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1、高考试题实例分析直接考查时态、语态知识的试题主要体现在单项选择和改错两个题型中,而且几乎每年都会考到,因此必须将时态、语态问题作为复习的重点内容,务求达到深刻理解,熟练运用。近年来高考命题的特点是,在特定的语言环境中考查对时态、语态的理解。试题的意图往往隐蔽、迂回,迷惑项的设计技巧很高,容易干扰考生的思维。如果没有对时态概念的深刻理解,没有对语言应用环境的综合分析,便会对试题感到困惑。下列试题可以帮助我们领悟高考命题的趋势。例1:Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _ so r

2、apidly.(2001年高考试题) A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change答案为A。试题没有把考查的意图定位于对时态概念的简单理解,考生必须对现在进行时的本质特征-动作尚未完成,仍在过程中-有深刻的理解,否则将思路仅仅局限在“正在变化”、“已经变化”或“将要变化”,难于得出正确的结论。例2:I _ ping-pong quite well, but havent had time to play since the new year. (2001年高考试题) A. will play B. have

3、played C. played D. play答案为D。but 分句使用现在完成时,将谈话的时间概念限定在“当前”。如果选C,前一分句说“过去”,后一分句说“现在”,不合逻辑。本句的意思是说“乒乓球一向打得好,只是最近一段时间没有打”, “乒乓球打得好”是一种技能,选用一般现在时,是“经常发生的动作”这一概念的扩展和延伸。例3:- You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it? - Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pre

4、tty on you. (2002年高考试题) A. wasnt saying B. dont say C. wont say D. didnt say答案为D。sorry的原因是早先没有说到这件事,因此必须用一般过去时。例4:The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so.(1999年高考试题) A. went down B. will go down C. has gone down D. was going down答案为 C。目前价格的状况已经低下来,至于“价格下降”始于何时同谈话的内容无关。试题意在考查对“过去的动作对现在的影响”

5、的理解。【高考试题选编】以下除少数注明出处的试题外,其余全部选自1988年以后的高考试题,只注明年份以便于查阅。1. I _ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer. (1989) A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given2. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests_ when he_ at the party. (1989) A. left ;had arrived B. left ; arrived C. had le

6、ft ; had arrived D. had left ; arrived3. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_. (1990) A. will arrive B. arrives C. is going to arrive D. is arriving4. A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift. (1990) A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D.

7、 have offered5. When I was at college I_ three foreign languages, but I _all except a few words of each. (1990) A. spoke ; had forgotten B. spoke ; have forgotten C. had spoken; had forgotten D. had spoken ; have forgotten6. The police found that the house_ and a lot of things_. (1990) A. has broken

8、 into ; has been stolen B. had broken into ; has been stolen C. has been broken into ; stolen D. had been broken into ; stolen7. -Have you moved into the house? (1991) -Not yet. The rooms_. A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting8. On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Green we

9、nt to the market, _some bananas and visited her cousin. (1991) A. bought B. buying C. to buy D. buy9. The students_ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she_ in the office. A. had written ; left B. were writing ; has leftC. had written ; had left D. were writing ; had left10. When and where to

10、build the new factory _ yet. (1991) A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided11. When Jack arrived he learned Mary_ for almost an hour. (1992) A. had gone B. had set off C. had left D. had been away12. -Do you know our town at all? -No, this is the first time I_ her

11、e. (1992) A. was B. am going C. came D. have been13. If city noises_ from increasing, people_ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now. (1992) A. are not kept ; will have to B. are not kept ;have to C. do not keep ; will have to D. do not keep ;have to.14. Tom _into the home when

12、 no one_. (1992) A. slipped ; was looking B. had slipped ; looked C. slipped ; had looked D. was slipping ; looked15. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he_ office soon. (1993) A. leaves B. would leave C. left D. had left16. In some part of the world, tea_ with milk and sugar. (1993) A

13、. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served17. The pen I _ I _ is on my desk, right under my nose. (1993) A. think ; lost B. thought ; had lost C. think ; had lost D. thought ; have lost18. -Can I join your club, Dad? -You can when you_ a bit older. (1994) A. get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got19. -Im sorry to have you waiting. -Oh, not at all. I _ here only a few minutes. (1994) A. have been B. had been C. was


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