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1、 2022年职称英语考试理工类AB级模拟试题(一)9阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请依据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个答案,并涂在答题卡相应的位置上。Robots May allow surgery in spaceSmall robots designed by University of Nebraska researchers may _1_ doctors on Earth to help perform surgery on patients in space.The _2_, wheeled robots, which are about 3 inche

2、s tall and as wide as lipstick case, can be slipped into small incisions and computer-controlled by surgeons in different _3_. Some robots are equipped with _4_ and lights and can send images back to surgeons and others have surgical tools attached that can be controlled _5_.“We think this is going

3、to replace open surgery,” Dr. Dmitry Oleynikov said at a news _6_. Oleynikov is a specialist in computer-assisted surgery at the university of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.Officials hope that NASA will teach _7_ to use the robots soon enough so that surgeries could one day be performed in space.

4、On earth, the surgeons could control the robots themselves from other locations. For example, the robots could enable surgeons in other places to work on injured _8_ on the front line. Researchers plan to seek federal regulatory approval early next year. Tests on _9_ have been successful, and tests

5、on humans in England will begin very soon.The camera-carrying robots can provide views of _10_ areas and the ones with surgical tools will be able to maneuver inside the body in _11_ surgeons hands cant. the views from the camera-carrying robots are better than the naked eye, because they send back

6、color images that are _12_. Because several robots can be inserted through one incision, they could reduce the amount and _13_ of cuts needed for surgery, which would decrease _14_ time. This is particularly helpful to those patients who have been debilitated by long illness._15_, Oleynikov said, th

7、e tiny robots may enable surgeons to work without even placing their hands in patients bodies. “Thats the goal,” Oleynikov said. “Its getting easier and easier. We can do even more with these devices. ”1. A. use B. pay C. allow D. compel2. A. tiny B. colorful C. medium-sized D. circular3. A. airport

8、s B. wards C. spaceships D. locations4. A. recorders B. antennas C. cameras D. sensors5. A. mentally B. remotely C. separately D. independently完型填空解题思路:来源:考试大网1. 借助被选项的特点缩小答案范围,确认答案推断方向;2. 借助空格两端的搭配构造特点推断答案;3. 借助空格所在句子中用词特点猜想答案;4. 借助空格所在句子句意推断答案;5. 围绕文章中心(标题反响内容)猜想答案;6. 借助上下文用词/语意推断答案;标准答案: C,A,D,C,

9、B解析:Robots (机器人)May allow(允许) surgery(外科手术) in space1.C. 解析:空格所在句子的根本构造是:small robots (小机器人) .doctors (医生) to help perform surgery, 依据这个构造, 明显C(允许)放入空格中语意通顺。2.A. 解析:把tiny放入空格中, tiny robots 与上文中的small robots 照应, 因此推想A可能是答案(提示: 完型局部的一个常见考点是考察上下文中的用词)。空格2后的定语从句说“身高3英寸, 宽如口红盒大小的机器人”, 可见这样的机器人是很小的机器人,因此A

10、是答案。3.D. 解析:空格所在的句子说“外科医生在不同的把小机器人塞入小切口中, 并对其用计算机掌握”, 明显前三个选项表意太详细, 相比之下概括词locations(场所, 位置)放入空格中句意更为通顺。4.C. 解析:空格所在的局部构造说“一些机器人装备有和灯,它们能把图像发回给医生”, 要产生图像就需要有照相机, 因此C是答案。5.B. 解析:空格所在的局部构造说“其他的(机器人)附带有手术工具, 这些手术工具可以被掌握”, 机器人带手术工具的目的就是由机器人去做手术, 但这确定是需要由医生遥控的, 因此B是答案。25、6. A. meeting B. conference C. ga

11、thering D. forum7. A. participants B. pilots C. nurses D. astronauts8. A. soldiers B. doctors C. enemies D. cilvilians9. A. adults B. volunteers C. animals D. patients10. A. cured B. swollen C. wounded D. affected标准答案: B,D,A,C,D解析:6.B. 解析:news conference (新闻公布会,记者款待会)是习惯搭配构造。7.D.解析:空格所在的句子说“有官员盼望美国国

12、家航空和宇宙航天局将很快教会.使用机器人, 这样手术能将在太空进展”, 因此D(宇航员)是答案:只有宇航员能上天, 进入天空。8.A. 解析:空格所在的局部构造说“在前线受伤的.”, A(士兵)是最适宜的选项。9.C. 解析:空格所在的句子说“对,的试验始终很胜利, 在英国将很快开头人体试验”, 因此推断C(动物)是答案:只有动物不属于人,其他的选项内容都属于人。10.D. 解析:空格所在的局部构造说“携带照相机的机器人能供应部位的图像”, 结合文章主题:遥控机器人做手术, 因此机器人传输回来的应当是患病部位的图像。11. A. lines B. ways C. routes D. chann

13、els12. A. magnified B. minimized C. reversed D. redefined13. A. volume B. standard C. size D. depth14. A. exercise B. examination C. infection D. recovery15. A. Eventually B. Particularly C. Incidentally D. Especially标准答案: B,A,C,D,Ahttp:/解析:11.B. 解析:空格所在的局部构造说“携带有手术工具的机器人将能够在病人的体内医生不能进展做手术”, 明显in the ways(以的方式)放入空格中句意通顺。12.A.解析:空格所在构造说“携带照相机的机器人传回的图像更好, 由于彩色图像被”, 明显A(放大)放入空格中适宜。13.C. 解析:空格所在的局部构造说“削减手术切口的数量和”, 明显C (面积)放入空格中适宜。14.D. 解析:空格前面内容提到“可以缩小伤口数量和创面面积”, 因此空格处的局部构造可能是“削减恢复时间”。15. A。 解析:空格所在的局部构造说“. Oleynikov说, 微型机器人能让外科医生不用把手伸入病人的体内就进展手术工作, 那时我们的目标”,依据该句内容推断A“最终”是答案。


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