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1、 - 中国首家承诺学习效果的在线教育公司高考英语全国卷完形填空 Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top 1_, but on their way back conditions were very 2 . Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon 3 alone, he would prob

2、ably get back 4 . But Simon decided to risk his 5 and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳). As they 6 down, the weather got worse. Then another 7 occurred. They couldnt see or hear each other and, 8 , Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁). It was 9 for Joe to climb bac

3、k or for Simon to pull him up. Joes 10 was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. 11, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to 12 . In tears, he cut the rope. Joe 13 into a large crevasse(裂缝) in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He cou

4、ldnt walk, but he 14 to get out of the crevasse and started to 15 towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers 16_. Simon had 17 the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be 18 , but he didnt want to leave 19_. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joes voice. He c

5、ouldnt 20 it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive.1.A.hurriedlyB.carefullyC.successfullyD.early2.A.difficultB.similarC.specialD.normal3.A.climbedB.workedC.restedD.continued4.A.unwillinglyB.safelyC.slowlyD.regretfully5.A.fortuneB.timeC.healthD.life6.A.layB.settledC.wentD.looked7.

6、A.damageB.stormC.changeD.trouble8.A.by mistakeB.by chanceC.by choiceD.by luck9.A.unnecessaryB.practicalC.importantD.impossible10.A.heightB.weightC.strengthD.equipment11.A.FinallyB.PatientlyC.SurelyD.Quickly12.A.stand backB.take a restC.make a decisionD.hold on13.A.jumpedB.fellC.escapedD.backed14.A.m

7、anagedB.plannedC.waitedD.hoped15.A.runB.skateC.moveD.march16.A.aroundB.awayC.aboveD.along17.A.headed forB.travelledC.left forD.returned to18.A.deadB.hurtC.weakD.late19.A.secretlyB.tiredlyC.immediatelyD.anxiously20.A.findB.believeC.makeD.accept答案与解析:1. C.根据文章第一句话中的“the first people to climb”可知,他们肯定成功

8、到达了山顶,故选C。hurriedly匆忙地;carefully小心翼翼地。2. A.根据空格后面的“Joe fell and broke his leg”可知,当时情况很艰难,故答案选A。similar相似的;special特殊的;normal正常的。3. D.分析语境,Joe受伤了,如果Simon一个人走的话,肯定是能够安全回去的;climb是爬,根据文章,这个时候应该是下山,所以不选;work和rest意思不对,故答案选D。4. B.分析语境,Simon没有受伤,如果他一个人走,肯定是可以安全回去的,故答案选B。unwillingly不情愿地;slowly缓慢地;regretfully后

9、悔地。5. D.根据空格后“and try to lower Joe down”可知,Simon并没有放弃,而是冒着生命危险去帮助Simon,risk his life,冒着生命危险,故答案选D。6. C.根据前面可知,他们正在下山,go down下山,所以答案选C。liedown 躺下;settle down定居;look down俯视。7. D.分析语境,空格前的another意思是“另一个”,前面讲的是Joe腿受伤了,这是一个问题,所以another后面应该也是问题,所以答案选D。或者根据空格后面的内容“他们看不见彼此也听不见彼此”可知,另一个麻烦出现了。damage损害;storm风暴

10、。8. A.分析语境可知,因为天气状况较差,两人互相之间看不见,Simon在用绳子下降Joe的过程中误将Joe降到了峭壁下,因此答案选A。by mistake 错误地;by chance 偶然;by choice自愿;by luck侥幸。9. D.分析语境,在那种恶劣的情况下,想要把Joe从悬崖边上拉回来几乎是不可能的,所以答案选D。unnecessary不必要的;practical实用的;important重要的。10. B.分析语境,此时Joe挂在悬崖边上,他的重量将Simon慢慢地拉向悬崖,故答案选B。height高度;strength力量;equipment装备。11. A.分析语境,

11、根据空格后“经过一个多小时的努力”,最后,Simon得做出决定了,finally最后,故答案选A。patiently耐心地;surely肯定地;quickly快速地。12. C.分析语境,Simon最后得做出决定了,make a decision做决定,故答案选C。stand back退后;take a rest休息;hold on坚持。13. B.根据空格前面内容,Simon含着泪切断了绳子,Joe就掉下了悬崖,故选B。jump跳;escape逃跑;back后退。14. A.分析语境可知,Joe后来爬出了裂缝,manage to do sth.表示成功做到故答案选A。plan打算;wait等

12、待;hope希望。15. C.根据空格后的内容可知,Joe回到了营地,但是他的腿受伤了,所以用move最合适,故本题答案选C。run跑;skate滑冰;march行军。16. B.分析语境,Joe好不容易才回到营地,可见路途遥远,ten kilometers away意思是“10公里远”,故答案选B。17. D.分析语境可知,Simon已经回到了营地,故答案选D。head for前往;travel旅游;leave for动身前往。18. A.分析语境,Joe从悬崖上掉了下去,Simon以为他死了,所以答案选A。hurt受伤;weak虚弱的;late迟到的。19. C.分析语境,Simon以为Joe已经死了,按常理来说他会马上回家的,根据空格前面的but可知,Simon并没有马上回家的打算,故答案选C。secretly秘密地;tiredly疲惫地;anxiously焦虑地。20. B.分析语境,Simon觉得Joe已经死了,但是大半夜听见了Joe的声音,肯定是不敢相信,故答案选B。find发现;make制作;accept接受。完形必备词汇:manage to do sth.想方设法做到head for前往-高考不提分,赔付1万元,关注快乐学了解详情。


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