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1、 新版 8B Unit 3 Welcome1. use的用法 use for 用作e.g. We used the seals fur for coats. 我们用海豹皮做大衣。 used to do 过去经常e.g. We used to grow vegetables. 我们过去是种蔬菜的。 use up 用光e.g. By this time he had used up all his savings. be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯做某事 e.g. Im used to taking a walk after supper. 我习惯餐后散步。 be use

2、d to do 被用来做. use out 耗尽 = out of use e.g. These words have already passed out of current use. 这些词现在己不通用。2、look like指外表“看起来像”,既可指人也可指物。 That man looks like our English teacher.那个人像我们的英语老师。 The strange thing looks like a plate.那个奇怪的东西看起来像一个碟子。3、chat with sb和某人聊天 或者have a chat with sb He likes chattin

3、g with an outgoing person.他喜欢与性格外向的人聊天。 speak主要指说社么语言于方式如:She speaks English.她说英语。 say主要指说话的内容如:I am a teacher.he says. talk主要指于什么人说话和谈论什么事情,一般和 to,with,about连用 如 :He likes talking to/with me. He is talking about learning English. tell主要指告诉的内容,也可一和to连用 如 :He tells me a secret.也可以说He tells a secret t

4、o me.say表示说话的内容 speak表示说的方式 说语言等 chat表示聊天 tell表示告诉 inform表示告知 后面介词搭配用Of4、send v. 发送,常用结构send sth to sb意为“把某物寄/送给某 人”,相当于send sb sth. I often send some cards to my friends at Christ mas. = I often send mv friends some cards at Christmas.5、receive 作及物动词,意为“收到,接到”,对应词为send“发 送”。 receive emails意为“接收邮件”。

5、 I received many gifts on my birthday.生日那天,我收到了 许多礼物。 receive 指“收到”、“接到”,表示一种被动的行为;而accept 指“接受”,表示的是一种 主动的行为,并伴随有一种满意或允诺的意味。 He received the present, but he didnt accept it. 他收到了礼物,但没有接受。6、What.for?用来询问目的或功能,当作为询问理由讲时,相当于why。 What did you do that for? = Why did you do that?你为什么那样做? use for用来干什么7、 S

6、earch search是搜寻某个地方或人,指的是搜索的客体的媒介。 search for后面加具体的客体。 search sth for sth在。地方搜,查找。 search sb搜某人的身 search sb for sth在某人身上搜。 search for the little boy到处找寻那个小男孩 如:1、He searched his pockets, but found nothing. 2、He searched his pockets for his keys. 3、We searched the whole forest for the girl. 4、We are

7、on the way searching for truth.Reading Around the World in Eight Hours1、around the world=all over the world, throughout the world2、guide n.向导,导游;指导者;指导;指南(+to);旅行指南(+to)4.入门书,简介(+to) A guide will show you round the Palace. Let conscience be your guide.让良心指引你吧。 及物动词 vt.为.领路;带领O;引导;指导;管理;操纵 Martin gui

8、ded him to the reception-room.马丁将他领到接待室。 He guided the company through the difficulties.他带领公司渡过了难关。 He guided the ship safely into harbor.他驾驶轮船安全入港。3、at the top of可以译作:在最高处的;第一名的是;在最前沿的是 反义词组:at the bottom of 体会on top of the hill at the top of ones voice at在介词里边是是指在某一点(刚好就是那个点),on是指在某一点以上的地方。所以,上边的M

9、M说的没有错,at top three就是第三名那个点,on the top three就是前三名以内,三名以上的所有人。on top of: 在.之上 1) There is a vane on top of the building. 在大楼的顶端有一只风信旗。 2) He watched the game from his perch on top of the wall. 3) On top of borrowing 50, he asked me to lend him my car. 他向我借了50英镑, 此外还向我借汽车. 4) Put this record on top of

10、 the others. 把这张唱片放在其他唱片上面. 5) The farm sits on top of the hill. 那个农场在山顶上.4、click为动词,意为“点击”。作为及物动词时,后直接接名词,表示“点击”。click相当于click on。 Please click the picture.请点击一下照片。 5、world-famous adj.世界著名的;举世闻名的 Xian is a world-famous city for her ancient culture.6、southern 南方的;南部的。作形容词,意为“南方的”,其名词为south,表示 “南方;南部

11、”。 She lives in southern Italy.她住在意大利南部。 south更强调位置或方向,指南面的,或南面方向的。如south pole(南极),South China Sea(南海), south wind(南风) in the southern of比较少,一般是“in the southern part of +地名”和“in the southern +地名”southern做形容词“南方的”,做名词“南方人”。south做形容词和名词都有“南方”的意思。7、thousands of数以千计的。用来表示不确定的数目时,thousand应变为复数,且在后面加s;但当t

12、housand 前有具体数字时,则不能用复数形式。 Thousands of students like his songs.成千上万的学生喜欢他的歌。8、see sb doing sth看到某人正在做某事 When I passed by the KFC, I saw many children eating hamburgers and chips in it. see sb do sth,意为“看见某人做了某事”,强调动作发生的全过程。 同样用法的还有,hear、notice、watch等9、huge是形容词,意为“巨大的”;反义词是tiny . No one can lift the

13、huge stone.谁也搬不起这块大石头。 huge,big与large的区别:huge强调体型,而不是重量。big指具体事物,多指体积大,还可表示“巨大的,伟大的,重要的”等意思,其反义词是little或small。large多指面积之大、人口之多。 10、several意为“几个;数个”,同义词为a few或者some,后接可数名词复数。 This may take several years to build these houses.建成这些房子也许要几年。11、 relax作动词,意为“放松”,其形容词为relaxing“使人放松的”和relaxed“感到放松的”。 How do

14、you often relax yourself? 你常常怎样放松自己?12、be famous for. 是固定搭配,意为“因而出名”,相当于be known for。 Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery. 桂林以其美丽的风景而著名。 be famous as“作为而著名”,后接表示职位、名称的词。 be famous for“因而著名”,后接表人或事物某方 面特点、特长的词。13、so much for sth关于就讲这么多,到此为止 So much for the new words. 生词就学到这里. 14、pick作及物动词,在这里表

15、示“挑选”。pick作动词,还可表示“采;摘”。 You can pick the books you like.你可以挑选你喜欢的书。 Grandpa is picking apples in the garden.爷爷正在果园摘苹果。Grammar1、(be)filled with.被填满,表示状态,相当于be full of The basket is filled with apples. = The basket is full of apples. 2、more than是固定词组,意为“不止;超过”,用在数词前相当于over, 其反义短语为less than“少于”。 More than one girl is there.不止一个女孩在那儿。3、take part in参与,参加 Are you going to take part in th


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