. responsibility n.5. fail v. 失败, 不及格【词形变化】 failure n.重点短语1. be similar to 与 不同 2. be

4、different from 与 相似3. be responsible for 对 负责4. at breakfast 在早餐时5. on the way to 在去的路上6. make phone call to sb打电话给7. twice a week 一周两次8. return to 返回到重点句型I am not old enough to drive, and so I have a driverbut some of my work is boring because it is too simple for me重点语法1. 一般现在时2. 频度副词always, usual

5、ly, often, sometimes, seldom, never在句子中出现在行为动词前,但在be动词后。Unit3重点单词1. happen v.出现,发生 【常用搭配】(1) happen to sbsth成为某人(事)的体验或命运;降临到某人(事)的头上 (2) happen to be/do恰巧,碰巧 2hold (l) vt. 拿,握 (2)vt. 容纳 (3)vt. 举行;开会3. crowd n. 人群 【常用搭配】 a big crowd of people一大群人【知识扩展】 crowded adj. 拥挤的4. through prep. (l)穿过,通过 (2)从开

6、始到结束,自始至终(3)因为 (4)接通电话5. steal v. 偷,窃取。【指点迷津:rob, steal】rob一般有暴力抢夺的含义,而steal却是偷偷摸摸盗取的意思。它们的搭配分别为steal sth. from sb和rob sb. of sth.6. notice v. 注意到 n. 警告,通知【常用搭配】 notice sb. do sth 注意某人干好某事notice sb. doing sth注意某人正在干某事重点短语1. deal with 解决,处理,应付 2. happen to 遭到,遇到3. stare at 盯着看 4. be going on /be happ

7、ening 发生5. go aboard 上船(飞机等) 6. go after 追赶某人;7. be afraid of 害怕,畏惧 8. putdown 放下9. get off 下车,下船 10. in detail详细地11. be worried about 担心,担忧 12. wait for 等待,等候13. shout at 冲喊叫 14. shout back at 冲回嚷15. hold out 递出东西 16. move through 在中穿梭17. go on 发生 18. take notice of 注意,留心19. run away 逃跑,逃离 20. catc

8、h ones notice 引起某人的注意重点句型Paul is writing about an unusual thing that happened to him one day.Two women tourists and a young man were shouting at each other.No one knew what was happeningWhats going on? (-Whats up? /Whats happening?)发生什么事了?重点语法Simple Past Tense( 一般过去时)Unit4重点单词1. nearly 几乎,差不多【指点迷津:a

9、lmost, nearly】2. add 加【友情提示】在进行加法的描述时,我们常常说4 plus 3 equals/is 7,但千万不可用add去代替plus, add是个动词,而plus是个介词against 对着,对立;不喜欢,反对,防止,预防;靠着,倚着3. living 活着的【指点迷津 alive, live和living】 (1)通常情况下,alive作表语(be alive),而living 一般放在名词前作定语用。(2)live也是“有生命的,活着的”之意,但往往指动物。此外live还有“现场直播”的意思。4. amazing 令人惊奇的【友情提示】 amaze的形容词有两个

10、,一个是amazed,一个是amazing,但用法不同,通常人做主语时用amazed,物作主语时用amazing。重点短语1. at least至少 2. in ancient times在古代 3. in many different ways用很多不同的方法 4. consist of由组成; 5. so that如此以致于 6. solve the problem解决问题7. in ones whole lifetime终身 8. (be) made up of 由组成重点句型.because it made it easier to write big numbers and to c

11、alculateAbacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them todayIs a human brain a more powerful calculator than a computer?If it is not powerful enough, you will find the answer on page 67重点语法1. Imperatives(祈使句)2. Numerals(数词)5到7课基础知识Unit5重点单词1. exist v. 存在,生存【常用搭配】exist as作为而存在,以形态存在 exi

12、st in存在于中 exist on靠生活;靠生存【知识拓展】existence n. 存在,实在2. harmful adj. 有害的 【反义】harmless adj. 无害的 【友情提示】像harmful与harmless这样的形容词还有:useful-useless, helpful-helpless, careful-careless等。3. possible adj. 可能的;可能属实的 【常用搭配】as .as possible尽可能;do ones possible尽力,竭力;if possible如果可能的话重点短语1. look up 查阅 2. more than 超过;

13、多于3. millions of 数百万的 4. as small as chickens 小如鸡5. some , others 一些,另一些 6. know about知道;了解7. amusement park 游乐园 8.be created by 由创造9. be famous for 由而著名 10. the way to be happy 快乐的方法 11. throw away 扔掉;抛弃 13. die out 灭绝;消失14. see somebody doing something 看见某人正在做某事12. own as few things as possible 拥有

14、尽可能少的东西 15. leavebehind 遗留 16. die of 死于重点句型He taught that the way to be happy was to own as few things as possible.One day, Diogenes saw a boy drinking water from his hands by a fountain .Finally he got a job that he really liked -drawing cartoons for films.重点语法1. Demonstrative Pronouns(指示代词)2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns(可数名词和不可数名词)Unit6重点单词1. lost


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