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1、资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。新概念英语第一册Lesson 31- Lesson 52期考试卷班级: 姓名: 座号: 一、 单词翻译。( 20分) 1.猫_ 2.公园_ _3.蛋糕_4.牛肉_ 5.天气_ 6.苹果_7.咖啡_ 8.照片_9.哭_ 10.喝_11. like _ 12. homework_ 13.biscuit _14. handwriting _ 15. letter _16.building _ 17.water _ 18. husband _ 19. wash _ 20.chocolate _二、 选择填空。( 30分) ( 将答案填入相应

2、的表格。) 题号123456789答案题号101112131415答案1. I have _ new bike.A. a B. an C. some2. My father often plays basketball _ Sunday. A. in B. from C. on3. That is _ English book. Give it to _, please A. myI B. memy C. myme4. Is there _ milk on the table? A. any B. some C. a5. two+eight= _. (用英语数词写出算式的答案) A. ten

3、B. eleven C. fifteen6. My wife doesnt like bananas. I dont like bananas,_. A. too B. either C. so7. In _, its very cold. A. summer B. spring C. winter8. I dont like milk in my coffee. I like _ coffee.A. black B. white C. red9. -What are you _? - I am washing my clothes.A. doing B. do C. does10. I ca

4、n put my hat on, but I _ put my coat on.A. can B. cant C. must11. The plane is flying _ the bridge.A. beside B. over C. under12. 序数词”third” 相对应的基数词为A. three B. one C. seven13. Does he like oranges?A. Yes, I do B. Yes, he doesnt C. No, he doesnt14.The sun rises in the _ and it sets in the west.A. eas

5、t B. late C. south15.He comes from _, he is _. A. the USAmerican B. Americanthe US C. AmericanAmerican三、 根据要求变换: ( 20分) 1.she (宾格) _ 2.dish(复数) _ 3.sit(现在分词) _ 4.young(反义词) _5.children(单数) _ 6.make(现在分词) _7.is not(缩略式) _ 8.left(反义词) _9.woman (复数) _ 10. I (物主代词) _四、 改写句子。( 10分) 1.There are some watch

6、es on the table. (变为否定句) 2. The boys are playing football on the playground.(变为一般疑问句, 并做出肯定回答)3. This is my mothers umbrella. (就划线部分提问)4.She can go fishing with me this weekends ( 变为否定句) 5. She works next door. (就划线部分提问)五、 为下列疑问句选择正确答语: (10分)题号12345678910答案1. Who is this young man? 2. What are you g

7、oing to do with those flowers? 3. Do you want beef or lamb? 4. Is this your handbag, Alice? 5. How are you today? 6.Whats your job? 7. What colour are your new shoes? 8.How do you do? 9. Whats the weather like here in winter? 10 .What nationality are you? A.How do you do. B . He is our office assist

8、antC. Im very well, thank you. D. No, my handbag is blue.E. They are red. F. Im a nurseG. I am going to give them to my mother. H. Neither, Mr SmithI. Its cold and rains a lot J. We are Chinese.六、 阅读理解。( 20分) Lucy and Lily are twins. They look the same. They are both 1.60 meters tall. They have roun

9、d faces, big eyes and long hair. They often wear the same clothes. They are in the same class-Class 5. They both get up at six oclock. After breakfast they walk to school together. But they have some differences. Lucy is lovely and active. She talks a lot. Lily is quiet and gentle (温柔). She talks a

10、little. Lucy likes fruit but Lily likes meat. Lucy is good at English, and Lily is good at Chinese. They both work hard. ( ) 1. Lucy and Lily are_. A. friends B. brothers C. teachers D. twins ( ) 2. Lucy and Lily are_. A. in the same grade B. thirteen C. very beautiful D. very tall ( ) 3. From the p

11、assage we know that_. A. they have breakfast before (在.之前)six B. their home is near (近) school C. they have big eyes and short hair D. they like fruit very much 4. Their characters (性格) are_ A. the same B. quite different C. very active D. quiet 5. Which of these is true? A. They are good at English. B. They go to school by bike. C. They like the same clothes. D. They are in Class 6.


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