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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes一、 将下列生词和短语的英语表达方式写在右边的横线上。1. 爆发,爆裂_ 2. 破坏_3. (使)震惊,震动_ 4. 救援,营救_5. 使陷入困境_ 6. 埋葬,掩埋_7. 立刻,马上_ 8. 结束,终结_9. 严重受损,破败不堪_ 10. 掘出,发现_11. 死者_12. 仿佛,好像_13. 有臭味的_14. 组织_15. 遮蔽处_ 16. 无用的_17. 灾难_ 18. 电_19. 评价低,看不起,觉得不怎么样_20. 吹走_ 21. 代替_22. 倒塌_23. 成千上万的_24. 陷在 上面_二、重点单词及词组1. burst (过去式:burst;

2、过去分词:burst)(1) vi 爆裂,爆发The ballon suddenly burst.(2) burst into + n / burst out doing sth 突然 (易考点)翻译: 她突然大笑起来。_ _ (1) (C)n 破裂,爆发A burst of laughter.2. ruin (1) vt 毁灭,毁坏翻译:吸烟过量毁坏了他的健康。(吸烟过量:heavy smoking)_ 该岛已经毁在旅游业了。(旅游业:tourism)_ (2) (C) n. 废墟(常用复数)(u)毁灭The ruins of ancient Rome. 古罗马遗迹翻译:The news m

3、eant that the ruin of all hopes._ (3)in ruins 成为废墟的,荒芜的近义词:destroy damageDamage destroy ruin3.【1】 injure vt 弄伤, 使 受伤,一般指由于意外或事故而受伤;损害(名誉等);伤害(感情)injured adj 受伤的 injury 受伤,名词【2】hurt vt (1)使受伤,伤害 一般用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害。He hurt his leg while playing football. 他踢足球时伤了腿。I didnt hurt your pride on purpo

4、se. 我不是故意伤害你的自尊心。You should not hurt your parents. 你不应该伤你父母的心。(2)弄疼。You hurt me, loosen your hands. 松手,你弄痛我了。Vi 疼痛 My feet hurt when I walk. 我走路时脚痛。n 伤害肉体上的伤害痛苦 No one suffered any hurt in the accident. 在这场事故中没有人受伤。精神上的痛苦创伤 It was a severe hurt to her pride. 这对她的自尊心是一次严重的伤害。【3】Wound vt 使受伤, 伤害 The t

5、hief wounded her in the arm with his knife.小偷用刀子扎伤了她的手臂。n. 创伤; 伤口; 伤痕 外伤,如枪伤,刀伤,剑伤,尤指在战争中、战斗中负伤。Apply some medicine to his wound.给他的伤口上点药吧。Wounded adj 受伤的完成句子(1) Actually, she felt quite_ at your words.(2) The robber_ the official with a sharp knife.(3) The driver was slightly_ in the accident.1. sh

6、ock (1)vt/vi (使) 震惊,(使)震动The scene shocked her.(2) n 震惊,休克The news was a great shock to us. 那个消息给我们很大的震撼。He died of shock. 他死于休克。(4) shocked 感到震惊的 shocking 令人震惊的we felt_ at the _ news.三、重点句型句式What do you think will happen before an earthquake?特殊疑问词+do you think/ believe/ consider/ suppose/expect+其它(

7、1) 当特殊疑问词做主语时,do you think/ believe/ consider/ suppose/expect 做插入语,可以去掉。(2) 当特殊疑问词做非主语(宾语、状语)时,do you think/ believe/ consider/ suppose/expect 不可以去掉,其后要用陈述句式。例如:who do you think will win the game? 你认为谁会赢这场比赛?Where do you believe he will go? 翻译:你觉得是什么使她成为一个如此著名的女人?_ 你认为他昨天干什么了?_ Unit4 答案:一1. burst 2.

8、 destroy 3. shock 4. rescue 5. trap 6. bury 7. immediately 8. at an end 9. in ruins 10. dig out 11. the died 12. as if 13. smelly14. organise 15. shelter 16. useless 17. disaster 18. electricity 19. think little of 20. blow away 21. instead of 22. fall down 23. thousands of 24. be trapped in二、1.(2)She burst into laughter. She burst out laughing.2. (1) Heavy smoking ruined his health. The island has been ruined by tourism.(2) 这个消息意味着我们所有的希望都破灭了。3. (1)hurt (2 ) wounded (3) injured 4. shocked shocking 三、 What do you think made her such a famous woman? What do you suppose he did yesterday?


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