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1、英语口语竞赛主持串词女:Dear teachers男:Dear students合:Good fternoon!Welcome to the English Oral Reading Contest of Titan. 女:为了丰富校园文化生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,展示我校学生的英语口语水平,提高学生口语交际能力,促进学生开口学英语良好氛围的形成,特组织这次比赛。男:First, Let me introducentrdjus todays, todays judge dd, Mrs. Nie, Mrsmsz. Xu, Mrs. Zhao , Mrs.Li, Miss.liu,Mr.zhu

2、.女:(今天,我们请到的评委有聂老师,徐老师,赵老师,李老师,刘老师,朱老师。)女:OK, after introducing our judges, now lets go over the rules of the competition.(介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则吧。) 男:Today, there are all together 18 tellers to compete here. Lets welcome them all here.女:今天,我们共有18位参赛选手。现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们。男:First, Each of the contesta

3、nts will have 3 minutes to performprf:rm. You should speak out without the paper in your hand.Second, while one contestant is performing, the following one should be ready.女:每一位选手将有三分钟时间进行朗读。朗诵时请注意脱稿。当上一位选手在朗诵时,下一位选手需提前做好准备。男:Third, during the contest, the highest and the lowest scores for each cont

4、estant will be removed, and then the average score is the final score. 女:比赛过程中,每位选手的最后得分计算方法是:去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,然后求平均分作为该选手的最终得分。男女:And now, the contest will begin. 现在比赛即将开始。女:Now, lets welcome our teller No.1 from Class . Contestant NO.2 please get ready.男:欢迎我们的来自 班级一号选手。有请二号选手。女:Thank you for contesta

5、nt No.1s performance prf:rmns。Now, lets welcome contestant No.2男:感谢一号选手。现在欢迎2号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.2s performance from Class . 。Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.1 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢2号选手。我将宣布一号选手得分是恭喜!女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.3 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自

6、 班级的三号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.3s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.2 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢3选手,我将宣布的是2号选手的得分。恭喜!女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.4 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的四号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.4s performance.Here, I would like to announce

7、 the score of contestant No.3 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢4号选手,我将宣布三号选手的得分。恭喜!女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.5 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的5号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.5s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.4is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢5号选手,我将宣布4好选手的得分是 ,恭喜!女: th

8、ank you,-lets welcome NO.6 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的6号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.5s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.4 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢6号选手,我将宣布5号选手的得分 ,恭喜!女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.7 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的7号选手。女:Thank you for contestant N

9、o.7s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.6is XXX. Congratulations!男:感谢7号选手,我宣布一下6号选手的得分,恭喜! 女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.8 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的8号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.8s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.7 is XXX.

10、Congratulations! 男:感谢8好选手,我宣布7号选手的得分 ,恭喜。女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.9 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的三号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.9s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.8 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢9号选手,我宣布8号选手的得分 ,恭喜。女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.10 from Class

11、男:感谢,有请来自 班级的10号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.10s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.9 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢10号选手,我宣布9号选手的得分 。恭喜!女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.11 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的11号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.11s performance.Here, I would li

12、ke to announce the score of contestant No.10is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢11号选手,我宣布10好选手的得分 。恭喜!女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.12 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的12号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.12s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.11 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢12号选手,

13、我宣布一下11号选手的得分 ,恭喜! 女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.13 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的13号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.13s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.12 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢12号选手,我宣布一下12号选手的得分 ,恭喜!女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.14 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的1

14、4号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.14s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.13 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢14号选手,我宣布一下13号选手的得分 ,恭喜! 女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.15 from Class 男:感谢,有请来自 班级的15号选手。女:Thank you for contestant No.15s performance.Here, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.14 is XXX. Congratulations! 男:感谢15号选手,我宣布一下14号选手的得分 ,恭喜! 女: thank you,-lets welcome NO.16



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