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1、国际货运代理协议The Commission Agreement of International Transportation编号:Serial no.: SINOSTEEL-CNTT2021甲方:新铁德奥道岔Party A: Chinese New Turnout Technologies Co.,Ltd地址:山海关南海西路29-1Address: No.29-1 Nanhai West Road Shanhaiguan Qinhuangdao Hebei Province Post code:066205 Tel:86-0335-5158589乙方:中钢国际货运河北有限责任公司Party

2、 B: Sinosteel Shipping & Forwarding Hebei Co.,Ltd地址:秦皇岛迎宾路82号Address: No.82 Yingbin Road Qinhuangdao Hebei Province Post code:066001 Tel:86-0335-3086868根据?中华人民共和国合同法?及其他相关法律、法规之规定,在平等、自愿、协商一致根底上,就甲方由中国天津港或秦皇岛港进口道岔配件,委托乙方代理安排货物通关、检验检疫、装卸和内陆运输等相关事宜,达成以下协议:According to the ?Contract Law of Peoples Repu

3、blic of China?and some other related laws or regulations, we reach to sign this agreement through amicable negotiation whereby Party A agrees to consign its partial Customs clearance、CIQ clearance、transfer、transportation and other relevant business of turnout parts which be imported from China Tianj

4、in port or Qinhuangdao port.一、 甲方责任和义务Responsibilities and obligation of Party A1、 货物到港前,甲方及时向乙方提供进口货物清关所需完整的、准确的和合法的单据,否那么由此产生的滞报等费用由甲方承当;Before the goods arrival at the port, Party A shall provide the complete、accurate and legal documents required regarding any customs declaring and transportation

5、 services. In case of the failure, Party A will be responsible for all the consequences;2、 甲方有责任就货物形态及货物装载要求等事宜提供应乙方;Party A shall provide the information with details on the size and loading requirements of the goods to Party B;3、 乙方运输车队运至甲方厂内后,甲方要积极组织卸车事宜,如因不能及时卸车产生的压车费用由甲方承当;After the completion

6、of the transportation by Party B to the workshop of Party A, Party A shall organize the discharging actively. In case of failure to discharge in time, the additional costs will be charged by responsible side;4、 集装箱货物到厂后,甲方开箱卸货时应防止损坏集装箱,如因开箱、卸货原因导致集装箱损坏,甲方承当直接责任;After the arrival of containers, Party

7、 A shall avoid to damage the containers when open it, the damage which done by Party A when open containers and unload, Party A will be responsible for the consequences;5、 甲方在收到关税和增值税 件经审核无误后即刻支付税款,如因甲方支付关税及增值税不及时所产生的滞报、滞港等费用由甲方承当。Party A shall pay the Duty & VAT in advance after the acceptance of t

8、he bill of Duty & VAT which sent by Party B, Party A will be responsible for the customs demurrage、port demurrage etc. if Party A could not pay it in time;二、 乙方的义务和责任 Responsibilities and obligation of Party B1、 乙方有责任向甲方提供运输咨询,设计最平安、经济、快捷的运输、装卸方案。对于已运输货物,乙方应按照甲方要求有责任就货物状况做出报告;Party B is responsible

9、to provide the transportation proposal with safe、quick and economical plan. Party B shall make a report on good conditions according to Party As requirements;2、 乙方对甲方提供的全套单证在一个工作日内完成审核整理,使之符合报关报检要求。如内容有遗漏,乙方应立刻通知甲方并向甲方索取所需资料信息;Party B shall examine the whole set of documents which provided by Party

10、A immediately and prepare it to meet the requirements of customs declaring and inspection application. Should there be any missing, Party B shall immediately remind Party A and collect the relevant information from Party A;3、 乙方应及时、合理的完成清关工作。除因海关、商检原因外,清关放行不超过5个工作日,并使货物及时、快捷运达甲方厂内。货物到厂后,乙方要协助甲方协调卸货事

11、宜并完成货物到达工厂后的相关商检工作;Party B shall complete the customs clearance and do all necessary acts in a prompt and reasonable manner. The period of customs clearance shall not exceed 5 working days except for custom reasons, with a view to transport the goods to Party As workshop as soon as possible. After t

12、he completion of transportation, Party B shall support Party A to arrange the discharging and Party B shall complete the CIQ inspection at the factory;4、 乙方要做好货运业务监督管理工作,合理安排作业流程,维护甲方利益,发现问题必须及时通知甲方,并提供合理化建议积极协助甲方积极解决;Party B shall make inspection and supervision of transportation, arrange a reasona

13、ble transportation procedure. Party B shall protect the interest of Party A and shall notify Party A in time and provide the reasonable proposal and supports when meeting some problems. In case of any unforeseen costs, Party B shall notify Party A in time;5、 如因乙方原因造成货物的延期以及因乙方原因造成的货物损坏等情况,由此产生的各种额外费

14、用和滞期费等,由乙方负担;Party B shall take the responsibilities caused by Party Bs wrong operations;6、 清关完成后,乙方要首先与甲方确认费用,待甲方确认后应在清关结束后20天内将税单、增值税单和报关单付汇证明联等相关报关单据及时交予甲方;After the completion of customs clearance, Party B should inform Party A about the charges, and Party B shall forward the customs declaration

15、 as well as the bill of Duty & VAT to Party A within 20 days;三、 代理费及结算方式 Clearance charge and payment items1、 代理包干费包括港杂费、港建费、换单费和港口装卸费等费用以及内陆运费由乙方在每票货物到港前三天以?报价协议书?书面形式交予甲方确认,?报价协议书?在甲、乙双方确认后生效 件有效;All-inclusive charge of clearance(including THC、port construction charge、B/L exchange fee and port load&unload charge and also the inland transportation charge)shall be sent by Party B as a formal ?Quotation agreement?to Party A 3 days earlier before the shipment arrival date, ?Quotation agreement?will go into effect if both parties confirm it(fax version of ?Quotation agreement?is valid) ;2



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