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1、Part 4 活动指导一、做练习1. 试着做练习12. Try exercise 12.2. 我们做第1题到第5题。 Lets do numbers 1 to 5.3. 第二部分不用做。 Leave out the second part.4. 做第3页上的练习六。Do Exercise 3 on Page 6.5. 让我们分组练习。 Lets practice in groups6. 我想让你们做练习三。 I want you to do Exercise 3 as well7. 你们可以把它视为热身练习。You can use it as warmingup exercise8. 让我们做

2、一些替换练习。 Lets do some substitution drills.9. 回答前五个问题。 Answer the first five questions10把练习三全部完成。Do the whole of Exercise 311.一题隔一题回答。Answer every other question12. 让我们从头到尾把练习做完。Lets go through the exercise13. 让我们把全班分成四组,以便有充分的练习机会。 Lets divide our class into four groups in order to have sufficient pr

3、actice14. 在下一页找答案。 Find the exercise on the next page.二、练习要求1. 大家现在注意了。Everyone, attention please.2. 先做到这,都回到座位上。Stop where you are and come back to your seats.3. 你必须用钢笔写。You must use your pen to write4. 在练习本上做练习六。 Write Exercise 6 in your exercise books5要写得整齐。 Write it neatly6写出的字迹要清楚。.Write it out

4、 legibly.7做练习前把铅笔削好。Sharpen your pencil before you do your exercises8如果你的字迹不清楚,就得重写。If your writing is illegible,you will have t0 rewrite it9标出正确的答案。Mark the right answer10请勾出你所听到的句子。Circle the appropriate answer11圈出合适的答案。Tick the sentences you hear12. 正确的答案在括号里打勾,而错误的答案划叉。Give a tick for an affirma

5、tive response and a cross for the negative in the brackets13. 请做练习题。Do the exercise.三、测验通知1. 我们会有一个简单的测验。 Well have a simple test.2. 这是一个检验你们对课文理解程度的测验。 Its a quiz to check how much you have understood the lesson.3. 我们做个小考吧。Lets take a quiz.4. 小测是圆满结束一篇课文的好方法。 A quiz is a good way of rounding off a

6、text.5. 考试的目的是确保你们理解所学的知识。The purpose of the examination is to make sure you can understand what you have learned6. 下节课我们要进行小测。 We will have a quiz next period7. 下周有一个考试。 There will be a test next week8. 明天你们将参加一个英语笔口试。You will take a writtenan oral examination in English tomorrow9. 我们现在听写。 We will

7、have a dictation,now10. 考试时要特别注意拼写和标点。 Pay special attention to your handwriting and punctuation in the exam11. 合上书,拿出一张纸,我们进行小测。 Close your books and take out a piece of paper, we will have a quiz.12.别紧张,试卷考的都是我们上节课学的知识。Dont be nervous. We reviewed everything we learned last period in the paper四测试说

8、明1.书桌上,你们只需要放一张纸和一支笔。All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil on the desk.2. 在所发的题单上回答问题。 Answer the questions on the handout.3. 考试前不要临时抱佛脚。浪费时间。 Dont cram the night before the examinationIts a waste of time4. 先答会做的题目,然后返回来再答其他各题。 Work on the questions you know first,and then come back and try

9、to answer the others5. 划掉错误选项,这会使你避免重复考虑已排除的选项。 Cross out incorrect choices,this will keep you from reconsidering a choice that you have already eliminated6. 字典和拼写检查器不得带进考场。 The use of dictionaries and spellcheckers is not permitted7. 任何违规行为都可能导致你被取消考试资格。 Any infringement of the regulations may lead

10、 you to a disqualification8. 答案必须写在指定的地方。 Only write in the area designed for the answers9. 请把你们的答题纸和试卷分开交。 Please hand in your answer sheets and question papers separately10. 记住带好必要材料:身份证和准考证。 Remember to bring the necessary materials:identification card and admission ticket11. 请清理桌面。 Please clear

11、your desks.12.细心是答对所有应该答对题目的关键从而取得入学考试的优异成绩。 Being careful is the key to getting the questions right that you should get right-resulting in a good score on the enhance exam.五、核对答案1. 我会公布答案。Ill call out the answers.2. 和同桌交换试卷,然后互评。 Exchange your test papers with your partners and mark them.3. 我们核对答案。

12、Lets check the answers.4. 让我们快速浏览一下答案。Lets run through the answers quickly5. 我来看看你们做得怎么样。I will see how well you did.6. 第一题的答案是什么? What is the answer to Number 1 ?7. 第二题你们的答案是什么? What answer have you got for Question 2 ?8. 在第三十页上检查答案。Check your answer on Page 309. 与同桌交换卷子,改错。Change your papers with

13、your desk-mates and correct mistakes10谁能读出第三题的答案?Who would like to read out the key to Question 3 ?11. 还有一个错误,你丢了句中一个词。 One more mistakeYou left one word in the sentence12. 有人都答对了吗? Did anyone get all the answers correct?13.明白了吗? Do you understand?14.有问题吗? Do you have any questions?15. 大家还需要我的帮助吗? D

14、o you still need my help?六、考试成绩1. 你们的成绩出来了。 Your exam results have come out.2. 得了90分以上的同学举手。 People who have got over 90 points, raise your hands.3. 有10个同学得了100分。 There are ten people who got 100 points.4. 你这次考试考得很好。 You really did a good job in this test.5. 对一个得一分。 One point is for every one right6. 答错一个扣一分。 Take off a point for every one wrong7. 答对一个给自己加一分。 Give yourself one point for every correct answer8. 数一数得多少分。 Count up your points9. 你得了多少分? How many points did you score?10. 如果你答错了,要丢一分。 If your answer is wrong,you will lose a point11. 如果开头字母没大写,我要扣一分。 I will take one point off


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