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1、沪教版六年级英语上学期单词拼写知识点练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意和首字母提示,填写单词。1. The book is mine. It has my n_“Tom” on it.2. At night we can see many Christmas l_on our house.3. Yesterday I helped Jenny p_up the Christmas tree.4. Christmas is in w_, so we can see snow during the time.5. People usually sing Christmas s_on Christ

2、mas Day.2. 根据句意和首字母或图片提示写单词。每空一词。1.Amy is a good_(女孩). Shes quiet.2.On_(周五), Ill read a book. 3.Maomao is going to_a story aloud at the party.4.Dan helps sick people. He is a_.3. 用括号中的词的适当形式填空。1.We should _(eat) fruit and vegetables every day.2.MrGreen_(drink) too much yesterday.3.There are _(step)

3、in the swimming pool.4.It often _(rain) in summer.5.Dongdong often_(watch) TV at home on Sunday.6.They_(have)an English lesson now.4. 根据所给图片填上合适的单词。 (1)The workers useto make a house(2)There are many tallin the city(3)Where did you put the? I need some to light the candles(4)Plant moreto make our ci

4、ty beautiful and clean(5)Thickis over thereThere must be a fire5. 根据句意及单词首字母提示写单词,完成下列句子。1.Hisgrandfatherisaw_.2.Samisgoodatf_kites.3.ThestudentsofClass12runf_thanthestudentsofClass11.4.Thisshirtismine.Thatoneish_.5.ItsChildrensDay.Allthestudentsareverye_.6. 写出下列动词的过去式。(1)ride_ (2)hurt_(3)fall_ (4)e

5、at_(5)go_7. 用be动词的适当形式填空。( )1.I_anEnglishteachernow.( )2.HelenandNancy_goodfriends.( )3.Look,there_lotsofsheepthere.( )4.Today_thesecondofJuly.( )5.Allthestudents_veryexcited.8. 根据汉语提示写单词。(1)I cant _ (穿) it.(2)It was a book _ (关于) space travel.(3)They decided to make a _(纸) spaceship together.(4)She

6、 was _(十分) happy.(5)They saw_(许多) pictures of spaceships from China.(6)It was a _(红色的) pen.9. 看图,根据所给首字母补全单词。1p_ 2t_3c_ 4a_5p_10. 写出下列动词的过去式。catch_ do_eat_ get_tell_11. 看图写动词-ing形式。_ _ _12. 看图写单词或词组。1._ 2._3._ 4.(十字路口)_13. 写出下列单词的相应形式。1. child(复数)_ 2. one (序数词)_3. many(比较级)_ 4. those(对应词)_5. big(比较级)_ 6. down(反义词)_7. feet(单数)_ 8. become (ing)_9. sez(看音标写单词)_ 10. longer(反义词)_14. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1Mum is c_eggs in the kitchen.2Its very warm in s_.3I p_on my shorts rand T-shirts in summer.4We i_our friends to our house for the New Years Day.5There is a book on the f_.15. 看图写词组。 _ _ _页码 / 总页数


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