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1、PEP小学四年级英语下册教学设计Unit 2 what time is it? Part A Lets learn 罗田县骆驼坳中心小学 方 琳 渊Teaching aims: 1、Grasp the new words and phrase: music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch and dinner.2、Recognize and read the sentences: What time is it? Its. Its time for.3、Enable the students to understand th

2、e directive and do the corresponding activities. Such as: Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.Teaching difficulties and importance:Grasp the new words and phrases.Understand the meaning of the new sentences: What time is it? Its nine oclock. Its time forTeaching preparation:A clock, cards, PPT, reco

3、rder and tapesTeaching steps:Step1. Warm-up.1. Sing theTen little Indian boyssong设计意图:欣赏歌曲,使学生听着节奏欢快的音乐、看着诱人的画面、做着自编的动作。这样既能集中学生的注意力,又能复习旧知。在这种氛围感染下把轻松与愉快带给课堂。2. Play a number game to review some numbers:Ask students to read the numbers. Then put the numbers:12 .3. .9. 6. on the blackboard. And draw

4、 a circle. Then the teacher asks: What is it?Ss: It is a clock. (help them answer) teach the new word: clock.Students read the word one by one.设计意图:以游戏的形式复习数字,通过旧知识的滚动引出新知,自然巧妙的呈现出与本课内容相关的钟。 通过钟面呈现课题:What time is it? Step2. Presentation.1.T: Now from the clock, we know it can tell us : the time(help

5、 answer)Present the word: time , teach the word. Then show the sentence: what time is it?Its 6 oclock.(teach the word: oclock) students read together.2.Ask and answer.S1: What time is it? S2: Its 12 oclock.设计意图:利用课件和学生自制的钟面出示不同时间,通过师生问答,生生问答等不同的形式,操练What time is it ? Its _oclock.3. Game Who can say

6、the time quickly?Ask students to point out the time 设计意图: 通过运用时间卡片进行游戏操练,让学生在游戏中真正学会运用英语,完成语言点的学习和操练4. Show the pictures: T: What time is it?S: Its 7 oclock.T: Its time for breakfast. (Show a picture of eating breakfast)Repeat: Its time for lunch/dinner.设计意图:一方面让学生更熟练地操练句型What time is it ? Its _oclo

7、ck.另一方面运用课件更直观 、更形象呈现新授单词,易于学生理解单词的意思,强化重点内容,化解教学难点,同时为学习lets do 部分打下基础 。5. Lets chant. What time is it? Its 7 oclock. Its time for breakfast. What time is it? Its 12 oclock. Its time for lunch. What time is it? Its 6 oclock. Its time for dinner.6. Listen and read P15 Ss listen to the tape and read

8、together设计意图:试听跟读以及上面的说唱可以让学生打下良好的语音基础,并且培养学生良好的学习习惯,注意力高度集中。7. Show a picture of Zhang Pengs day. Today, Zhang Peng does different thingsT: What does Zhang Peng do on that day? Lets see together.(Present the picture of the clock)T: What time is it?Ss: Its 7 oclock.T: Its time for breakfast.Teach: t

9、ime for breakfast, drink some milk.(read and do the action)Let students read and do the actions(The picture of Zhang Pen having English class)T: What time is it?Ss: Its 9 oclock.T; Its time for English class.设计意图:采用实物、图片来学习词组,以激发学生的求知欲望,调动其积极性。Teach: time for English read and writeRepeat: time for l

10、unch have some chicken Time for dinner eat some rice Time for P.E. jump and run Time for music sing and dance设计意图:通过老师的领读和听音跟读让学生掌握正确的发音,也为下面的Lets do 部分做好铺垫。Step3. Practice. (1). Lets do播放“Lets do”部分的媒体资源,让学生随视频边说做出相应的动作。 设计意图:Lets do能够促使学生全身心地投入到活动中,也培养了学生各种机能的协调发展。lets do部分中有的单词已经在新授的时候提及过了,故这里没有进

11、行重点教学。让学生在紧张的学习后得以放松,同时对本节课的重点词组又以全身反应法加以巩固。(2).Game: “Wolf , what time is it?”为了将本课句型的应用做进一步的拓展延伸,我设计了学生熟悉并感兴趣的老狼几点钟的游戏. 游戏以小组合作展开,两人一组分别模仿老狼和小羊的语调和动作。表演时利用 具体时间和动作活动的短语卡片练习句型What time is it? It s 7/12/6 oclock. Its time for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 设计意图:活动为学生对语言的应用设置了一个平台,学生们突破心理障碍,踊跃上台表现自我,展示自我。引导

12、学生将所学知识转化为语言运用技能,体现教材来源于生活又运用于生活中的理念。Step4. Sum-up.Read the words and sentences together.设计意图:通过朗读总结本课的单词及句型,学生进一步巩固新知。 Step5.Homework:1.Read the new words and sentences. 2.Preview P152. Design a timetable设计意图:该任务为学生提供了一个框架,也提供了一个示范,让学生会想、会做、会说,为学生英语综合能力的表现提供了一个平台。Bb design: Unit2 What time is it? A

13、 lets learn What time is it? It s o clock. (one ten) It s time for.( breakfast,English class,lunch,music class,P.E. class ,dinner)教学反思:本节课是四年级下册第二单元第一课时,本课时以围绕时间为话题,谈论具体点时间所从事的活动。 1.设计了丰富多彩的教学活动。从复习旧知,讲授新知,到实际运用拓展延伸,环环相扣,多变化,少机械,多感官的实践活动,有效地调动学生的积极性,既重视知识的形成变化,又注重学生的思维发展 2.创设情境,全方位锻炼学生综合运用语言的能力课堂上我充

14、分利用了许多媒体课件的优势和巧妙的设计游戏,让学生在游戏中学知识,使整堂课活跃起来,避免了枯燥无味的教学,使学生愿学,乐学,学生兴趣盎然。 3采取任务型教学。课堂上训练了动手能力和自主合作学习能力,陶冶了艺术情操。学生对这六个单词和词组掌握比较熟练,并能灵活运用这一句型。实现了任务目标,提高他们的表达能力和综合素质。 不足之处,这节课我引导的比较多,在情境创设、自主合作学习和角色表演方面还需精心设计,让更多的学生积极参与活动。在今后的教学上要勤于思考,及时调整教学方法,解决教学中出现的问题,并且通过反思在理论上有更深刻的认识。有道是“教无定法”,我将不断探索学习,钻研新课标,提升自己的业务水平,做一位充满智慧与人格魅力的英语老师。


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