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1、 非谓语动词一不定式原形动词前加to,构成动词不定式。不定式不做谓语,属非谓语动词。 第一节 不定式的时态和语态一、 不定式的时态1、 时态的构成不定式常用的时态有:一般式,完成式和进行式。其构成见表(以do为例):时态构 成一般式to do完成式to have done进行式to be doing2、 时态的用法(1) 一般式的使用范围 不定式所示动作或状态与谓语动词所示的动作或状态同时或几乎同时发生或存在,用一般式,如:I am glad to see you.高兴见到你。I saw her enter the room just now.。我刚见他进房间去了。 不定式所示动作或状态发生在

2、谓语动词所示动作或状态之后,也用一般式,如:My uncle asked me to see him this summer.我叔叔要我今夏去看他。I am glad to take my younger sister to the countryside.我很高兴下星期天带我妹妹到乡下去。(2) 完成式的使用范围不定式所示动作或状态发生在谓语动词所示动作或状态之前,用完成式,如:I am glad to have seen your mother yesterday.我很高兴昨天见到你母亲。He is said to have written a novel about the Long M

3、arch.据说他写了一本关于长征的小说。I regret to have been with you for so many years.我遗憾和你呆在一起这么多年。(3) 进行式的使用范围当谓语动词的动作或状态发生时,不定式动词所示动作正在进行时,用进行式,如:They seemed to be talking about you.他们好像是在谈论你。The two workers pretended to be working hard.这两个骗子假装在拼命工作。You are said to be writing a paper on pollution.据说你正在写篇关于污染的论文。二

4、、 不定式的被动语态1、 被动语态的两种时态不定式被动语态常用于两种时态,一种是一般式被动语态,一种是完成式被动语态,其构成见表(以do为例):被动语态构成一般式to be done完成式to have been done(1) 一般式举例:These students want to be sent to work in our company.这些学生想要分到我们公司工作。(2) 完成式举例:He is said to have been killed.据说他已被杀害了。The assistant seemed to have been fired .这位助手好像被解雇了。三、 不定式的主

5、动语态代替被动语态在下列情况下,不定式可用主语语态代替被动语态:1、 当不定式与最近的名词(代词)有动宾关系,且与句中另一名词(代词)有主谓关系,如:He has nothing to eat.他没有什么东西好吃。I will give you a book to read.我将给你一本书读。I have a lot of papers to type.我有许多文件要打。Would you bring me a bench to sit on? 给我拿条凳子来坐好吗?Please lend me a pen to write with.请借支钢笔给我用用。2、 当不定式在“主语+表语(形容词)

6、”结构中作状语,且句中主语是这个不定式的逻辑宾语时,如:This text is easy to recite.这课很容易背。The washing-machine is too expensive for me to buy.这台洗衣机对我来说太贵了,买不起。3、 当不定式修饰there (here) be引导的句子中的主语时,如:There are two tractors to repair.有两台拖拉机要修理。Here is baby to take care of.有个婴孩要人照顾。当然也可用被动语态,如:There is nothing to fear(to be feared )

7、.没有什么好怕的。句中不定式如有逻辑主语,则只能用主动语态,如:There is nothing for us to fear.我们没有什么可怕的。4、 to let, to blame,等不定式一般只用主动语态,如:The house is to let.房子要出租。I am to blame .我要受责的。 第二节不定式的语法功能一、 做主语(1) 直接用作主语,如:How to get rid of these things is a big problem.如何清除这些东西是个大问题。Not to have a correct political point of view is li

8、ke having nor soul.没有正确的政治观点,等于没有灵魂。(2) 用it代替不定式作形式主语,如:It is good to see all my teachers and friends again.又能见到老师和朋友有多好。It is bad manners to be rude to people.对人粗鲁是不礼貌的。It is important for us to keep the balance of nature。对我们来说保持自然界的平衡是很重要的。How much did it cost you to send the telegram?发这封电报花了你多少钱?

9、It made us very happy to hear from him.收到他的信使我很高兴。二、 作宾语1、 可用不定式直接作宾语的动词Want,like,wish,hate,prefer,hope,continune,refuse,manage,try,ask,offer,start,forget,promise,mean,pretend,begin,decide,learn,agree,care,choose,determine,expect,afford等动词可直接接不定式作宾语,如:The crops begin to grow.庄嫁开始生长。Jenney tried to e

10、xplain.詹妮试图解释。The boy pretended to have finished it.男孩假装做完了它。He decided to do some experiments to test Aristotle is theory.他决定做实验来证明亚里士多德的理论。He wanted to have a cup of tea.他想喝下午茶。2、 需要it代不定式作宾语的动词find, make, think, consider ,feel等动词不能直接接不定式做宾语,需要it代不定式作形式宾语,如:He found it important to study the situa

11、tion in China他发现研究中国的形势很重要。This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.这就使得工农业必须迅速发展。I thought it impossible to arrive there in half an hour.我认为半小时到达那儿是不可能的。I feel it my duty to say that you are wrong.我觉得我有责任说你是错的。三、 作宾补1、 不定式作宾补(1) John asked me to help him with

12、his lessons this evening.约翰请我今晚帮他复习功课。He ordered the hunter to bow before his hat.他命令猎人在他的帽子前鞠躬。(2)make ,have ,let等使役动词以及see ,watch, notice, observe, look at, feel, hear, listen to 等感官动词可接不定式作其宾语的补语,但在主动语态中,不定式中的to应省略去,如:I can let you have one ticket.我能让你得到一张票。It made her feel better.这使她感到好多了。Listen

13、 to me read the text.听我读课文。但在被动语态中,这个to不能省,如:The boy was seen to fall suddenly from the tree.人们看到这个小孩突然从树上掉下来。Was the thief noticed to leave the house? 有人看见贼离开这幢房子吗?四、作状语 作目的状语,如:In those days people seldom did experiments to test their ideas.在那个时候人们很少做实验来检验他们的想法。She did all she could to save him.她尽

14、自己所能来救他。To master a language, words and grammatical rules are not enough.要掌握一门语言,光单词和语法规则是不够的。 作结果状语(表示意料之外的结果),如:They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet.他们搬起石头砸自己的脚。 作原因状语,:在某些表示喜、怒、哀、乐等的形容词后作原因状语。如:Im sorry to hear your grandma is ill.听到你奶奶生病真遗憾。Im surprised to see you here .在这里见到你,真让

15、我感到吃惊四、 作表语不定式作表语很普遍,如:Her wish is to become a nurse.她的志愿是当个护士。So all the driver could do was to go back home.司机能干的就是回家。To him the most important thing is to save lives.对他来说,最重要的事就是救命。注意:在很多情况下,不定式作表语可转换为做主语,如:His job is to raise pigs.= To raise pigs is his job.养猪是他的工作。五、 作定语1.不定式作定语与它所修饰的名词存在下列三种关系: 动宾关系:不定式所修饰的名词是这个不定式的逻辑宾语,如:Has the visitor had anything to eat? 来访者吃了东西了吗?The cadre told me that he had an important meeting to attend.这个干部告诉我他有个重要的会议要参加。注意:如果这个不定式是不及物动词,他后面应有必要的介词


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